My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1613: Give up?

The three princes of the Kingdom of Yan looked ugly, and his figure disappeared in place. His body method is a rare escape method, inherited from the "Candle Yin Ghost Palace".

After such a retreat, the three princes knew very well that in the eyes of other monks, it was tantamount to a complete disadvantage!

Although the escape method is mysterious, it is slightly ridiculous in Su Jin's "Mohe Town Prison Eye", and the ancient violent ape clan's "Ape Strike" was originally a kind of heaven-shaking magical technique, designed for killing and cutting. , As soon as the magical technique comes out, roll forward, how can you resist it?

Even if the three princes of the Kingdom of Yan were hiding in nothingness, it wouldn't work!

In the next moment, the huge Violent Ape Phantom also directly reached out its claws, smashed a piece of nothingness, and grabbed the three princes of Yan Kingdom!

It's like carrying a chicken!

Many monks glared at them, and with the inheritance of the "Candle Yin Ghost Palace", the three princes of the Yan Kingdom who Su Jin could still fight had no power to fight back!

Among the spectators.

A monk gasped and said, "The three princes of the Kingdom of Yan will inherit the'Candle Yin Ghost Palace' in the future, but they will be beaten so badly to be the master of the palace. This is too powerful!"

"The vision of the Three Cities uplifting, as the cultivation base grows, this vision will become stronger. The three princes of the Yan Kingdom are already strong enough, but they still can't compete." A monk responded.

"Unexpectedly, even the three princes of the Kingdom of Yan could not compete with Emperor Su, this person has arrogant capital."

"It's hard to say, maybe the three princes still have cards."


Many monks scrambled to discuss.

On the battlefield, the three princes of the Kingdom of Yan were really pinched!

Su Jin looked at the three princes of the Kingdom of Yan and sneered: "I have heard of your ability a long time ago, and want to compete with me for the title of the No. 1 Young Master in the Eastern Region, but you brag too much, just this little strength, let me Very disappointed! You are not as good as the Prince Yongye of the Great Shu Kingdom, he can still wear a Taoist garment, and you... just rely on this holy garment and armor to want to not be caught by me?"

"Try it!" The three princes of the Kingdom of Yan had already exhibited the saint stone body. Now he was cold in his heart, and he became a holy realm in retreat, but his strength was still below Su Jin!

"I can smash the saint stone body, not to mention a holy armor!" Su Jin raised his voice and said coldly: "Die me!"

Just about to tear up the three princes of the Kingdom of Yan, the sudden change occurred!

Over the battlefield, a circular fog appeared, and from it, a large dark blue hand emerged. Su Jin's face changed drastically when this large hand appeared. He was suppressed by the majestic and invincible aura, even pinched to death. The three princes have no abilities!


Su Jin's violent ape phantom disappeared, spurted blood, retreated hundreds of feet, and fell heavily to the ground. The anger that rushed into the sky was breeding, and he shouted at the big hand: "Sacred Ancestor of Yan Kingdom!"

Powerless! Really powerless!

The opponent is a real ancestral realm powerhouse, definitely not a holy king. The holy king definitely does not have such a strong aura. Su Jin is now infinitely close to the holy realm. It can be said that within a few days, the power of the third city can be evolved. His body will fill all the stone body. Become a true power in the Holy Land!

Even if this were not the case, Su Jin definitely knew that the other party was the saint ancestor of the Kingdom of Yan. After all, his current strength was integrated, and he could fought against several saints, the saint king realm strong, would not give him such a strong feeling!


Originally, fighting was a matter of life and death. Queen Mother Yaochi said this when she was on the battlefield, and the other party must have been told, but in this situation, there was really no way. Saint Ancestor of the Kingdom of Yan, don't want his heirs to die, who dares to intervene and say "no"

At this moment, a more terrifying scene appeared, Su Jin staggered to his feet, and then he was startled! ! !


The familiar and hot sound floated everywhere at this time, and the word "fixed" was unprecedented. The dark blue hand was really frozen, and then an iron pillar-like weapon appeared, "Hey! The ancestral realm is like you. It’s really a shame to be a scumbag~~ Eat my Dou Ye a stick!"

boom! The dark blue hand was smashed by this stick!

Su Jin's mind is booming now, can't believe it! Didn't Ah Dou go to see the righteous brother and sister-in-law? How could it appear in Yaochi Holy Land? What setbacks did this prowling monkey encounter, and come back again?

Don't let Su Jin think too much. When the dark blue big hand was smashed, he directly pointed out his hand angrily, pointed at the sky, and the great immortal technique "Tongtian Bridge" appeared magnificently above the head of the three princes of Yan Kingdom!

In the next moment, the huge body of Ape Strike Technique reappeared, and Su Jin directly caught the stunned Third Prince Yan in the same way!


The three princes of Yan Kingdom were torn to death in the **** rain!

After the dark blue big hand was shattered by A Dou, the battle between the ancestors was not over, the iron rod disappeared, and a monkey shadow climbed into the depths of the void! Chased the past.

Cracks appear from time to time in a vast space. In this space in the depths of the void, there is an old man's'ancestral body' within a hundred meters, and traces of the avenue are permeated in it. It is a piece of'ancestral realm world' supported by strong ancestors.

"In the territories, Douye's avenue is not complete! Can't let go of your hands and feet, hehe, boy, you are worthy of being an ancestor? Open your eyes to see what ancestor Douye is!"

Adou made a hoarse voice, his tone full of pride, and then he straightened the monkey hair on his forehead and turned around for a few times. Then, a fierce and ruthless great ape king appeared on his head. The iron rod was as big as a mountain. Held by the terrifying demon ape ancestor, he swept the depths of the void with one blow!

This iron rod swept tens of millions of miles!

The true and false body of the Holy Ancestor of Yan Kingdom was destroyed almost at the same time. The true ancestor body was swept to death without even saying a word, invincible!

The whole Yaochi Holy Land was quiet, and how many people did not believe it.

Above the open battlefield, all the cultivators faintly saw the phantom of the Great Ape King, and saw that they swung a stick, blasting the void into a black hole, and with one blow, the ancestor of the country of Yan was blasted into one. Put the slag.

Su Jin was silent. At this moment, Ah Dou's voice came in his ear, "Brother~~~ The road to the Dragon Palace is no longer accessible. I just passed by and have a look. Now I need to rush to a place a million miles west of the Buddha Kingdom. Go, take care, I will come back to see you in two thousand years."

In the depths of the void, a splashing monkey with a cigarette in his mouth, carrying a stick on one shoulder, disappeared gracefully and headed west...

It turned out that Ah Dou disappeared after the steel cross-sea bridge yesterday, and finally found the Dragon Palace, but found that it had become a ruin, and finally returned without success. Just thinking that Su Jin was going to the Yaochi Holy Land, he stopped by to take a look. It's been a long time.

Who knows, the saint ancestor of the Kingdom of Yan has no shame, so Douye can spare him?

Knowing that Ah Dou was gone, after waiting for a quarter of an hour, all the talents were in an uproar. In Su Jin's silence, a young man in Chinese clothes walked on the battlefield...

"It feels like that senior is gone, I think I can't get used to the junior contest."

Young Master Xinglei Palace stood opposite Su Jin, slowly stretched out his hand, and said lightly: "I heard that you have a dragon of thunder robbery, take it out now, and give it to me... bow your head to me, I don't need to kill you. "

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