My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 153: Su Daguanren

"It's changed a little, listen to me." Xia Honghai said in a deep voice, "In the past few days, Su Tianlong Guo was unexpectedly assassinated."

"What then?" Su Jin frowned. Although Su Tianlong didn't like it, he was still Susan's father and had something to do with him.

Xia Honghai shook his head, "The assassination was unsuccessful. He is more capable than I am. There are strong masters who secretly protected him, and he was counter-killed by the forces behind him. Not only did he not get hurt, he also caused heavy losses. ."

"So amazing!" Su Jin tapped the coffee table with his fingers, and what the forces behind Su Tianlong were, getting more and more weird.

"Yes, and in recent days, Jutu Group has also been manipulated to rise in the stock market. Our Xia Group has made a lot of money! Maybe they also felt the crisis and acquired several well-known groups overseas, so the stock market also Follow the trend to rise." Xia Honghai smiled and nodded. As a businessman, making a lot of money is what makes him happiest.

Su Jin touched his chin. He finally understood why Xia Honghai would say weird. It stands to reason that so many financial groups in Qincheng jointly suppressed the giant map. They wanted to pull it down, or even wanted to destroy it. Now even a coalition is still contending. Can't Su Tianlong?

"Someone must come to me!" Su Jin sneered.

"Yes, Dai Meiyun wanted to see me but I didn't. Even Su Tianlong was inquiring about your news, and after your whereabouts, your master, that is, the old guy, would not dare to look for you again. I know that your involvement is very complicated, so even if some consortia want to cooperate with our Xia family, I have also ordered Yuyan to pass, but I haven't agreed." Xia Honghai said.

"Well, these are right." Su Jin nodded, "But my departure must have offended some Dai Meiyun, but they don't necessarily dare to provoke me. What they fear most is that I unite with Su Tianlong. All their efforts have been lost."

"Yes, a very strange thing happened recently." Xia Honghai hesitated and planned to tell Su Jin that he believed he would be interested.

"What?" Su Jin realized that things were not easy, and couldn't help being interested.

"Civic Group, should you know?" Xia Honghai asked with a smile.

Civic Group?

Su Jin was stunned. Could it be that what Xia Honghai said was related to Lin Siyan?

"I know." After Su Jin returned to his senses, he smiled lightly and nodded.

"When Jutu was the most difficult time, I bought a lot of stocks, and Civic Group also followed up. Due to the internal protection measures of Jutu, we were repurchased by them at a high price, but I did not expect Civic. Such a big group should be with those alliances. This is rather strange." Xia Honghai said.

His words made Su Jin frown. Although he didn't know how strong the Civic was, Uncle Xia was surprised like this. It must be very difficult. This kind of courage, and the crowding out of other forces, has to make this decision. It's not easy, it seems that Lin Siyan also has a secret behind her.

Qin Cheng is getting more and more interesting, at least it seems to Su Jin now. The giant figure was not killed, but the loss was still quite large, but don’t blame him for being unjust, it will never be because of a certain order. Individuals can change.

After some exchanges with Xia Honghai, Su Jin also understood some things about business. Qin City is very big and its power is complicated. If you want to make a fortune in this country's leading economic city, you can imagine how difficult it is.

In fact, before he left, he knew that Jutu would not be killed so easily. After all, it was the largest consortium in Qincheng. How could he pull Xia Honghai off the altar without any means!

After talking with Xia Honghai about some things that might happen to Qin Cheng in the future, Su Jin left his room and walked out of the door.

I haven't seen you in ten days, so I miss my wife too much!

So, the official Su walked into the group building with a calm expression in his trouser pocket.

"President Su. Hello!"

"President Su, this is the first time I saw you, please take care of me."

There is never a shortage of people in the building of the Xia Family Group. Su Jin smiled and nodded, looking at the few mm who were about to jump up with excitement, he was full of emotions, he was handsome, and he walked with wind!

Soon after he got out of the elevator, Su Jin tightened his clothes. He hadn't seen his wife in the past ten days. He was really looking forward to it, but he was so anxious that he still had to take care of it, so he arranged his clothes. , Opened the door and walked in.

"Ah? When did you come back!" Xia Yuyan was confused, and when he saw Su Jin walk in, he was stunned before a smile appeared on his face.

Su Jin stared at the smile for a while, thinking to himself that his wife is so beautiful.

"Just arrived!" Su Jin walked to the back of her chair, and hugged her in a single chair, "Wife, I want to kill you!"

"Go, look at you." Xia Yuyan's ears were hot, and two blushes rose on his face. At the same time, the heart that had been hanging was released.

Seeing her embarrassed, Su Jin felt the touch of his arms covering the two perfect peaks. Although Xia Yuyan was dressed in a formal presidential dress and his clothes were thicker, the softness was still clear on him. Feeling sublimated.

"Where did you go?" Xia Yuyan kept wanting to ask, but while Su Jin was away, he didn't tell where she was, so she was in a hurry and found a topic to ease the uncomfortable atmosphere. .

Su Jin lowered his head, put his chin on her shoulder, secretly amused, and now his wife is really nervous and her body is very stiff, but this is exactly what he wants. It feels like the current wife is. The truest.

There is a saying that the most easily available thing is definitely not the most important thing. Maybe the wife is still a little worried about herself, but he will show her in the future, is she a potential stock?

"Go to a secret military base for missions, so it was a bit inconvenient at the time." Su Jin's big mouth was beside Xia Yuyan's earlobe. He didn't know why his voice became so soft. Maybe It's because the atmosphere is so good!

Xia Yuyan lowered her head with a hint of horror in her eyes. She naturally did not doubt the authenticity of Su Jin's words to her. After all, when the other party picked up Su Jin, they used one of the most advanced helicopters in the world! She didn't care about the military at first, but in the end she couldn't help but check the model of the helicopter on the Internet. She didn't even realize that she still had such a little pride in her heart at the time.

Xia Yuyan's body trembled, and she cursed damnly in her heart, Su Jin actually kissed her ear.

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