My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 152: Attractive everywhere

Su Jin didn't look back, but his body stopped. The door of the cabin was open in front of him, and he did not step out.

"I'll find you!" Chen Xueni's long slender temple hair blew to the corner of her mouth, and she couldn't help but yell.

Chongming on one side scratched his head, he really didn't understand why this kid had only known Chen Xueni for so long, so that this girl could like him so much! He eats more rice than the two of them, but he can't figure out what's wrong with the young people now. If Chen Xueni's identity is not simple, he will complain about the young people too casually!

He didn't know the thrilling night that night, but how much impact Chen Xueni's trip to slaughter the wolves that night brought to Chen Xueni, and the subsequent contact made the imprint in this young goddess girl's heart clearer.

Su Jin didn't reply when he got on the plane. He didn't feel that it was necessary. Those who should come will come, and those who shouldn't... won't come anyway. It hurts the brain too much.

As the plane took off, Chongming also said hello to Chen Xueni, and then got in.

He picked it up when he came, and he sent it when he went, but with some emotional entanglements, Su Jin glanced at the figure below, and then sighed in his heart.

Chen Xueni watched the plane rise from below, letting the wind blow her hair, and she didn't mean to shrink at all. In the end, the plane turned into a black spot and disappeared in her pupils.

"I just can't figure it out."

Chongming on the plane looked at Su Jin carefully, "You kid, what makes you attractive?"


Su Jin looked at him depressed, and couldn't help saying: "Everything is attractive! Don't believe it?"

"Believe! Why don't I believe it! But kid, other women can, but... but she can't, you should know that even your current identity, you can't be worthy of her, let alone you have other women, more There is also a wife, these are all very clear." Chongming said.

"I didn't say it was possible. Didn't I ignore her without seeing me?" Su Jin looked at him with a strange look.

"Okay, let me talk too much!" Chongming almost didn't feel ashamed. It was so irrational just now. It was obviously full of pretense. It's better to talk to her because it makes a woman so angry. It's hard to remember it!

Su Jin touched his pocket, "Can I smoke here?"

"You..." Chongming touched his forehead, feeling very speechless and speechless to him, and finally nodded, "You smoke!"

Su Jin touched his pocket, but he found something he had forgotten, that was the sachet Wu Qiaoqiao gave him.

Then, under Chongming's curious eyes, Su Jin unwrapped the sachet, then curiously took out a note from it...


Wu Qiaoqiao wrote a love letter to herself? Su Jin was a little curious, and combined with Wu Qiaoqiao's performance last night, he couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"What is it?" Chongming asked curiously: "Miss gave you it?"

"Chongming Colonel, you are getting more and more verbose." Su Jin said and opened the carefully folded paper.

Chongming shut up immediately, but he still stared at the note curiously.

What Su Jin saw was speechless. He couldn't understand the thoughts of Wu Qiaoqiao's little daughter's family. There were typos in it, and it must be because he didn't learn well! Fortunately, he can understand what it says.

The letter is written like this:

"Brother Su, I'll listen to you all the time. I'm not an official, and I'll study hard day and night. I'm going out early to find you..."

The following omit n typos, and then the signature is, I like your sister Qiaoqiao.

After Su Jin finished reading it, it took at least ten minutes, not many words, just jerky and difficult to understand!

"Well, if you want to see, take it." Su Jin handed it to Chongming.

And Chongming is also welcome, who made him the big brother!

Then, his eyes widened and he shouted: "This can't be written by Miss!"

"I didn't say that she wrote it." Su Jin looked at him speechlessly and said.

Then Chongming stared at it for a long time, "Who?"

"Wu Qiaoqiao." Su Jin said lightly.

"" Chongming worshipped. He felt that he had lived blindly for so many years. Everyone knew what the words in the letter meant. It was just love coming to his face!

But Su Jin buried this feeling in his heart, and now he is more concerned about Qin Cheng.

Along the way, Chongming had to let go of seeing himself for the first time than the last time. He even kept asking Su Jin for advice on how to chase his sister. The reason was that he had a crush on a military flower, and now he is no longer young. He had been married and had children a long time ago, and now he can't afford it.

Then Su Jin asked about the situation, and finally felt that Chongming was really not smart.

There are such stunned people in the world. They have been secretly in love with them for eight years. They are beautiful and he is not bad, and he obviously listened to what he said. The girl is also interesting to him, and they are also of the same level. This is clear... He must like each other, but he couldn't open his mouth.

So I was very distressed, and when I met a bubble master like Su Jin, I naturally had to ask for some advice.

So Su Jin gave him four words and asked him to go back with them, and if he succeeded, he invited him to a wedding wine!

And it was not long after that, Su Jin became Chongming's most admired little brother. With the help of the four words "Quick Confession", he successfully harvested love!

Time slowly passed-

As the plane in the Xia Group raised again, Su Jin made a gesture of goodbye to Chongming. Ten days later, he finally returned to Qincheng!

Su Jin checked the time, it was already afternoon, and he walked back home, and had to meet Xia Honghai first.


Su Jin knocked on the door.

As expected, it was Xiaotong who opened the door.

"Brother Su, you're back!" Xiaotong whispered.

"Yeah." Su Jin looked at Xiaotong and said with a smile: "It's nice to see you."

After speaking, he squeezed Xiaotong's face.

Xiaotong's face was flushed with his actions, but he was still quite happy. After he finished the actions, he took two steps back and said: "Master just learned that you are coming by plane, so you can see him quickly. "

Su Jin wanted to look for Xia Honghai, so he didn't hesitate. The news of his return would definitely reach the ears of others. Of course, he had to understand the situation first.

After opening Xia Honghai's door, he said, "Dad. Can you go now?"

"Well, come sit down!" Xia Honghai got up and had recovered from walking, so he was also very happy.

"What's the situation now?" Su Jin asked after sitting down and looking at Xia Honghai.

"Weird." Xia Honghai said with a smile, "This will be of great benefit to our family."

"Didn't the wind direction change?" Su Jin was stunned. He didn't want to change everything. In this way, he guessed that the old guy had arranged to see Ji Xue, which would not be great.

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