My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1387: For the beauty!

"And then? How do you double repair?"

Long Yingru’s big cute eyes are filled with puzzles. The couple is called Daolu Shuangxiu outside the territory. This pair of cultivation is too one-sided, and the meaning is not clear between the lines. As the princess of Da Zhou, she is really embarrassed to drop her identity to find a court lady. We asked, so now it's just a blank sheet and I don't understand anything.

"Double repair." Su Jin rolled his eyes and said: "Make an analogy, you will understand after listening."

"What analogy?"

"Double repair is like riding a bicycle. A new car will slowly become old, so you have to repair the car frequently." Su Jin admired his imagination.

"What is a car?" Long Yingru became more confused and didn't understand at all.


Su Jin only felt that there was a cold wind blowing around him, and he was embarrassed to death. He had forgotten that he was outside the domain now, who would know the car?

"I'll know later. Actually, I don't have much experience with double repair."

Su Jin spoke earnestly, but no matter how you look at it, it seemed that there was a "false" written on his face.

"Hurry up, and then what do you do--" Long Yingru was excited that he was about to step into a new'field'.

"Don't worry, I'm not in a hurry, you see." Su Jin took off his gorgeous robe, sat on the edge of the bed, bent over and untied the luxurious moss leather boots with both hands, the laces on the boots Somehow, he got around the knot, he fiddled with it for a while, and suddenly became furious, almost wanting to tear the shoelace, and he kept screaming, "Grass mud horse, grass mud horse--"

Long Yingru covered her small mouth and laughed out loud, this guy is not in a hurry...

At this moment, Liu Mengwu quietly opened the door and walked in, and was shocked to see this scene.

"Meng Wu, didn't you say...I'll go first..." Long Yingru asked with a blushing face, naturally asking why Liu Mengwu came in.

Liu Mengwu's lips moved, her voice was very small, "I can't make it--"

"What?" Long Yingru did not hear clearly.

"It won't work!" Liu Mengwu raised her voice and explained, "Someone is looking for Su Jin."

"Damn, it seems that today is not an auspicious day for double repairs!" Su Jin cut off the shoelaces with Liying and hurriedly re-tied them. Although it was a lot shorter, it was a slip knot. He immediately heard Liu Mengwu's words. Depressed: "Who is looking for?"

"Young Sect Master of Qinghuomen, Zhao Haiyang." Liu Mengwu said: "He is waiting for His Highness..."

Su Jin is not surprised. When fighting against the seven great saints, the major forces offered their support. Among them was Zhao Haiyang, the blue fire gate, who still owed himself thousands of spirit crystals...

Although the big forces did not shook the old ghost Xu, there was still this favor, and Su Jin was not embarrassed to see it. When he got up and put on the robe, he found her pouting her mouth, and he even squeezed the dragon. Yingru's face, it was obvious that she was very dissatisfied with someone coming to disturb her.

Stretching, yawning, Su Jin walked out.

Under the watch of Sanmei in the main hall, Su Jin's figure disappeared.

Sure enough, not far from the hall downstairs, Su Jin saw Zhao Haiyang and found that he was looking at the beautiful scenery while waiting for him. This Purple Phoenix Boat is located by the moat. The water and soil are fertile and all kinds of flowers and trees are competing for beauty. pleasant.

"How come Brother Zhao has time to come over?" Su Jin slapped the folding fan in his hand, pretending to be surprised.

Zhao Haiyang turned around and didn't dare to neglect after seeing Su Jin. He walked over humbly and said with a wry smile: "Brother Su is not easy now! He is already well-known and can challenge the saint. Brother this debt... Do you dare to owe it?"

"It doesn't matter if money is not money." Su Jin lowered his voice and saw Zhao Haiyang's low posture in front of him. He couldn't help but continue to whisper: "The key is not the time, it's doing business..."

Zhao Haiyang didn't understand it at first, but finally his eyes lit up and his face was ashamed. He said, "Or, I will avoid it for the time being?"

He was wondering, how could he know that Young Master Su loved this mouth during the day, he was really speechless.

"Let's be barren, Daqing is dead, you tell me this..." Su Jin shook his head.

Immediately Zhao Haiyang waved his sleeves, and a small pile of spirit crystals appeared on the ground. Su Jin didn't even look at it, and waved a folding fan to put away the spirit crystals.

"In addition to paying back the money, the younger brother also has a ruthless request, wanting to ask Brother Su..."

Zhao Haiyang was ashamed. He obviously wanted something, but he didn't say anything later. If Su Jin doesn't have time, he doesn't need to say anything.

"But it's okay to talk." Su Jin smiled.

"There are eight strange stones in the gated area of ​​Qinghuo, and ordinary people cannot approach them. I heard the elders say that evil spirits must appear in the stone. In the past few years, weird things have also appeared in the clan, which has caused the disciples in the clan to panic. The elder heard about Brother Su’s ability, so he wanted Brother Su to take a look. If I can cut these eight precious stones, I will give one or two of them to Brother Su to choose.” Zhao Haiyang said solemnly. .

"How much time does it take to come and go?" Su Jin pondered, and he was also very curious.

"Half a day is enough." Zhao Haiyang nodded. He seemed to be afraid that Su Jin would not go. Knowing that he was busy, he continued: "My junior sister admires you very much. I have always wanted to see you after hearing about your deeds..."

Su Jin smiled and smiled very happily. The last time Zhao Haiyang bought his own materials, he was to create a spiritual treasure for his junior sister. He wanted to look good.

For the beauty, Young Master Su also has to take a trip!

But he didn't know how dangerous this plan was for him, and it was precisely this way, who he was once, and his identity seemed to gradually become clear...

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