My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1601: Death

The master of the tomb seemed shocked.

Su Jin didn't feel much about this. He knew that the problems in southern Xinjiang were very big now. Buddhism and Taoism were prosperous here. Due to geographical reasons, there were also more powers of the Underworld.

"Uncle, stay calm, let's solve the problem if there is a problem." Su Jin calmly drank the tea ceremony.

"The strength of the Nine Wan Yin Mountain is comparable to my Tomb Sect. It is four hundred miles away from here, and even they have not avoided the result of destruction."

The master of the ancient tomb took a deep breath and continued: "The ghost lady has reached the half-step Saint King state, even she can hardly resist."

"I'm very surprised that the other party came to dig the bones, Broken Soul Mountain...There are countless holy tombs, why the other party chose the school to start."

Su Jin wanted to clarify this problem.

"There is one of the'Five Domains and Sifang Gates', the southern border portal of the Ghost Mansion. Even the strong ancestors dare not borrow bones, let alone them." The ancient tomb gate master replied.

Su Jin suddenly.

When he was robbing his relatives, he met two old men who played chess on the road, claiming to be from the ghost mansion. He wanted to come to the place that the master of the tomb said. Thinking of this, Su Jin couldn’t help asking: “Does the master know about the Holy King of Lama news?"

"The Holy King of Living Buddha has profound Dharma and is admired by people. Someone saw him go west after being injured, saying that he was going to get a Buddhist artifact to suppress evil spirits. There is only this news." The tomb master shakes. Shook his head and said.

Su Jin was silent for a while, then stood up and said, "Then take me to the Tomb Sect Ancestral Mausoleum."

"it is good."

The master of the tomb led the way, and the two walked out of the Chamber of Parliament. The reason why he asked to see the holy tomb was because Su Jin wanted to see the claw marks of the mysterious giant beast, and he might be able to find some clues by using the ‘Maha’s Prison Eye’.

This time, Su Jin didn’t know what kind of catastrophe he was about to usher in~~~


Distant territory in the underworld.

Meng girl looked haggard, waiting by the side of Huangquan road, the other shore flowers swaying, she was waiting for someone to arrive.

Not far away, a staggering short fat man walked up to her with three black stone fruits in his hand. He still didn't want to believe it, and asked, "Mr. Dream, things are true. Is it that serious? Yesterday, were you sure you didn’t read it wrong?"

"In the book of life and death, it is indeed written that Su Jin died today." Miss Meng accepted the three ghosts, Buddhas and Bodhi, and nodded worriedly.

The Three Lives Yin Buddha shook his head in disappointment, turned around, waved his hands away, and left a sentence in the air: "It is the Ksitigarbha king who wants him to die, not his destined death. I will give him three buddha fruits. If you can’t save him, it’s useless and futile to take everything off.”

Miss Dream heard the sound, and a layer of mist appeared in her eyes.

After the Sansheng Yin Buddha left, Miss Meng did not leave, she still waited by the Huangquan Road in Naihe.

In the Nai River, a mountain range suddenly seemed to rise, and countless evil spirits were town below. An old ancestor dragon with lost teeth raised its head. It is too old. It has existed for countless years, and its life will be in the middle of the years. Obliterated.

Seeing this, the dream girl gave a gift to Huangquan Zulong.

"Ji Zang ruthless! Even if Su Xiaozi is not the reincarnation of Huangquan, he is born and raised in the domain, he is a person in my domain, and will even be stronger than the Great Emperor in the future. It is China’s future hope. In the heart of the old dragon, he is the Young Emperor, I I took off a piece of old bone and grabbed three thousand longevity. me send him off."

Huang Quan Zulong spit out an old bone with the size of a fist and was held by Miss Dream.

"Senior, in this case... Your longevity has been less than ten years." Meng girl is very guilty.

"Ten years? Hahaha, help me tell Su Xiaozi, even if he survives a day, if he needs to, I can fight!" Huangquan Zulong finished speaking, and his huge figure disappeared into the rolling Nai River again.

Miss Meng bit her lip and refused to delay. She summoned the ghost king of Sanshang and Yeyou Yinshuai, who had been on standby, and drove the colorful boat several tens of feet high to board.

"Meng girl, judge Cui Jue is selfless and unwilling to extend the life of Su Jin~~" Sanshang Gui Wang Hong stared on the deck and told.

"Understood, three thousand longevity, three ghosts, Buddhas and Bodhi, if he can't change his life, he can only take his soul." Miss Meng said blankly. She is very clear that this kind of hope is one in a million, or even lower, who can resist the decision of the six reincarnations, and now the king of Ksitigarbha is in charge of life and death.

"Where shall we find him?" Ye You Yin Shuai sighed.

"Outside the territory, southern Xinjiang."

"I hope it will not be too late."


The scene goes to China and Qincheng within the domain.

The night is charming, Xia Yuyan is wearing a white shirt, brown and white skirt, sitting upright at the computer desk. She is drawing a picture on her laptop. The picture is a delicate jade tripod larger than a palm, with a dragon head with a phoenix head. It has two ears and three legs. When Su Jin returns, she will surprise her husband.

In the originally clear and starry night, a strong wind suddenly blew up and the curtains were disturbed. Xia Yuyan yawned and got up to caress the window and closed it. I don't know if it was an illusion or something else, a woman crying seemed to be heard in her ear.

Xia Yuyan didn’t know, there was a girl in a white robe sitting on the roof of her house, crying quietly~~~

Sorrowful, Xia Yuyan shook her head, closed the window, turned off the light and lay on the bed, tossing and turning, but couldn't sleep at all.

Where is he currently? Su Jin's figure was all in Xia Yuyan's mind.


Su Jin is now outside the territory, the tomb ancestral mausoleum outside the territory! And has arrived!

Su Jin was a little surprised when he saw the so-called Ancestral Mausoleum. It turned out to be a cliff with caves on the cliff!

It turned out to be a coffin hanging on a cliff!

Saints and ordinary tribesmen have a different identity, but like ordinary monks, they have to be placed in the same way after death, but the position is different.

On this cliff, the coffin holes are densely packed, like the nest of sand swallows, but under the guidance of the master of the ancient tomb, Su Jin saw the claw marks of the mysterious behemoth on the edge. This behemoth has three claws. At the time of the holy corpse, there were as many as ten claw marks left on the cliff by this mysterious giant beast.

Prison Eye of Maha Town!

Su Jin's eyebrows were red, and he let out a low voice, "Reversal!"

He needs to see clearly that if this mysterious behemoth is driven by people, he will definitely be seen by the anti-virtual ability of his "Maha Prison Eye", but that young master, I'm afraid he will see it! This is exactly the purpose of his coming here!


In the future, Su Jin felt an unpleasant sensation of fright. The moment the sound appeared, he directly looked up...

In the field of vision, in the depths of the distant void, a three-clawed beast arm came out, which directly smashed the void above the head with unprecedented speed...

The other side is not weak Saint King!

Su Jin couldn't react at all, so he could only resist by displaying the stone body on his upper body!

The body was slapped by this beast arm, and the flesh seemed to crack...

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