My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 143: Get respect

It feels that he has no punches, so the measured value will be very poor, especially Zhao Fei, almost laughed after seeing it...

But with a bang inside the machine...

Zhao Fei was dumbfounded, the two girls were also dumbfounded, Ye Dong's eyes showed horror...


In the originally quiet test room, all kinds of instruments were making malfunctioning noises.

There was a hint of helplessness in the corner of Su Jin's mouth. He didn't intend to pretend, just a very ordinary punch, and he deliberately controlled his power. Who knew that the machine was broken now, but fortunately, he saw the looks of other people. satisfaction.

The middle-aged man with the snow-white beard is in a hurry at this time. He is responsible here. The test machine has a problem. It is estimated that it will take a long time to fix it. His face is flushed, and the fear in his eyes lists Su Jin as a terrorist. , And said in my heart that he would never provoke Su Jin this big BT again!

Su Jin looked at a few people, "Now we are all in positions!"

The team members did not hesitate anymore and quickly entered the tense start process.

The failure in the field did not cause much trouble. The strength test machine had spare parts. Su Jin lay in one of them while the others were lying in the machine compartments of a certain characteristic.

This kind of test cabin like futuristic machine is a virtual space for communication. Team members can connect to the Internet in real time, and can simulate everything on the senses outside, including the state of the body, which can be displayed.

After a brief period of darkness, Su Jin appeared on a martial arts platform, surrounded by gray areas. The martial arts platform was not large, but it was more than enough for teaching.

Su Jin is still very interested in this virtual sense organ. After all, fighting here will not kill you, but the simulated five senses are very powerful. You can feel pain, weakness, and other states, but he feels that it must have been through Weaken the strength, otherwise the outside self will definitely not be able to stand the kind of CJ, maybe because of this, maybe even hang up!

"What you need most now is the melee skills. Come, let me see what your instructors have taught you." Su Jin said while looking at a row of people standing with his hands folded.

Ye Dong no longer had any pride, and Su Jin really got their recognition at this time. This kind of talent is a real master. They don't have any capital to show off in front of him, so they can only be obedient.

"Ye Dong, you go out." Su Jin said lightly.

Ye Dong stood on the opposite side of Su Jin.

"Show your weapon." Su Jin said.

"Yes." Ye Dong stretched out his hand, and a particularly magnificent short knife appeared in his hand. This short knife was a bit larger than ordinary daggers, but it was not too big and could be hidden in the cuffs.

"Attack me."

Ye Dong didn't hesitate, his body rushed towards Su Jin quickly. He knew that Su Jin was going to let other people watch the essence of it by fighting with him. It seemed that instructor Su still valued him very much. At this point, his impression of Su Jin changed a little.

too weak.

Su Jin shook his head. He knew that this was in the virtual, but it was just to prevent accidental injury. In addition, another function was to enhance their virtual power, that is, if he wanted to, he could make Ye Dong a few times stronger. Fight with him.

Now, it is Ye Dong's own power!

Su Jin looked at Ye Dong who rushed over, so why was he weak? Because of a master, sometimes you can see the gap between each other in terms of speed!

Ye Dong had confidence in his eyes, he believed in his abilities and his skills!


Su Jin didn't entrust him, this was just teaching, and he had to use weapons, so Liying took it out naturally.

There was a hint of shock in Ye Dong's eyes. He had never expected Su Jin to be able to defend his tricky blow so easily. He felt that Su Jin knew where he was attacking in advance, and he defended it without any problems. Apparently, after using his strongest strength, Su Jin still looked indifferent.

This unscientific!

After Ye Dong's thought flashed past, he twisted his body quickly, and the short knife drew towards Su Jin's abdomen.


It is also easy to guard.

Firstly, it was Ye Dong's desperate attack, and secondly, Su Jin was able to guard against it every time.

If the other team members don’t understand, then they are really stupid!

What they saw was that Ye Dong’s skills were not bad, but the gap between the two could be like an adult and a child. They could clearly see that, because Su Jin’s defensive ability was too strong, they had some doubts. Allowing Ye Dong to attack for a day like this, there is absolutely no possibility that Ye Dong can touch Su Jinyi's edge!

Ten minutes later, Ye Dong backed away out of breath, with a trace of madness on his face, which was a sense of frustration! He has never felt like this before that a person can be so strong! Su Jin looked like an insurmountable mountain in his eyes at this time, and he was a little breathless!

Wu Qiaoqiao, who was next to him, showed admiring eyes, Ji Xue's face was flushed, it was obvious that Su Jin had just taught them what an important lesson.

"Why!" Ye Dong didn't understand, and asked with a low growl, he was already questioning his abilities in his heart!

Su Jin stared at him and said faintly: "Because your mental power is not strong, starting today, you and the two female team members will start training mental power."

He was also a little puzzled, Ye Dong’s power is absolutely terrifying, and his skills are not bad, but if he encounters his own level, or an enemy like their previous instructor, there is absolutely no hope of surviving, because he can It is a special feeling to see the opponent's offensive trajectory in a few tenths of a second, so it is normal for him to hit a child.

Ye Dong nodded, his psychological quality is also very strong, if Su Jin is not strong, then it is not their instructor!

A man who can be an instructor is impossible not to be scary!

Time passed in the guidance. Su Jin demonstrated some tricks and the opponent’s offensive skills. There were some previous instructors talked about, but most of the minor issues were not mentioned. For their special players, they are dead. All losses! So a small detail is likely to lead to be killed!

After Su Jin’s detailed explanation, Ye Dong’s relationship with him is getting better and better. After all, they are all their own, and they will admire Su Jin after serving the public, especially when Ye Dong uses it in a virtual space. The machine simulated a strength three times higher than itself, and failed to defeat Su Jin.

The virtual space lecture in the morning just passed, the heat also appeared in the senses as several people woke up.

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