My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1614: Seven Steps to Bengtian

Bow your head, admit defeat, don't kill?

Su Jin's face sank! Turning over his hands, he put away the green bell that he snatched when the third prince of Yan Kingdom was torn to death.

The other party is really arrogant, because there are no three words in Su Shao's dictionary! This young master who came up seemed to be much better than the three princes of the Kingdom of Yan. When he stretched out his hands, purple lightning flashed his body. He was a rare lightning master. No wonder he wanted to ask for that dragon robbery.

There was an uproar.

This is not fair! The saint ancestor of the Kingdom of Yan had just lowered his big hand, which obviously injured Su Jin. Now that Su Shaoyou is injured, the Young Palace Master of the Star Thunder Palace is in a position to take advantage of the danger.

"Xinglei Palace has always been shameless. I am a higher one. I originally had some doubts, but now that I saw the Young Palace Master, I really believed that the rumor was true." Some monks became angry.

Extraterritorial powerhouses are respected. Just now Su Jin’s methods have been recognized by many people, and even the three princes of the Yan Kingdom are torn to death. Few people can do this kind of courage. Now Su Jin is injured, Xing Lei Palace The Young Palace Master is so mean.

Really shameless!

Su Jin looked indifferent, looking at the Young Master of Xinglei Palace indifferently, and asked: "Since you have come up, you now kneel down to me, begging for mercy, and I will not kill you!"

Crazy with Su Shao? Slightly immature!

"If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry, you want to die, I will let you die! But before you die, please remember my name...Xinglei Palace Young Master Lu Yuge!" Xinglei Palace Young Master said.

"You are the second to die." Facing the opponent's arrogance, Su Jin replied with a touch of blood on his lips.

Compared to Lu Yuge’s rampant madness, Su Jin’s words are even more terrifying, because he let the three princes of the Yan Kingdom die first, but he was torn to death by him. Now he wants this young master of the Star Thunder Palace Lu Yuge to be the second. This death is really domineering to the extreme.

The monks now have all recovered.

In the peach blossom forest, several beauties of national colors sigh with emotion.

"The cry just now seems to be Princess Lingyu. She said that the third prince of Yan Kingdom is not Su Jin's opponent. She still doesn't believe it. Now it is all right. Her third brother was torn off by Su Jinsheng. That saint ancestor did not know how to escape. Where are you?" said Tai Yu'er, the goddess of Yin and Yang.

"Gusu Lingyu's personality is a bit problematic." The holy girl of the ring dance nodded, "but the holy ancestor holding the iron rod just now, I don't know who it is."

"No matter who it is, I don't want Big Brother to play." Baili Yunchang shook his head repeatedly.

Fairy Bicheng embraced the'Yaoqin', looked at the battlefield, and muttered: "He is injured, and I don't know if he can ever play it."

"Don't worry, I think I should be able to."


Now in the battlefield, Young Master Lu Yuge of the Xinglei Palace, with one hand on his back, and a circle in front of him with one hand, the thunder light is dotted in the circle, and the scars of the thunder road are wandering everywhere, and above his head, begins Condensing the sea of ​​thunder and lightning, the black thunder rushes down!

At Lu Yuge's right foot, a blue thunder toad with a large palm leaped up. The toad's body grew larger in the void, and finally hung in the thunder field.

"Thunder domain! It turned out to be a thunder domain. This is different from a vision. It is rumored that this kind of real thunder is uncomfortable on the Eucharist. With that thunder toad dormant in it, I don't know what power it will have."

When someone looked up and saw it, they couldn't help exclaiming.

"Xinglei Palace is a self-proclaimed realm. They are like'Wuliang Jianshan' and'Beichen Snow Region'. They are all in the same place. This Lu Yuge is very famous. He likes beautiful women, not to mention, he is also connected with many secret realms. The relationship, apart from Xinglei Palace, the background behind him is also very mysterious."

"Tianzi Su is injured, can you tie him? My hometown is in the Eastern Region, and I don't want such a genius to fall in the Holy Land." A monk became nervous.

"The two have done it!"

I don't know who it was, the voice fell, and as expected, a fight started on the battlefield.

A piece of thunder domain was engulfed in black lightning, and Su Jin descended. This was just Lu Yuge's most common attack. He was trying to see how much Su Jin still had!

I have to say that this is very insidious. If Lu Yuge finds a chance, I am afraid he will use a trick to kill Su Jin!

"You, match me to exhibit the Vision of the Second City!"

Su Jin was full of fighting spirit, knowing that this Lu Yuge was better than the three princes of the Yan Kingdom, and the terrifying scene immediately stopped even the Queen Mother Yaochi who was watching...

Two snow-white stone pillars standing upright on the ground, magnificent appeared in everyone's eyes, and there was a faint archway in the sky with the three characters "South Heaven Gate" written on it!

Not only that!

Among them, many large halls such as'Qianyun Temple','Yuxu Palace', and'Donghua Temple' are erected in the border of the door. From a distance, they are incredibly real. The vision of the Second City's'Ancient Heavenly Court' is no longer empty. !

Queen Yaochi's eyes widened, and her holy land had the appearance of the original heavenly court. How could these halls be located so accurately in Su Jin's vision! Immediately, she exclaimed, and blurted out: "Yao Chi!"

The extremely real jade pond!

In the vision of the ancient heaven!

"Visions are all tricks to make fun of the ghosts, watch my earth-shattering thunder method break your vision!" Lu Yuge said softly, and the thunder domain above his head floated towards Su Jin.

In fact, Lu Yuge was secretly frightened. After the appearance of Su Jin's second city vision, for some reason, he discovered that Su Tianzi's injury was getting better quickly, and his whole body seemed to be fascinated by immortality! Where does that fairy qi come from!

Yaochi in the natural vision!

Su Jin's face was solemn, and the ancient heavenly court of the second city, all the power that draws from the emptiness was blessed on him, he raised his hand and patted it, and the immortal bridge with the same origin was erected!


The Bridge of Heaven accepted the billowing celestial energy. After it appeared, it began to fluctuate. The unimaginable laws of the immortal way were washed on it, and the traces of the suppression of the path began to evolve. The ‘suppression of the immortal’ was made up completely, and the suppression was invisible!

A fairy bridge even squeezed away the thunder domain controlled by Lu Yuge!

"You just didn't have such a strong strength, this city has increased your strength by more than 30%." Lu Yuge frowned and asked, he finally noticed!

After all, Su Jin's momentum is getting stronger and stronger now, and under the blessing of Second City, his injury has already improved, before winning!

"When there is no war, I heard that you only need one blow to kill me." Su Jin said lightly.

"Yes!" Lu Yuge proudly said with his head up.

"Then have you ever thought, can I kill you with one blow?"

"Impossible!" Lu Yuge shook his head flatly, "You can't do it!"

"Really? Open your eyes and see how I defeated you."

Su Jin was surrounded by immortal energy, far surpassing his heyday, immediately he rose into the sky in one step, broke through the thunder field, and then fell quickly...

The speed of falling is a thousand times faster than usual!

Under the weight of 18 thousand catties, Su Jin and the "Juque Sword" cooperated, and for the first time performed domineering supernatural powers on people...

Seven steps to collapse the sky!

Stomping on this Lu Yuge!

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