My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1600: Bad event

"Do you know me? Whoops, that's great."

Don't worry, Su Jin looked at Grandpa Liu who was sent from the Kingdom of Shu.

"Yes, how can the old slave not know what Su Tianzi is capable of."

Liu Gonggong was extremely nervous, his face was as if he was beaten with blood. Things are unexpected, where is such a strange thing. The saint was snatched by Emperor Su, and she returned home with him!

"It's easy to get to know, the Emperor Dashu woke up in the past two days, didn't he touch his neck to see if he was still alive? Also, you are so courageous that you dare to come on this trip. "Su Jin's voice is calm.

"Spare! Su Tianzi spare your life! The old slave is just following orders..."

Grandpa Liu knelt directly on the ground, his forehead kept knocking on the ground, banging loudly, looking bloody.

Su Jin waved his hand and looked at the Emperor Shaoman, and confessed impatiently: "Drag out to fight, all the teeth will be broken, I will be beaten all by me, and the arms and legs will be discounted~~~"

"The saint has just knelt down, and it looks so pitiful! Besides, my **** doesn't hang like you." The Emperor Shaoman grinned, and directly stretched out his hand to strangle Liu Gonggong's throat, and then backed away. Go out.

Soon, there was a terrible cry outside the door!

Only three people exist in the Council Chamber.

I don’t know when, perhaps when Su Jin came in, the middle-aged couple were very polite. Seeing that Grandpa Liu sent by the Kingdom of Shu was beaten, both of them became nervous and understood that they would take their daughter. Yes, it was the Emperor Su who destroyed the Dashu Palace.

"The two seniors don't have to be polite, they don't lie to each other, the juniors are really helpless when they make this move." Su Jin sat on the chair above.

Started to babble~~~

"My wife and I didn't understand what Su Tianzi meant." The middle-aged man at Qing Temple was puzzled.

"I have always heard that the country of the saint of the ancient tomb is beautiful and unparalleled in the world. The younger generation has long admired it, but struggled outside and failed to come to find a way. Until the day before the saint married, he was anxious and angrily did this. Wait for things."

After a pause, Su Jin smiled lightly and said: "Fortunately, the saint is in love with me, she likes me very much, so in the future, the affairs of the Tomb Sect will be my Su Jin's affairs, and the Kingdom of Shu will dare to commit crimes again. I will destroy his royal inheritance!"


Middle-aged couple with surprise on face.

The two didn't doubt Su Jin's words at all, this young talent, when he made a fuss in the palace of Shu Kingdom, but even the Holy King didn't dare to do anything!

"Then my daughter doesn't have to kneel." The middle-aged beautiful woman walked towards the gate of the Chamber of Parliament with joy and gloom.

"Xian, wise nephew, this is great!" The middle-aged man in Qing Temple breathed a sigh of relief, saying so, but thinking in his heart, no wonder Su Jin would rob his relatives, no wonder his daughter would follow him. This is equivalent to elopement!

"Senior, I still need to understand that you were robbed of two saint corpses." Su Jin saw that he opened the chatterbox and beckoned the middle-aged man to sit down. After all, this was his main purpose.

"That's it." The middle-aged man began to whisper with a frown.


Outside the Council Chamber, the screams of Grandpa Liu continued, but it was much weaker than before. Seeing that there was only air intake, there was no point of venting.

"Ah? Someone will send you back later, and help the boss ask if you still want to be the emperor of the Kingdom of Shu!" The Emperor Shaoman made a fierce expression and frightened Grandpa Liu who was lying on the ground.

On one side, the middle-aged beautiful woman walked out with joy and hurriedly pulled up her daughter.

"Sheng'er, it's your parents who blamed you. You have suffered a lot during the past two days, right?" the middle-aged beautiful woman said distressedly.

"Wrong blame?"

The saint of the ancient tomb was initially discouraged and nervous, but when she saw her mother say this, she suddenly became a little confused.

"Tianzi Su just said that the two of you hit it off right away, are you in love, don't you still like him?" the middle-aged beautiful woman smiled.

"Who? Who likes him..." The saint of the ancient tomb widened her delicate eyes, with an inexplicable expression, except that two pink faints appeared on her cheeks. This performance could not hide the middle-aged beautiful woman.

"It's okay, he said that he admired you, so he made the move and did the thing of robbing his relatives. He also said that our tomb sect is his business in the future..." said the middle-aged beautiful woman.


The saint of the ancient tomb looked away, her voice became quieter and said, "He, he really said that?"

"Of course, mother will lie to you."

The current Tomb Sect has no worries at all. The current situation is...The Su Tianzi wants to be the patron of the Tomb Sect! This is the existence that thinks the royal has a headache, at least for now, no one can check him.

Kou Niang said that Su Jin's IQ is really amazing! I have to admire it, everyone is so happy, all the difficulties encountered have been resolved, and even the saint of the ancient tomb seems to be a lot shy. Does it really confirm her words, that the robbery and the robbery have sent feelings?

"I see." The saint of the ancient tomb thought for a while, "Mother, have the Communion of the two elders really been stolen?"

"It's a bit weird, so let's not talk about it for now." The middle-aged beautiful woman frowned and shook her head slowly: "You can't treat your friends badly right now. Let's entertain the distinguished guests first."

Immediately, Ting Xue Princess, Kou Niang, and Shao Man Huang were invited and became guests of the Tomb Sect, while Gong Gong Liu was thrown on a long cart and ordered to take him to Yongye Imperial City~ ~

But at this moment, the treacherous atmosphere was spreading in the chamber.

"In the tomb of the stolen saint corpse, there are the claw marks of the mysterious giant beast?" Su Jin frowned when he heard the tomb sect master said. As far as he knew, Jian Eleven had no such means.

"It was an unknown young master who injured the holy king of Lama. He seemed to be using the'Sura Method'. This kind of meditation method has long been lost and has not been seen for thousands of years." The door master said.

Young master!

Wounded the Lama Holy King!

Su Jin's eyes are like swords. He knows that there are many amazing young people outside the vast territory, but it is better than listening to the Snow Princess, and they can't beat the Lama Holy King to the point of serious injury. He, Young Master Su, did the same. No, neither will Sword Eleven!

"The young master is still in southern Xinjiang. He also grabbed a holy king bone from Skull Island this morning. Skull Island was annihilated, and all the monks on the island were dead. No one can resist." The Tomb Sect Master said .

Su Jin was silent.

The pressure accompanies it, even worse than the Lama Holy King. This person is still in southern Xinjiang, and he is very likely to encounter it. Then... how will he survive?

Moreover, Su Jin can basically conclude that this young master is not Sword Eleven! If it's not Sword Eleven, then who is this person?

At this moment, a paper dove flapped its wings and gleamed with precious light, flew in, and was taken by the tomb master.

After opening the paper pigeon, the master of the Tomb Sect looked at the content written on it, his face suddenly changed, and suddenly stood up and said: "The big thing is not good! The'Nine Wanyin Mountain' was destroyed, and the ghost lady was seriously injured..."

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