My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 154: A little overbearing

"Don't be like this, okay?" Xia Yuyan died of depression. She felt that she had really changed too much from before. In the past, she thought more about how to improve the performance of the group and make the group bigger and stronger. , But now...for more time, there is a person floating in my mind.

It's Su Jin who is owed! But she also knows that this kind of thing is not as simple as thinking about it, this is what it means to be difficult to move. Maybe other women can do that kind of thing with a man very casually, but she is different. Sometimes she feels uncomfortable seeing other couples hanging out on the street.

"So what?" Su Jin lifted her chin, and her head gently twisted, looking at each other.

Xia Yuyan's face turned red all of a sudden, after the **** guy kissed her lips, she breathed a sigh of relief, and he let go of himself.

Su Jin stretched out and sat opposite Xia Yuyan, "I figured everything out from your dad, so I came to see you. Who made you my wife?"

Xia Yuyan's face also showed a hint of happiness, but she quickly thought of something, and said with a snort: "You are more than my wife!"

Su Jin was stunned for a moment, touched his chin, a clear smile appeared on his face, and said: "Thank you for reminding, you hurry up, I will go to see my little wife!"

"!" Xia Yuyan didn't expect that he was just saying that, this guy was so shameless that he climbed up! How could she want him to see Susan.

"Why? You don't remind me, I forgot." Su Jin said helplessly.

"There is no why, either you stay in my room, don't go anywhere, or you can't go to her." Xia Yuyan said.

"My wife, you are a little overbearing."

"Domineering is domineering, it's better than going to meet that fox."

"Are you afraid that I won't be able to return to our bedroom?"

"You, you..." Xia Yuyan was speechless.

Su Jin got up and put his hands on the desk, looked at Xia Yuyan seriously and said: "Wash me for nothing at night, wait for me in the room, do you hear?"

"Where are you going again?"

"After leaving these days, I still have my job. I have to find out about the current security situation on our side." Su Jin was a little serious.

He didn’t make any jokes. The old guy is out there, and the transfer of people is also a must. It is the highest secret above, and he will never let himself know. God knows if the old guy will transfer people away when he knows he is back. In that way, there will be big omissions in safety, which he must understand clearly.

Seeing that Su Jin didn't seem to be lying to her, Xia Yuyan realized from Su Jin's frivolous white words and nodded.

Su Jin leaned over and stretched out a hand and tugged on her cheek, "Be good, do as I say at night, do you hear it? Hey, my wife is really a peerless beauty. She is so flexible, she is beautiful no matter how she pulls it!"

After speaking, Su Jin released his hand and inserted his pocket in a very prelude, ignoring Xia Yuyan who was a little annoyed behind, turned around and left her with a gorgeous back head, and finally walked out the door.

Xia Yuyan rubbed her face and finally laughed so angry that this guy didn't seem to have grown up yet.

Su Jin is in a very good mood now. The situation in Qin Cheng is stabilized by the old guy. He feels much more comfortable, plus he feels that he shouldn't be anxious now, it should be Jutu and Dai Meiyun who are anxious! Therefore, he just wanted to say something about business wars and rivals, sprinkle water.

Perhaps it was because of a good mood, even Su Jin's luck was also very good, just out of his wife's office, I saw a special scenery appeared in front of me.

It's a girl!

Viewed from the back alone, it is really amazing. She has beautiful and smooth long hair, looks like a lady's dress, and she has a tall and charming figure.

Even so, Su Jin doesn’t know what she looks like. There is a good saying. From the back, she looks like anxious, but she scares away a million soldiers from the front. A man, she is always curious. animal!

So, when Su Jin saw her walking in a hurry, he rolled his eyes, followed quickly, and then walked into the elevator.

But soon, after seeing the beautiful face, his heart beat violently.

What a nice view--

Su Jin did sigh with his luck. After all, he is considered an executive of the Xia Group. It is normal to meet a quality girl, but he doesn't know if it is the reason for his appearance. This girl doesn't seem to treat himself very much.

"Beauty, do you work here?" Su Jin asked shamelessly.

After the girl looked at Su Jin for a while, she was silent, and said, "What are you talking about?"

"You are definitely not working here, otherwise I can't help but know you." Su Jin said with a smile.

"Strange, the group is so big, do you know many girls?" The girl subconsciously said that Su Jin was a little bragging, and she wanted to soothe her disgust.

Have character

Su Jin couldn't help but smiled, so she shrugged, "I got a wrong answer, it should be said that the girls know me."

"Cut." The girl rolled her eyes, and then the elevator sounded. She stepped forward without saying hello to Su Jin.

But as soon as he walked out, there were two exclamations.

"President Su, it is President Su." The voices of the two girls were extremely excited, and one of them said: "President Su, can you sign a name for us?"

Wipe...I really don’t know what these women think. Although he is not the president, he has a wife of the president. It should be for this reason. They call themselves President Su. In fact, sometimes he can’t figure out why. Don’t you look at the position but only the relationship in the group?

Su Jin clearly saw the body of the mm who had just communicated with him in the elevator. He seemed shocked. Then he reacted and smiled and said to the two female employees, "No problem."

Swish, two autographs came in fluently, no way, Su Jin had practiced!

Then, under the worshiping eyes of the two, Su Jin stuck in his trouser pocket and left the group building.

At this time, the phone rang, Su Jin took it out and took a look, and then he started to have a headache. Is this Nima, Susan answering or not answering? I can only say that they are so well informed, they definitely know that they are coming back by plane, but if they come this way, it will make him very embarrassed.

No way, Su Jin still pressed the answer button.

"Little wife, what can you do with me?" Su Jin asked in a deliberately curious tone.

"Husband, I heard that you are back?" Susan whispered over there.

"Well, I'm back."

"I miss you, come find me."

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