Thinking of this, she had to grimace, sighed, squeezed her body and sat up, and said with a small mouth: "Well, if it doesn't work, it won't work. People just do it."

Afterwards, she worked hard again to do the exercise just now.

Su Jin knew that she didn't dare to be lazy, after all, there were indicators, and I didn't know where the machines got them from above. If they didn't meet the standards, this girl would be miserable!

Thinking of this, Su Jin turned to other people's training ground and began to inspect.

After inspecting for a lap, Su Jin had to say that although several other male players had conflicts with him, they were still very serious in training. He didn't bother him when he heard the extreme low growls. , And then began to return to Wu Qiaoqiao's place, sat down to practice the exercises, and began to watch.

On that day, Wu Qiaoqiao's mental power increased from 3.8 to 4.3! ! !

Su Jin does not know how mental power is calculated, but her progress is obvious. If she and Ji Xue continue to practice in this way until this trick does not affect them, then they should also become very good. Bye character!

In this way, the whole day passed. At night, the temperature in the small desert city also began to drop, but it was much higher than Qin Cheng’s. He took out his mobile phone and found that all the signals here were blocked, as the most important secret training. It is normal to do such a move here.

Both Ji Xue and Wu Qiaoqiao's faces were red. They just recovered from their discomfort, but they are still very satisfied with their strength growth, especially Ji Xue! She has obtained Su Jin's strength teaching, although after a special ambiguity, she can be regarded as looking for the right direction!

In the future, whether they sell their lives to the government or go out to work alone, their survival rate will be greatly improved. Of course, the life is still long, and it is not possible to become stronger in one or two days. They also understand this.

Su Jin was sitting alone by the fire in the room, still worried about the situation in Qincheng. Fortunately, he had confidence in the old guy. After all, he had arranged more people in Qincheng than he thought. Point, as he knew that there was a super power behind him, he was relieved a lot.



"Who?" Su Jin did not get up, and his eyes never left the fire.

"It's me." Ji Xue's voice.

"Come in."

The door was just closed at will, not closed, so Su Jin didn't need to get up either.

Su Jin turned his head and looked over until the fragrant breeze filled him.

Ji Xue just changed her clothes. Although water is scarce in the desert, they are not ordinary people, so the guaranteed water source is still available. Now she is wearing a light blue dress, which is a conservative type. , Even the knees were covered, so Su Jin felt that the old-fashioned idea of ​​the skirt was that there was no lace on the skirt, but scattered plum blossoms.

It looks more like a distinctive clan costume!

"Aren't you tired?" Su Jin asked calmly.

"Fortunately." Ji Xuexian is much bolder. Some things are just like this. The more bold you do, the more you may force the other party to show some feet. If she pretends to be too shy, although the atmosphere will be much better, she feels That way, you would not be able to see through Su Jin.

At least, at the moment when her eyes met each other, she knew that this man was pretending to be something, and she didn't know why, she always felt a very high pressure in front of him, not knowing whether it was exerted on others or He carried it, anyway, she knew he was a very strange person.

"Talk about your journey here." Su Jin said.

"Me? I was brought out of the countryside by an old man, there is nothing to say. Let's talk about you." Ji Xue said with a smile.

Su Jin brows lightly, how many people like Ji Xue did the old guy find? Once there are more such people, that kind of power is absolutely sensational. Of course, he naturally understands that the forces in other places are likely to be doing the same thing, and there is no fuss.

The two looked at each other like this, Su Jin felt that Ji Xue was indeed special. If she didn't say it, she would never believe that she was a rural girl, because there was no such kind of temperamental flavor. After watching for a while, he smiled: "The old man should be my master."

"Who is he?" Ji Xue let Su Jin talk about him, and was also a little eager to know the identity of the old guy.

"I don't know, it's mysterious." Su Jin felt that he knew the old guy better than Ji Xue.

Ji Xue nodded, "He is very powerful. It was already twelve years ago when he found me. I was only nine years old. He only found me again recently. I still remember him."

"Nine years old..." Su Jin said with a smile: "You must have been beautiful since you were a kid."

Hearing Su Jin's words, Ji Xue's face instantly flushed, and she shook her head and said, "It's okay."

Su Jin saw that she was a little modest, and some returned to the subject and said: "Then why do you trust him so much and still be received here?"

"Because, how do I say it, it's very complicated. He said that my five elements are lack of wood. I stayed in that place and one day I will die because of this. I told me when I was nine years old. I remember it clearly. He also said that he would come to me in twelve years and take me away..." Ji Xue looked at Su Jin and said.

"So..." Su Jin thought about it carefully after touching her chin and moving from her face to the fire.

Twelve years?

Damn, is it twelve years for Mao? Could it be that the old guy started to arrange it long ago? Just like the following big game.

There was another thing he remembered again, was the series of weird things from Xiaolian made up by coincidence? The more Su Jin thinks about it, the more so-so, the so-so, will he really die in the future? The key twelve years is a coincidence. He and the old guy were released from prison, and the old guy came out to find these people. There was Ji Xue who had just agreed to see you again twelve years later!

Ji Xue said with a smile: "At first, I didn't believe it very much. I knew that my five elements were lacking. But my surname is Ji. My parents said that I was calm, but the old man was very wicked and said I had to find a master tree. People who marry will not die, and I will be taken here with suspicion."

Fate master tree?


Su Jin dumbfounded, his brother's surname is Su! Life is the master! Did the old guy lie to himself a daughter-in-law as early as twelve years ago?

"What's the matter?" Ji Xue looked at Su Jin's expression a little wrong, and asked curiously.

Su Jin's face was embarrassed, but he didn't blush, because these were just what he thought. He wanted to know what the old guy's details were, and he didn't know it, so it might not be the case. indefinite.

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