My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 142: Test power

Thinking of this, Su Jin shook his head: "Nothing, just thought of something else."

"By the way, today's method is quite useful. Although it is a bit uncomfortable, Qiaoqiao and I have stronger mental powers and have recovered. How did you think of it?" Ji Xue asked.

"It's just a bit of a crooked brain. Fortunately, it's useful. I'm ugly if it's useless." Su Jin laughed, and he thought the same way. After all, he hadn't tried it himself, but felt that he was suffering from pain. Later, it was natural for his mental power to increase significantly than before, so he didn't have many surprises.

"Then you are so smart."

Ji Xue sighed. This is the difference. A smart person will think of a shortcut no matter what. Although it is a very inconspicuous thing, most people never think of such a method. This is a typical talent ratio. The reason why others are high.

Su Jin smiled and shook his head, "I looked at the things arranged by your instructor. There are still many very powerful ones. He is not an incompetent person. It should be a virtual battle tomorrow. Go back and rest soon."

"I...not tired yet." Ji Xue hesitated. "How long will you stay here?"

She knew that Su Jin was temporary, and she didn't know why she was worried about it. When she asked, she was a little embarrassed, and seemed to feel that it was not good to ask.

"Ten days." Su Jin said.

"Ah, so short?"

"Well, I have other things. It was a bit of a surprise when I came here this time." Su Jin nodded.

"Is it really an accident?" Ji Xue said.

There was a little shame on Su Jin's face. Could this girl guess what? Could it be that the old guy did it intentionally?

It's so special, it's too bullshit, he won't think about it there.

After this incident, Su Jin felt more and more that the old guy was so powerful that he had started decorating as early as more than ten years. I have to say that this is very powerful.

I chatted with Ji Xue for about half an hour. When he watched the graceful Ji Xue leave, he couldn't help but sighed softly. He felt that Ji Xue seemed to want to say something, but because of his character, he did not say anything. No way, he can’t take advantage of the beauty of other girls and take advantage of these ten days to go out and chaos. After all, he is their instructor now. If he is pointed out by someone behind that he steals, then he won’t I am willing!

Su Jin looked at the fire and fell into contemplation. The two sisters of the Xia family, Zhang Anna, and Lina's daughters appeared in the flames. Finally, he slowly closed his eyes, thinking so much is useless!

Being strong is really strong!

After stabilizing his mind, Su Jin fell into a state of practicing exercises.

The early morning in the desert is one of the most comfortable times. At this time, the two temperatures are entangled, making people feel very comfortable, and this is why Su Jin wakes up at four in the morning.

Although it was not on at this time, the few special players did not dare to be lazy, but they knew that the new instructor was amazing!

At half past four, Su Jin looked at the assembled people in the virtual trial hall, including Ye Dong, a cold and arrogant young man who had no intention of repelling him at this time. He might have learned that he was leaving in a few days. Right.

Virtual trials, of course, can't kill people, but the reality is almost close to real battles. Naturally, some data will be recorded in it. Strength, mental power, including the maximum outbreak state during the battle will be recorded one by one.

At this time, a staff member on one side was forced to get up early at Su Jin's request, especially a middle-aged man with a false white beard.

"Today is a virtual trial. It is also the first day I teach you. This day I will teach you melee skills and reaction skills to find enemy weaknesses. These can improve your probability of survival. Now let me see if you are all suitable. What position?" Su Jin pointed to Xiaopang, "You go to test your current state, I will arrange it."

"What is the instructor doing?" Wu Yang and Zhao Fei both started to mutter.

"I don't know." Zhao Fei was beaten by Su Jin, so he was very afraid of Su Jin and didn't dare to communicate more.

Although Xiaopang was puzzled, he walked to a strength testing machine and hit it with all his strength!

"Strength 850." Su Jin nodded secretly in his heart, if combined with his figure, it is much stronger than ordinary people.

Wu Yang did the same. He was accustomed to these routine tests, but it was the first time for him to test so early. He was thin, but his strength was not weak, reaching the point of 730.

Zhao Fei's power reached 1033, which was unexpected by Su Jin.

Soon, his eyes turned to Ye Dong.

Ye Dong naturally knew that it was his turn, so he went up and punched at random, looking at the peak power chart on the display, Su Jin frowned slightly, Ye Dong's power was 1560!

What is this concept? The concept is that someone can knock down a cow with a full punch!

Seeing this, Su Jin also clearly saw that there was a sense of pride in Ye Dong's eyes, as if he was very dissatisfied with being beaten by him last time.

The two girls were also tested afterwards, and their strength was much smaller, but they have special skills, which can make up for the disadvantages of strength.

"I said, young man, you called us up so early to make trouble, can you hurry up?" The middle-aged man with the white beard is not happy anymore. He never knows these people anymore. He has tested it every day, and he is not too old. difference.

Su Jin gave him a cold look, "Are you not convinced?"

At this glance, the middle-aged man was cold from head to toe, and he did not dare to talk.

"Instructor, you should test it too." Wu Qiaoqiao whispered, making everyone stunned.

Yes indeed! Although this guy is more powerful, several team members know that because he was an instructor that day, they dare not fight back! If you fight back, it's not necessarily who will die!

Therefore, Wu Qiaoqiao's sentence aroused everyone's curiosity, and they all wanted to know how powerful the Su Jin test was!

Su Jin frowned, which seemed a bit bad.

However, looking at Zhao Fei and Ye Dong's dissatisfied eyes, he changed his mind and was relieved.

After that, he did not speak, but strode to the test machine. When he first saw this machine, he also wanted to try it, but in the end he gave up. Now think about it if he can convince the crowd. Not bad.

The others looked at Su Jin with bated breath.

Su Jin turned around and glanced at them, then took a faint glance at the monitor, and then he swiped a fist under the monitor.

This punch is really bad!

At least, that's what other people think.

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