My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 159: Unspeakable hidden

Xia Yuyan didn’t know how she felt for a while. In fact, when she faced Su Jin, she always had ambivalence. At the beginning, the man who she thought was not worthy of her was forced by her father to marry. The man, the man who was contended by all major forces, now stands at a height that she can't even imagine. She is really complicated.

"Xiaojin, I don't know what to say for your help to us." Xia Honghai sighed. How could he think that he just wanted to repay his favor in one thought, and even forced his daughter to stay with him, but for no reason. He got such a big favor, he can only say that he owes more and more.

"Dad, my family, you don't need to say polite words, it's all right." Su Jin smiled and gave Xia Honghai some food. "You can rest again. I have time to take you out to get some air. It's too boring to stay at home. "

"Yeah." Xia Honghai looked at Su Jin, as if suddenly thinking of something, hesitated and said: "Do you want to know where your mother is?"

Su Jin's expression changed, his brows wrinkled tightly, and the atmosphere instantly dropped to freezing point.

"I don't want to." Su Jin seemed to feel that his mood fluctuated too much, and then said with a smile: "Although I am not afraid of things now, after all, I am afraid that someone will do something with it, so I don't need it for the time being."

Xia Honghai sighed inwardly, but he was too talkative. Su Jin would definitely be very resistant to this kind of thing. After all, abandoning him, what else can be said.

Su Jin ate the meal in silence, and then went into the bedroom under the pretext of practicing.

There are three people in the room.

"Dad, shouldn't you ask?" Xia Yunxi said helplessly.

"I know, but no matter how you say it, that is also his mother. Also, you two must remember that this matter should never be mentioned in front of him in the future, have you heard it?" Xia Honghai said.

"I see." Both women nodded.

"He is a hard-failed child. Our Xia family owes him a lot." After Xia Honghai finished speaking, he got up, covered his wound, and walked back to the room.

The two women of the Xia family looked at each other. They had heard Xia Honghai vaguely mentioned before. For this person who has no father's pain, even his mother abandoned, and has not been to the prison for five years to see, I am afraid that no one dares to reach the current height. Believe it!

"Sister, I suddenly discovered that Big Brother Su is so pitiful." Xia Yunxi's nose became sore.

"It's because we have no eyesight, but fortunately there is an old man." Xia Yuyan also sighed in her heart and shook her head.

"But how could his mother do this."

"He was too skinny before."

"Sister, I regret a little!"

"What do you regret?" Xia Yuyan asked while looking at her.

"I regret saying that I am not in good health, so I gave him to you!" Xia Yunxi said seriously, and then maybe because of Su Jin's unhappiness, she lost her mind and went back to the room after she finished speaking.

And she didn't know how much impact her words had on Xia Yuyan!

Yes, such a man has now stood at such a height and has had such a painful experience. Who can guarantee his potential in the future! She is really short-sighted!

Xia Yuyan was entangled in her heart, and then called Xiaotong to tidy up the dinner table, and walked to the door of the room with some hesitation.

What is this guy doing? Are you waiting for yourself?

But I really can't do it myself.

Xia Yuyan's face was blood-red, and she opened the door abruptly.

Suddenly, Xia Yuyan, who was still a little worried, was dumbfounded. This guy looked indifferent, lying on his side on the bed, supporting his face with one arm, and was looking at himself.

"Wife, say yes, what about welfare?" Su Jin said with a smile.

"Uh, huh?" Xia Yuyan closed the door and looked at Su Jin, not knowing what to say. In the end, she thought about it and asked him: "What, what benefits?"

"Yuanfang, come on, don't let others laugh, sooner or later." Su Jin hooked her.

"No!" Xia Yuyan forced herself to be more spine and said, "Who likes to laugh."

"Wife, don't you like me?" Su Jin is very sad. This Nima has conquered thousands of imperial concubines, but can't conquer the queen. This is a whole thing, too bloody!

"Where do you like it?" Xia Yuyan snorted.

"Your eyes are lying." Su Jin looked at her.

"Whatever you say."

"Go to sleep, I won't sleep anymore." Su Jin felt it was useless to explain more. He always felt that his relationship with his wife had improved, but now he found that no matter how well he did, she still couldn't eliminate her despising herself! For such a woman, he has nothing to say, only for Yunxi, for Xia Honghai, for the entire Xia family, otherwise, what else?

Su Jin crossed his knees, closed his eyes, and the room became quiet for a while.

However, he didn't see the slight disappointment in Xia Yuyan's eyes. She could see the dissatisfaction in Su Jin's eyes, but she really couldn't do it now, really!

After she lay down on the bed, she looked at Su Jin's cross-legged state, and she didn't know whether to wake him up and explain to him, but it didn't feel good to be disturbed, so let's go to sleep. It's just that she has some insomnia and has never slept so early. For Su Jin, she did this for the first time. Fortunately, she fell asleep smoothly after reading a book on economics for a while.

I don't know how long it took, but Su Jin just felt that it was dark, and he felt uncomfortable somewhere in his body!


Su Jin jumped out of the bed. This Nima was holding back, and he didn't wake up until it was not uncomfortable. At this moment, he saw Xia Yuyan sleeping peacefully. After scanning her for a few times, he felt that his body was seen. In response, he immediately suppressed the urge to rush on, even he wanted to slap himself fiercely, thinking to himself, people don't want to be with you and engage in evil thoughts! I'm not without women!

I have sister Na, I have a little wife! I have...

Forget it, it's useless to think so much! Su Jin then walked into the bathroom, and after a burst of water was released, his eyes accidentally caught a corner.

Suddenly, a shocked expression appeared on his face.

Paralysis, it turns out that my wife is unspeakable! No wonder it's impossible! It seems that I blamed her!

Su Jin looked at the perfect red Hu Shubao, and felt a little puzzled. No wonder his wife would be unwilling. I really don't blame her for co-authoring!

Thinking of this, Su Jin showed a knowing smile. It was just a coincidence. It's not that his wife didn't make up with him. Now that he figured it out, he unzipped the zipper happily, began to sprinkle a bubble, and then turned back. room.

"Wife, I'm here!" Su Jin was a little happy, feeling that the sky should be bright too, and he could rest and rest. After all, work and rest were combined, so after that he was lying next to Xia Yuyan. Hold her gently!

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