My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 160: Brother, I want to zoom in

Xia Yuyan is naturally accustomed to such close contact. After all, she has adapted to such a few days. If not like this, she might not be used to it.

Su Jin looked at the peaceful wife, the sleeping posture had an indescribable beauty, and soon he closed his eyes and stretched out his hand~~~



"Damn it, why don't you let go..."

Vaguely, Su Jin seemed to hear who was talking. It seemed to be quite nervous to hear.

Although he did not sleep in bed with his wife until late in the practice, his recovery ability is no longer what it used to be, so he can easily wake up.

So, while Xia Yuyan was stunned, his eyes cast over.

Isn’t it just grabbed?

Seeing Xia Yuyan hurriedly closing his eyes, Su Jin was a little bit dumbfounded. After a dry cough, he said softly, "Wife, good morning."

not talking……

"Xiao Yanyan, quickly open your eyes..."

The same ignores.

"Yan'er, don't open your eyes again, my husband, I want to zoom in..." Su Jin said faintly.

"Dare you!" Xia Yuyan blushed immediately, staring at this **** guy after opening his eyes.

"Why don't you dare?" Su Jin was a little shameless, according to what he thought, this kind of behavior was normal, OK?

Xia Yuyan didn't know how to say he was good now, and the temperature on her face had reached a point where she herself felt that it was difficult to bear. This was the first time that the two of them had confronted soberly in such an intimate posture. It's normal to adapt, especially this guy still screams that kind of sleazy name, such as small cigarettes, cigarettes, etc. You must know that no one has ever called it before, and no one dared to call it that way. .

Four eyes facing each other-

Su Jin's reaction was quicker. Before Xia Yuyan could return to her senses, her big mouth leaned forward, and then under Xia Yuyan's entangled eyes, she kissed her small mouth and tasted the sweet taste.


After five minutes passed, Su Jin was pushed away, and a tender white arm waved over.

"Wife! You still want to murder your husband!" Su Jin immediately jumped out of bed, staring at Xia Yuyan and asked.

Fortunately, Laozi pulls his hands from his clothes quickly, otherwise he can't escape the fate of being beaten and be beaten by his wife? Don't be laughed at when it spreads out? That definitely can't happen to him. Anyway, he is a celebrity now, isn't he?

Xia Yuyan panted slightly, glared at Su Jin and said, "You deserve it!"

"How can my husband deserve it?"

"Who made you indecent to me!"

"Then are you my wife?"


The two confronted each other. Of course, it was Xia Yuyan who was defeated in the end. Her mouth as the goddess president said that she could not stand on the moral high ground. After all, it is reasonable to travel all over the world now. world!

Watching the frustrated Xia Yuyan get out of bed to change clothes, of course, it is estimated that he is the only man who can see this kind of scene, which is also a rare enjoyment.

Su Jin yawned, his wife needed work, and he was just an idler, so naturally he could sleep for a while, so he lay down and woke up after nine o'clock in the sleep.

"Xiaotong." Su Jin looked at the girl dressed as a maid who was cleaning, and closed the door smoothly.

"Brother Su, you're awake." Xiaotong stood up straight and replied politely.

"Master?" Su Jin was a little curious. Xia Honghai could get out of bed a long time ago. He probably wouldn't want to stay in the room.

"Master has gone to the group." Xiaotong finished speaking with a small mouth, two clear dimples appeared in front of Su Jin's eyes.

This girl is so beautiful--

Su Jin sighed, Sister Xia was really relieved, she was so desperate not to consider the feelings of a man if she put such a beautiful girl here.

Then he walked over, squeezed Xiaotong's face and said, "It's clean enough, you can rest when it's okay."

Although I have known Su Jin for a long time, Xiaotong is still a little nervous when facing Su Jin’s intimacy. She naturally knows the relationship between Su Jin and the Xia sisters. If the young lady sees it, He might be expelled.

"Oh." Xiaotong nodded.

Su Jin squeezed that elastic face, and now the two were quite close.

I felt a little hot in my heart, thinking why the maid's figure is so good?

Su Jin rolled his eyes, smiled and retracted his hand and said, "Xiaotong, don't be too tired. If there is any difficulty at home, or if anyone here is bullying you, please tell Brother Su and don't treat me as an outsider."

"I'm fine here, thank you." Xiaotong said in a grateful tone.

Su Jin nodded, "Well, if the master comes back, just tell him, I'll go out to do errands."

"Oh, good." Xiaotong nodded.

"Don't you have a farewell etiquette?" Su Jin looked at Xiaotong, then said with open arms.


Xiaotong looked at Su Jin with a flushed face, his heart was pounding wildly, what to do in secret, but even though he thought so in his heart, he didn't know why in his footsteps, and he instinctively walked over.

Su Jin hugged her from the front, and the fragrance of Xiaotong's body clearly penetrated into his nostrils. He took a deep breath...


Although Xiaotong couldn't see Su Jin's face at this time, but because of this, she was even more at a loss, and there was also a kind of unclear complexity in her heart.

Su Jin is really hard to control now. These days, he has been enduring it, including when he came back from yesterday to the present, his body is uncomfortable. Now he has met Xiaotong dressed in a maid costume. What a happy thing.

"Okay, Brother Su." Xiaotong's tone was shy and unbearable, and her voice was very small. She was afraid of being seen. If someone came, she would be miserable!

"Xiaotong, what does it smell on you, it smells so good."

"Ah, it's one, Master." Xiaotong seemed to be out of strength, and his voice was somewhat reluctant.



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