My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 144: Mystery girl

"All go to wash and take a bath, have eaten to exercise their mental strength." Su Jin looked at them and said.

A few male team members had no objection to this. After all, they came to become stronger and could endure more hardship than Wu Qiaoqiao, but they still underestimated the almost inhuman exercise method!

But Wu Qiaoqiao's eyes are mostly gloating. Now she admires Su Jin to death. Now several big men have to do that kind of torture. She really wants to see how they are not strong enough to survive this. Guan, because the pain is definitely heavier than they want!

Several people quickly returned to their dedicated bathrooms. Of course, there are differences between men and women. Although the infrastructure in the small desert city is very poor, they are not stingy in terms of food and cleaning.

Su Jin didn't have any effect. After he came out, his body was very refreshing, unlike everyone else who was sweating profusely. After that, he strode out of the test room.

In the sky, the big sun in the middle illuminates this small desert city. It is really hot when it is outside, but Su Jin didn’t plan to go out, so he walked in another direction. It’s good there, but you can stroll around. , And they got off the virtual machine in advance, but now other ordinary soldiers in the base are still practicing!

The roaring sound exploded in the ears, and the outstanding special forces were sweating profusely in the shouting. They were all exposed to the sun, in order to hone their bodies in this state, and they would gain more than others. Outstanding physical condition.

Because it is a special instructor, he can basically walk sideways here, but Su Jin is not in the mood now, what is the situation in Qin Cheng now, he intends to find a place with a phone to inquire about it.

"Instructor Su!"

When Su Jin came over, Chongming also found him, and he couldn't help but salute and greet him.

"Well, it looks like you are not having a good time either." Su Jin said jokingly.

"I'm nothing, after all, I have come all the way, and the hardest thing is them!" Chongming pointed to the men and women special forces training under the sun, and said with emotion.

Su Jin nodded, and then explained his intentions. After hesitating a little, Chongming nodded and said: "Yes, I can call the shots, but I have to make it clear that the whole conversation will be monitored. Would you like to?"

"This..." Su Jin smiled bitterly and nodded. It was really strict, but he felt that the monitoring was also normal, otherwise it wouldn't work.

Seeing his agreement, Chongming smiled and said, "Then follow me."

Then Su Jin walked side by side with him to a dilapidated corridor. Before entering a room, there was a touching scene in the corridor!

It was a tall girl with fair skin, Yin Tao's small mouth, Liu Ye curving eyebrows, and a pair of pure and big eyes! At this time, she was still holding a snow-white Pomeranian, walking towards her side.

In the small desert town, it was beyond Su Jin's expectation to encounter this beautiful scenery.

Who is she? A strange thought came to Su Jin's heart.

Chongming's body that had walked in, felt something wrong with Su Jin, then walked out again, stretched his head and looked at Su Jin's eyes, and then his face became weird.

"How could such a woman be in a small desert city?" Su Jin was a little embarrassed, but he was a thick-skinned person, and he was right about this. After all, everyone loves beauty.

Chongming didn't dare to have any thoughts, and said, "She has an unusual background. I can only tell you that she came here for relaxation, and you shouldn't play her idea! Something will happen!"

Su Jin glanced at him helplessly, "I didn't give her an idea, as if I was that kind of person."

"Hehe." Chongming said with a smile: "Then come in, you better not know her, she can't provoke her."

Is she very good?

Su Jin feels nothing. The girl is a goddess. In terms of strength, he doesn't feel anything special. It should be because the backstage is too strong, so strong that Chongming feels terrible. He is just curious. After all, a girl is so hot. In this small desert town, walking the dog like this, how can other busy people live...

Because of the very good relationship with Su Jin, Chongming brought Su Jin in. Some of the monitoring personnel inside were doing data exchanges. These all had real-time contact with the capital. Soon Chongming brought Su Jin into a room. , After giving instructions to a staff member, Su Jin can call!

Chongming didn't leave Su Jin's side, nor did he have any other intentions. In terms of monitoring, other scientific and technical personnel had already implemented monitoring, so it doesn't matter whether he is present or not.

Su Jin thought about it, and then dialed Xia Yuyan's number. After a short time, the phone was connected.

"Hello? Who are you?" Xia Yuyan's voice on the other side, but she was a little curious, and the person on the other side did not speak! After asking a few times, he said: "If you don't speak, I will hang up!"

"My wife, don't hang up!" Su Jin was embarrassed. "It's just that you don't see you in a day like three autumns. Your husband is out, and I just wanted to hear your voice."

Indeed, he misses his wife very much.

Xia Yuyan suddenly said in surprise, "Su Jin, what the **** are you doing, where are you now?"

Su Jin knew that he couldn't say anything, so he couldn't help but said, "A mysterious place, now tell me about the situation in Qincheng. Has anything major happened?"

"What's the big deal? Just about to move, Su Jin...are you coming back?" Xia Yuyan also expressed concern in her tone.

"Talk about it." Su Jin said.

"There are a lot of unknown people who have entered Qincheng. These people, even my dad said they are terrible." Xia Yuyan said.

"and then?"

"There are some suspicious people around our house, but my dad said that this is your person!" Xia Yuyan's tone was also grateful, with a hint of pride.

Su Jin’s eyes lit up, and it seemed that the old guy was going to be real. Whoever dared to deal with the Xia Group would definitely be in big trouble. Hearing her say that, he felt a lot more comfortable in his heart and felt warmth in his heart. , Although I don’t know why the old guy is so good to him, he is very grateful for the feeling like a family member. Without the old guy, there would be no him now!

"That's good, your safety, I have arranged, rest assured, it is definitely much better than when I was there." Su Jin said.

"Then when will you be back? Does it really take ten days?"

"Now there are still a few days left." Su Jin said to Xia Yuyan on the other end of the phone: "Upper, there may be some big action, maybe it is not convenient for me to show up, wife, take care of your safety and take care of your body."

"Oh, good. I'll wait for you to come back." Xia Yuyan said.

"I'm back, do you have any rewards?" Su Jin said jokingly.

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