My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1384: Bodhi No Tree


The words of extermination of Lao Ni directly stunned Palace Master Jiujiang and Fairy Miaoyun--

There are not many things that can make the saint dumbfounded. Su Jin now closes his eyes, the Buddha's light is blooming all over, sitting cross in the air, his hands clasped together, and he does not make people see that he is the world-zun.

Palace Master Jiujiang and other saints have extraordinary eyesight. After Old Ghost Xu's stone human body struck Su Jin's body, he found that the stone man's hand directly waved through the air and passed directly through Young Master Su's body.

Under the closer look of all the saints, where is the light of Buddha emanating from Su Jin's whole body!

The bright golden light is clearly a series of detailed scriptures. As Su Jin muttered words, these scriptures engulfed him as if he had escaped from this space, causing Old Ghost Xu to strike into nothing!

He escaped the fatal blow of Old Old Ghost Xu and was unscathed!

Old Ghost Xu was stupid and couldn't believe it. His saint stone body stood there for a while, staring in a daze at Su Jin, who was more than two meters above the ground and chanting sutras in the air, without saying a word.

The saints are dumbfounded, let alone the crowds of thousands of onlookers? The scene was almost silent, reaching the point where the needle drop could be heard.

It's incredible!

Just now Su Jin uttered a lot of words, and the words that he uttered madly seemed to be lingering in everyone's ears, if Old Ghost Xu couldn't destroy his cultivation base, Su Jin was his father!

From what I just saw, this sentence is too arrogant, but now everyone’s backs are chilly, including the ten saints at the scene, too, if you think carefully...

"Impossible! Impossible!" Xu Laogui suddenly went crazy, with a savage expression on his face, and once again swept towards Su Jin, the saint's stone body erupted with unimaginable fierce power, and he punched again!

The saint can destroy the void with one punch!


The void where Su Jin was located was exploded by Old Ghost Xu, and a black and white abyss appeared in the void, which was bottomless, like the big mouth of a demon that swallowed all things, with cracks constantly being born, stitched, reborn, and stitched again. .

However, Su Jin's posture remained unchanged, and he still recited the Scriptures. The result was the same as the first time that Old Ghost Xu shot. The stone man punched directly through Young Master Su's body, and it didn't work!

The scene took a breath of air-conditioning——

If Old Ghost Xu despised Su Jin's strength just now and had reservations, then this blow was definitely the strongest blow of the saint, but it still couldn't even hurt a single hair of Young Master Su!

In addition to Palace Lord Jiujiang, Fairy Miaoyun, and Extinct Lao Ni, the seven saints of Shaoyang Sect and Evil Dragon Valley immediately trembled in their hearts. A true and dangerous feeling of the saint's fall enveloped their hearts, including Xu Laogui. Seven people, their faces are very ugly!

"How could this be?" The crowd of thousands of onlookers made a noise.

"Can receive two blows from the pinnacle saint without any injuries, what is the situation?"

"He is not arrogant, he is sure to dare to directly challenge the seven saints!"

"The extinct Lao Ni of the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom knelt down to Su Jin, and shouted "Tathagata Buddha". Isn't the "Tathagata Buddha" already sitting? Is he really the reincarnation of the Tathagata?"

"It's terrible. After this battle, his momentum will be unstoppable and he will be completely famous. I am afraid that hundreds of thousands of miles away will know the result of this battle and become famous all over the world."

There was still such a clear stream among the onlookers, and hundreds of female Su Jin fans had already burst into tears. From worry to excitement, there were many female sisters covering their mouths and crying. With Su Jin's name, there is no lack of pride in his tone!

Why proud?

The saint is beyond the two realms of Su Jin, but he can't hurt him a single hair! What's more, this is too bullying, and now I have the joy of slapped face!

In front of Zihuangfang's palace passage, Long Yingru stared blankly, and slowly said, "Is this his trump card?"

"Who is he?" Fairy Bicheng couldn't help being curious.

"It doesn't matter who he is! It's enough if he is my boss!" The Emperor Shaoman became energetic, and his heart was relieved, and he was really happy.

Linglong Aoxue didn't speak, Liu Shuangwu was already excited and clinging to the corridor railing, nervous to death.

And on the battlefield.

Xu Laogai looked jealous, and shouted: "You are not Su Jin, who are you!"

"Bodhi does not have a tree, and a mirror is not a platform. There is nothing in the first place, where can the dust be caused."

As he spoke, Su Jin's hands were still folded, and he slowly opened his eyes, with Buddha-nature in his eyes, and calmly said again: "The seven donors have been contaminated with too much red dust and are embroiled in hostility. It is not beneficial to practice for a long time. There is a good place, you wait for a hundred years to sit still, naturally the six roots are pure, the eyes are enlightened, and the realm can be crossed. Are the seven donors willing to yearn for?"

"No! My birthday is less than fifty years..." Old Ghost Xu was shocked, and when he saw'Su Jin' raise his hand, his back suddenly became cold.

The other six sages of Shaoyang Sect and Evil Dragon Valley also had numb scalp and went back several steps.

In an instant, the seven saints who felt the danger turned into saint stone bodies, thousands of people directly outside, filled the air and wanted to escape.

But this was all in vain. Su Jin Heshi's hands were gently separated, and a white mist space spread out from his hands...

The crowd in the audience directly felt aroused, cold...very cold!

A golden Buddha palm appeared, huge and unmatched, and instantly pinched thousands of stone bodies, the seven saints did not even have the power to resist! Trapped in the palm...

Immediately,'Su Jin' placed the seven saints among them. With good eyesight, one can see that there is a large hall in that space. There is a plaque on the main hall with the words'Mingshan Buddha Hall' written on it.

Dust returns to dust, soil returns to soil. Everything was clean, Su Jin folded his hands together, and the white mist space naturally disappeared from his palm. He looked at the extinct old Ni who was still kneeling down and said calmly: "Are you from the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom?"

"Buddha, the poor nun came from the Buddha Kingdom in the West Heaven." Die Niu responded.

"Before the Tathagata sat down, I was instructed by him that if one day I saw someone from the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom, I would return the brocade robe." With a light wave of Su Jin, a bright Buddha light floated out.

Extinct Lao Ni was shocked, caught it with both hands, moved inexplicably...

Before they could express their thanks, everyone saw Su Jin falling from the air to the ground, and he fell heavily, and then the whole sky was full of the peaceful voice that just said:

"All actions are like dreams and bubbles. Dew is like electricity, so you should watch it like this..."

The expert has gone away.


Su Jin got up from the ground with a grin, and yelled in one direction: "Brother, take your dog when you have time, come to play often--"

No response was received. Su Jin felt really unrighteous. When Old Ghost Xu attacked him just now, he was determined that the King of Tibet would help him. Fortunately, he was right. Who knew that he had directly controlled his body. , Still telling him in my mind that cultivation is hard, everything needs to be done according to his ability, only to help him this time!

Only help him this time? Grandma's!

The crowd at the scene, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the great power who had just subdued the seven saints was not Su Jin himself, but he did not expect Su Jin to pretend to be so, and directly call the powerful brother... so everyone was once again thundered. !

Who is Su Jin? No one wants to know!

Palace Master Jiujiang's tense heart also slowly relaxed, and he took a breath and asked: "Fairy Miaoyun, the method that the great power just displayed just now seems to be a legend..."

Before she finished speaking, Fairy Miaoyun nodded, nodded and took a deep breath, and said the name of the legendary...method!

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