My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1388: Green Fire Gate

"Then take a trip."

Su Jin nodded, anyway, it doesn't get in the way. After all, there are too many interruptions during the day, and half a day is not long, and it is not too late to come to comfort Simei at night.

"Thank you Brother Su, do you think we are leaving now, or..." Zhao Haiyang asked hesitantly.

"Start now!"

Su Jin didn't know what this kid meant, he already understood it, even if it wasn't this kid, it is estimated that Palace Master Jiujiang, Fairy Miaoyun and others would come to see him and let him tell some things. After all, fighting against the seven saints alone is already very terrifying, although this is the credit of the Ksitigarbha.

To the brother Ksitigarbha, Young Master Su is still angry now, knowing that he says one thing is true, he will only help this time in the battle of life and death.

"Well, Brother Su, come with me!" Zhao Haiyang was overjoyed and immediately drank, "Changhong!"

He grabbed a blue-black broad sword behind him, pointed it to the sky, and turned into a sword light, flying away in the direction of the north of the city.

Zhao Haiyang was also worried that Su Jin could not be as fast as himself, so he secretly turned his head and took a look, but he was shocked and envious. A shocking scene appeared in his eyes, Young Master Su directly surpassed himself in the air, and the 45 dragging figures behind him couldn't distinguish between reality and illusion, and the light and windy temperament was unimaginable.

"Brother Zhao's speed is not good, can you hurry up?" Su Jin could see, Zhao Haiyang urged without using his full strength.

"Just laughed!" Zhao Haiyang's body was shining brightly, his speed soared a lot, and he felt a sense of rivalry in his heart, because he knew that he was different from others, and the Changhong body technique he cultivated could work with the Changhong sword. Although I dare not say that it is the fastest among my peers, there are not many people who can keep up.

Zhao Haiyang turned his head to look at Young Master Su again, and something that made him even more depressing happened. Originally, his speed soared, but he still moved a distance away from him, but who knows, an angry voice appeared...

Su Jin stepped on the void, his aura rumbling loudly, and directly passed Zhao Haiyang in the next moment...

"Can it be faster?" Su Jin asked.

"Hey, it can't be any faster. Compared with Brother Su, he is still a lot weaker. Looking at Brother Su's ease, can it be faster?" Zhao Haiyang set off a terrible wave in his heart, but he admired Su Jin very much. There is no sense of jealousy.

"Probably it can be increased twice." Su Jin thought for a while.


Zhao Haiyang almost fell horrified.

Su Jin didn't lie, the Lingwu Flying Boat in his sea of ​​anger had not been blessed yet. If it was blessed, it would be considered a small amount of twice the speed out of thin air.

Five minutes later, in the vast sea of ​​clouds, two figures fell...

The scenery at this time is very fascinating. In the distance, there are colorful clouds in the sky, and many mountain peaks below reveal the clouds, which are magnificent and slightly mysterious.

"Brother Su, in front of me is my Qinghuomen residence, the Earthhuo Mountain Range." Zhao Haiyang slowed down and said to Su Jin, who was walking and holding hands not far to his side.

"It's a bit hot."

Su Jin saw a long stretch of scarlet mountain range in the distance, and ground fire was constantly gushing out, and people felt a heat wave before they were near.

However, the Qinghuomen stationed here obviously makes sense. They are the sects of refining alchemy. With the help of the heavens and terrain, they can develop in the direction of higher attainments. Outside this domain, all the magic weapons created by the Qinghuomen, Lingbao is in short supply.

"The temperature where we live is good. It's called Qingshan Mountain." Zhao Haiyang made a small bend in the air.

Sure enough, Su Jin saw a lush mountain not far away. The mountain was not as high as the clouds. It was also several hundred meters high. There were many pavilions and different colors. A plank road winding down the mountain was very different in style. Obviously it is very comfortable to live in.

Su Jin's eyesight was so good, he immediately saw nine ancient furnaces on the top of the mountain! These nine ancient furnaces are all five feet tall, mysterious, and very extraordinary.

"That's the holy treasure of our town gate... Nine Sun God Furnace." Zhao Haiyang immediately explained when Su Jin was attracted by the nine ancient furnaces.

"Yeah." Su Jin's face was indifferent, but his heart was very uneasy.

This green fire door is not simple. If there is a spiritual treasure in the ordinary sect, it can be called a "big sect." Some super sects have holy treasures, but they are all secret. I don't know who carried it or where it was hidden for fear of being robbed. And this Qinghuomen actually placed the'Nine Suns God Furnace' on the top of the mountain grandiosely, which is really puzzled.

Zhao Haiyang fell on the mountainside of the green volcano. The place was extremely flat, which was obviously similar to the existence of a martial arts field. The flat ground was more than fifty meters in radius. Apart from the green pine, there was also a green bamboo forest. The scenery was good.

"Brother Su, please follow me to the Ziqing Pavilion, where the VIP guests are entertained. I will find the elders later and report to him the situation." Zhao Haiyang smiled.

"You go now, with such a wonderful view, I want to stay for a while." Su Jin said his thoughts.

"Will you be negligent..." Zhao Haiyang hesitated.

"No." Su Jin shook his head.

"Well, Brother Su is free to enjoy it."

Zhao Haiyang left for a while and asked the elders to go, and soon disappeared. But Su Jin is happy and leisurely, and the new place has a good view. Naturally, he does not want to wait in any Ziqing Pavilion. But immediately, he frowned, feeling a little unhappy. In that green bamboo forest, two figures disappeared in a flash, for some reason.


Su Jin felt the hostility, he didn't care, he couldn't help holding the folding fan, and started to fan it, planning to start from the martial arts field and wander around.

After the martial arts field, Su Jin walked to the pavilion passage to the right. This passage is wooden, about two meters wide, with railings beside it. On the green bamboo next to it, there are a few birds resembling thrushes on the bamboo branches. Jumping up and down, after crossing this passage, Young Master Su didn't know how far he had walked. He saw a lotus pond with clear water and several artificial rockery gardens beside it.

Su Jin took a few steps forward, but didn't walk in, he even tried a detour...

"Prohibition." Su Jin's curiosity soared, knowing that this was the back garden of the mistress of the wooden building in front of him, his face hesitated, and a black umbrella appeared in his hand...

The soul of the black dragon of the Nine Dragon Umbrella evolved into the soul of the six-claw dragon. After breaking away from the six paths, the six claws can cover the sky, and the limitations of the heavens cannot stop it. He looked left and right, and found no one Note that I also used the tip of the black umbrella to stab the forbidden enchantment and lifted the big corner of my palm...

Immediately, Su Jin was stunned and opened his mouth...

There are beauties inside, and the scene in the enchantment... it turns out to be a beautiful hot spring!

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