My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1612: Candle shade hall


The name of Su Tianzi actually wanted the three princes of Yan Kingdom to die first!

Many masters who were invited by Yaochi Holy Land have been suppressed! There are also many great abilities who are secretly paying attention to this arrogant junior, wanting to see what methods he has to say such big things.

The three princes of the Kingdom of Yan wore blue armor. This'armor' was actually at the level of saint clothing. You must know that the royal family of the Kingdom of Yan, Gusu, but the family in the front of the'Hundred Family of Scholars', has a strong background and the three princes are the best It’s not surprising that there is a holy cloth for the emperor’s heritage.

"Insult the country, you die ten thousand times is not enough to make up, die for me!"

The three princes of the Kingdom of Yan squeezed both fists fiercely. The white of the eyes that were originally normal disappeared, and the two dark eyeballs were wrapped in the eye sockets, very cautious.

More than that, when the two eyes turned to pitch black, the black power of his whole body surged out, enveloping him, and behind him, a black cloud rolled...


In the dark clouds behind the three princes of the Kingdom of Yan, there was a vision, in which a shattered ‘temple’ and hundreds of thousands of floating corpses appeared. The scenes and scenes were so realistic that I don’t know how far they drifted.

"The rumors are true. The three princes of the Kingdom of Yan have really obtained the inheritance of the'Candle Yin Ghost Palace'. In the ancient times, the'Candle Yin Ghost Palace' was a dominating existence, and there was no power to surpass them." Someone immediately pointed out the Yan Kingdom accurately. The inheritance of the three princes, after all, the middle area is vast and there are many capable people.

"It turned out to be the Candle Yin Ghost Palace! No wonder this person has great confidence." A monk was startled.

"Recently Su Tianzi's popularity is very high. I heard him not long ago, but at that time it was just a smile. The real masters have always been low-key. In my opinion, the three princes of Yan Kingdom do not need to spend more than half of their energy to kill him."

"That's right! Su Tianzi is not ashamed that he wants to be the first to kill the three princes of the Kingdom of Yan, I would like to see how he beheaded!"

Expectations are not limited to all, at least one hundred thousand monks are looking forward to it!

Pavilion on the edge of the peach blossom forest.

Several national beauties looked up, and their moods were a little different.

Baili Yunshang stared at Su Jin on the battlefield, his face was slightly complicated, and said: "I don't want Big Brother to fight Su Jin."

"Why?" asked the holy girl of ring dance.

"I fought with him, and it was a complete defeat. This person is unfathomable. Tai Yu'er was also in Void City at the time and naturally knew Su Jin's abilities." Baili Yunshang said.

"The three princes of the Kingdom of Yan are the inheritors of the'Candle Yin Ghost Palace', and your eldest brother'Baili Shenzi' is the person chosen by the'God'..." The ring dance saint is relatively speechless, her wife who has never passed the door is right. The **** child Baili was very confident, but after hearing what Baili Yunshang said, she also felt the terrifying strength of Su Jin in her heart.

"Here, let alone other people, at least the third prince of the Yan Kingdom is more than a bit behind Su Jin." Fairy Bicheng said softly.

"Yes, leaving Zhongmiaoshan, his strength has become even more terrifying." Baili Yunshang said.

In the battlefield...

Su Jin watched with great interest. The three princes of the Kingdom of Yan have a confident capital, and the vision that emerged from behind is shocking, but if his vision of the second city, the ancient'Heavenly Court' is revealed, I am afraid that it will be scared. Stupid everyone.

Not long ago, I watched the real ‘Jade Lake’, and my strength is diligent, even the vision of the first city is changing!

"You have manifested a vision. It just so happened that I'm'changing the land to transform the three cities', and I only need one city to kill you." Su Jin yelled, and a layer of stone began to spread under his feet. , Blinking filled thousands of miles.

Thousand-mile stone city!

The first city after sublimation, the "Thousand Miles Stone City" reappears! In the domain, this first city was blasted through by "Sword Eleven". If Sword Eleven faced him now, there was almost no possibility of being blasted!

In the distance, an old pear tree contained dozens of urns, and each of them was seen by the prince of the Kingdom of Yan. They were his most beloved relatives! Among them, there are his friends, teachers, younger siblings, and the one who can't let him tolerate the least, there is actually "Sister Lingyu"! And... Emperor Yan, his father!

More than a dozen leaves on the old pear tree, the blue light flashed continuously, these "heads" were all yelling at the three princes of the Kingdom of Yan, all sorts of bad news about him!

To the west of Thousand Miles of Stone City, the phantom of the Buddha on the "Daxiong Hall" no longer preached various doctrines and economics for the monks below, but began to recite the Sutra Sutra...

It was actually going to surpass the three princes of Yan Kingdom!

The third prince of the Yan Kingdom naturally felt something was wrong, his life soul was slowly dissipating, I am afraid it was caused by the ‘super longitude’!


The three princes of the Kingdom of Yan rushed with a vision. When he rushed, he held a patina bell in his hand. There were unknown bloodstains in the pattern on it. When he shook, the bell made a sound, hundreds of thousands of "candle ghosts" Dian' floating corpse seemed to come alive.

Su Jin stepped to the three sacred mountains, sprinkled his own blood on the tops of the mountains, the sky's ‘flame’ buzzed, and the ancient coffin of a dragon head appeared.

In Su Shao's perception, he even sensed that the golden giant coffin was dragged by countless yin generals last time, and wanted to come out, but he would control it next moment!


Below those dragon head ancient coffins that were manifested, one by one Yin will be thrown out of nothingness, and they will each take up a dragon head ancient coffin, and rush towards the three princes of Yan Kingdom!

"Boom boom!"

The ancient coffin was opened and closed at will by the yin generals, and many floating corpses began to be collected into the ancient coffin for refining!

Su Jin frowned. Those hundreds of thousands of floating corpses were too many to collect. Thinking of this, a golden Yongle clock evolved in front of him...

A punch on the Yongle Bell!


A magnificent sound wave came out!

With just one blow, 100,000 floating corpses were shattered!

Immediately, at the'Daxiong Treasure Hall' in Shicheng, the Jingsheng no longer superseded the'Three Princes of the Kingdom of Yan', but directly superseded the remaining floating corpses!


The three princes of the Kingdom of Yan were shocked, and he came to rush to kill with a vision. How could he have thought that the floating corpses would almost be wiped out before he got there! Immediately he shook the bronze-green bell and hung a broken ancient temple above his head. A black candle dragon with white eyeballs wrapped around the broken temple and began to smash at Su Jin!

There was a violent atmosphere in the air...

Su Jin seemed to have turned into an ancient violent ape, directly soaring into the sky, he was wrapped in the red violent ape phantom, and the same violent ape was doing his jumping pose!

Ape Strike!

A punch, hit the candle dragon temple from that town...

Broken, all shattered!

The face of the three princes of the Yan Kingdom changed suddenly. He raised his arm and pointed, and a cyan-gold spirit sword appeared in his hand. He stepped back and watched the'violent ape' that followed Su Jin's movements rushing to the temple. Unprecedented dignity.

"Three brothers!" Gusu Lingyu screamed with a pale face in front of a platform in the Holy Land.

With this blow, Su Jin wants to tear the three princes of Yan Kingdom to death!

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