My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1615: Miss Mo Jia


The monks from all over the world who raised their heads and paid attention to the battlefield all exclaimed.

Su Jin just said that he would trample on Lu Yuge to death. There were still people who didn't believe it. He hurt his body and experienced the consumption of the three princes of the Kingdom of Yan. They dare to be so arrogant?

But now, no one dares to deny this idea!

When Su Jin was falling at the speed of a meteor, the overwhelming "suppression road marks" escaped. Many monks of low realm seemed to have their throats suddenly strangled, and they were temporarily unable to breathe.

The one who can feel the real thing most is Lu Yuge!

For the first time, the gray-white stone body wrapped Lu Yuge's whole body. He had been in the Holy Realm for fifteen years and had always refused to accept any young master, but now he felt an unprecedented pressure. Because, in his perception, there is suppression all over the world!

As a holy land, still trapped in place!

how is this possible!

Lu Yuge raised his head with difficulty, but found that as Su Jin descended, he couldn't even shout for a moment.


The force of a mighty eruption broke out in an instant, the ‘Seven Steps of Bengtian’, the magical skill of the fighting sage Buddha carved on the ‘Juque Sword’, is the first step to show the world!

Su Jin kicked Lu Yuge. The small piece of void battlefield where Lu Yuge was located, suddenly stepped on like a spider web, spreading and cracking everywhere!


More than a dozen stone bodies flew away from various parts, and this foot burst the saint's stone body!

Su Jin stood in the middle of the battlefield. He felt the blood surge, suddenly couldn't help it, and sprayed out a mouthful of blood.

My injury has already been completely repaired, how can I be injured? Su Jin himself didn't want to believe it in his heart, but had to believe it, but the facts before him were so. And Lu Yuge's stone body was burst by this foot, and the true spirit rushed out instantly, staring at Young Master Su with hatred eyes...

Immediately, the true spirit was swept away by the tongue of Thunder Toad in the thunder domain above, and disappeared.

At this moment, I don't know how many monks are shocked.

"The young master of Xinglei Palace was trampled to death by Emperor Su!" Someone roared with a red neck.

"It's too tragic. The stone body of the saint is very strong, and the sword blade of the spirit treasure is difficult to cut down a bit. This foot actually exploded the stone body of the saint!" There are still people with emotion.

"A young master in the middle of the field, he should be able to do it too." Some monks had never seen it before, and asked in an uncertain tone.

"No matter what, no matter whether Su Tianzi will die or not, this battle will be famous all over the world. It's really too strong. Even if two monks I'm optimistic about are killed, there is nothing he can do!"

"Yeah! Two masters have fallen, can the legend of Su Tianzi continue? It is strongly recommended that Su Tianzi go to rest now, the wheel fight is unfair!" The voice turned out to be a girl.

"Yes, it's not fair to fight again!"

"Let Su Tianzi rest!"

The monks are vocalizing one after another...

But soon, Su Jin took off the ‘Juque’ behind his back, a sword soared, pointed at all sides of the battlefield, and shouted: "Who, the third one died!"

Who died third?

To kill the first two of Su Jin, the three princes of Yan Kingdom were torn from life to death. The second Young Master Lu Yuge of Xinglei Palace, who threatened to kill Su Jin, was stepped on the stone body and fell to death. Who else Dare to go? Now Su Jin's power is unprecedented, no one is not sure what trick he has hidden, beheading the third person.

At the beginning, some of the middle-field young experts who handed out the battle book, all Zou Mei, hesitated, seeing Su Jin's current state, it should be unsustainable, but I don't know if he deliberately deceived and wanted to kill the third person.

At this moment, a slim figure leaping like a fish rushed onto the battlefield...

She was actually a girl with a nice appearance and a small face. Although she was short, she was very well developed. She wore a pink half-moon collar sandal with gold on her upper body, and her hairstyle was made with green silk threads tied to the braids. Hair accessories.

With spirit in her eyes, this female concealment makes people feel extraordinary.

"You want to fight with me?" Su Jin felt that she was like a porcelain doll, delicate and lovely, but he would not underestimate the other party.

"No, no, I won't fight you... I'm a fan of you." The girl put her finger on the corner of her mouth and compared it to a scissor hand. The corner of her mouth rose, and she blushed with a smile, and said quickly: "My name is Mo Yue. "


Su Jin remembered that Elder Chen said that a girl named Mo Yue had also signed up, and it seemed that she was the beauty in front of her.

"Miss Mo Yue, what are you doing here if you don't compete with me?" Su Jin couldn't laugh or cry.

"I think you are too tired. Go down and heal your injuries first. I will help you with it." Mo Yue said with a smile.

"Can you do it? Even though you are my fan, I can't let people say behind my back that Su Jin will rely on a female fan to help." Su Jin said with a serious face.

"Don't underestimate me, I'm amazing!" Mo Yue's eyes, which were already very big, opened up a circle, their eyes are so beautiful that they have no friends.

After all, Mo Yue looked innocently under the eyes of the public, and took out a pink slap stone cart and placed it on the ground.

Immediately after she found it troublesome, she directly opened a golden kit, turned it over to the ground, a bunch of mechanical treasures appeared, and for a while, the treasures were shining, and the evil soaring to the sky~~~

At first, the pink stone car began to change. It grew bigger, and then it grew bigger, and a sky-sky cannon was erected! Immediately, a bunch of holy treasures in the kit began to show their various gestures!

A green snake sacred treasure wandered away, and the poisonous mist was filled, faintly showing its power.

A black ape leaped up and grew a figure of eight feet tall!

Dozens of holy treasures...

Su Jin was speechless, this was simply a hooligan. After frightening other monks, the woman named Mo Yue flushed and weakly said to Su Shao: "I, there is still a little bit~~ put home~~"

"The Mo family, she is the second Miss Mo family in the "Hundred Scholars"!" I don't know who it is, and she said with a wry smile.

"Every one of the holy treasures of the Mohist family is precious, she took out a bunch!" Someone was deeply shocked, feeling black.

Su Jin was stunned, wiped his face severely, looked at Mo Yue and asked: "These holy treasures, can you beat a Baili son?"

"At least three hundred li gods can be killed..." Mo Yue blushed even more.


Su Jin cursed secretly in his heart, but he knew that the'child of Baili' was watching in a certain place, and Mo Yue said that he could kill three of the gods of Baili in front of so many monks. He could not refute it. No one dares to refute, because this is true!

"Okay, I'll go to heal first, you give me a while." Su Jin immediately bit the tip of his tongue to make himself awake. Before Mo Yue could speak again, he stepped out of the opened battlefield and moved towards the pavilion. Skip away, because he has seen Queen Yaochi.

Now I need her help!

"I want to enter the fairy pond again." Su Jin looked at the Yaochi Queen Mother who had finished watching the battle, and said something directly.

"Your injury..." Queen Yaochi frowned slowly.

Su Jin sighed and told the truth: "I suspect that my hidden injury was caused by the female fairy corpse deep in the fairy pond."

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