My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1385: I'm tired of being an idol

"In the virtual cold space, the Holy Master can only use the means." Fairy Miaoyun said as she lifted the hair near her ear, she sighed.

"Looking at his calm and graceful display, it must be the peak of the Holy Lord, or the realm of the Holy King, I can't imagine it."

Palace Master Jiujiang is also dejected. He is currently the third step of the saint's power. There are four realms in the saint state. Only after the fourth step can he enter the level of the saint master. In his lifetime, unless there is a great opportunity, he can Not being able to step into the Holy Lord is a problem.

"He majored in Buddhism, and the Tathagata who was just called the West Heaven Buddha Kingdom called his name "Tathagata". These two invincible existences are also known. If you want to come, he should have broken through the realm of the little Buddha and reached the real Buddha secret realm. Unbelievable." Fairy Miaoyun relaxed a little.

"The senior just now must be in the realm of'Buddha'."

Extermination Lao Ni put away the'Jin Lan Kao' in his hand, and said in admiration: "As far as I know, there are records in the Buddha offerings. Judging by the methods used by the Buddha, there is a Mingshan Buddha Temple in the virtual cold space. As expected, I should already know the identity of the other party."


Palace Master Jiujiang and Fairy Miaoyun were shocked.

"King of Ksitigarbha." The voice of exterminating Lao Ni reached the two ears.


Fairy Miaoyun exclaimed, and even Palace Master Jiujiang’s expression was shocked. She never expected Su Jin to have such an'brother'. They had no doubt about the extinction of Lao Ni, because Su Jin just showed it. Some clues can be seen in the situation.

"Yes, Su Jin called the Ksitigarbha King as his younger brother, and asked him to walk around and walk the dog..." Palace Master Jiujiang's face was ashamed of blood, but he was really ashamed.

"That'dog' should be the'True Listening Mythical Beast' in front of the Ksitigarbha Throne." Extermination Lao Ni communicated through voice transmission.

"Yes, it makes sense. As far as I know, no one in the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom can have such a superb Buddhist cultivation."

Fairy Miaoyun thought carefully, but continued to say: "Then Su Jin, who called the King of Ksitigarbha as his younger brother...what is the origin?"

"Su Jin is now very young and talented against the sky. I suspect that he is a reincarnation of a mighty power. Moreover, as far as I know, the King of Ksitigarbha did not even admire the Tathagata in the past. He did not bother to call his elder brother. I only worshipped one person, and only called one person as the eldest brother..." Exterminate Lao Ni is noble, and the Buddha offerings of the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom are not those that she has not seen, and naturally they know more.

"Who do you suspect he is?" Palace Master Jiujiang seemed to be pinched, his old face tense.

"Emperor Huangquan." Exterminating Lao Ni was shocked by his own guess.

"Ah!" Fairy Miaoyun shook her body, trembling in front of her, almost falling from the air in fright.

Palace Master Jiujiang also clenched his fists, and said: "The Ksitigarbha king was once the realm of the Little Buddha Lord. Ten thousand years have passed. He should have broken through to the realm of Buddha. Su Jin is the reincarnation of Emperor Huangquan. Don't disclose it to anyone, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

Fairy Miaoyun and Niu Ni nodded.

If Su Jin knew that the three seniors were speculating on his identity, otherwise he would definitely emphasize that he was not the reincarnation of Emperor Huangquan at all, 100% he was not.

What a pity, what is Young Master Su Jin doing now?

I saw Su Jin pressing his lips with his fingers, blowing kisses at the hundreds of female fans in the crowd...

One, five, ten, twenty.

The female fans screamed.

"Su Jin! Ah~"

"Su Jin! I want to date you..."

"Su Jin! I want to have a monkey with you!"

"Su Jin! I love you! I'm fifteen years old, a disciple of the vitality sect..." The voice of a female fan is very loud, verdant, and very nice.

Later, Su Jin was tired from blowing kisses. Although he was stunned and ostentatious, he felt like a concert. But to be honest, being an idol is so tired...

Su Jin yawned, waved his hands handsomely at the fans, and sang: "That day, we knew you were leaving, and we didn’t say a word. When the midnight bell rang... …"

"When you pack your bags and unload the glory, I can only keep the tears in my heart, and wave my hands vigorously with a slight smile. I wish you a good journey~"

"When you step on the platform and leave alone from now on, I can only bless you deeply and bless you deeply, dearest friend, I wish you a smooth journey~"

Unexpectedly, Su Jin changed his voice to sing, and there was even ninety-nine percent similarity that a certain star sang, and there was no loss of voice at all.


Scream, the crazy scream continues!

As the singing fell, Su Jin lightly stepped on the ground and ejected into the air. 45 phantoms dragged behind him, and after a few turns in the air, people disappeared in the eyes of thousands of people, and there were beautiful songs in the ears. Wandering, Young Master Su didn't see it. Many female fans cried and cried, after all, it is still unknown whether they will see their idols in the future.

Su Jin appeared next to Simei, Shaomanhuang looked like he had seen a ghost, and the eyes of Young Master Su were very different.

"Do you still sing?" Long Yingru felt helpless.

"Singing is a basic skill." Su Jin pretended to have a numb hand, and a folding fan appeared in his hand, with his head held high.

"Very nice." Linglong Aoxue gave a satisfactory score.

"Not bad." Liu Mengwu also said.

Fairy Bicheng glanced at Su Jin and turned his head. He obviously felt that he was singing a good song, but his display skills were greater than his singing skills!

With a hehe, Su Jin immediately climbed onto the shoulders of Long Yingru and Fairy Bicheng, hugged left and right, and kept winking at Emperor Shaoman.

"Boss, I will leave for China tomorrow. In the evening, let's have a good wine chat. I heard that the singing girls here are good. They dance in the flower boats on the river in the city all the year round. See you in the evening..." The Emperor Shaoman understands , Nodded busy and said.

"Sit down for a while." Su Jin's face was calm, ignoring Simei's cannibalistic gaze, pretending to leave a sentence.

The Emperor Shaoman really had no choice but to take Su Jin as a boss. At this time, he still pretended to be a fur, and shook his head directly: "No, I won't disturb the four sisters and the boss."

Su Jin watched the Emperor Shaoman leave, and said to Simei: "I haven't slept well for the whole night, but I feel that I can still have enough physical strength. The four wives should be modest later."

"What is physical strength? What do you want to do?" Fairy Bicheng was put his arms around his shoulders by Su Jin. Hearing the meaning of this, he immediately felt wrong.

"Hahaha!" Su Jin let go of Long Yingru, directly hugged Fairy Bicheng, kicked open the door of the pavilion in front of him, and walked in.

"Ah..." Fairy Bicheng screamed, blushing and struggling constantly.

Long Yingru Sanmei, who followed Su and Jin, could only look at each other with flushed faces, knowing that this day is always coming.

Long Yingru closed the door and asked Linglong Aoxue in a low voice:

"Ao Xue, will it hurt later?"

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