My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1616: Jump into the Jade Lake to find a corpse

"Fairy Corpse?"

Upon hearing Su Jin's words, Queen Mother Yaochi was taken aback and said with a stunned look: "What fairy corpse?"

"Don't make trouble, in the deepest part of Jade Lake, there is a fairy corpse. You are the master of Jade Lake, don't you know?" Su Jin said with a weird expression.

"In the forbidden ground, I told you that there is nothing inside, how could there be a fairy corpse. Are you sure you read it right?"

"It's true, absolutely correct."

"I have two powerful ancestors in the Jade Lake. The forbidden area in the Jade Lake has been confirmed by them. There can be no immortals, let alone the existence of celestial corpses. What tricks do you want to do? I have doubts about you now." The Queen Mother was enchanting, her face full of disbelief.

"The hidden wound is stealing my life." Su Jin's face changed suddenly as he felt the condition of his body.

"Could it be that the sacred ancestor of the Kingdom of Yan caused the hidden injury?"

"It's not him. Many strong people are in full view. He has no face to attack me and leave me with a dark wound."

"Since you are so sure, then I will take you in again."

Where did the Queen Mother of Jade Lake dare to be careless, the task of continuing the immortal Dao fell on the holy ground, Su Jin is a key link, absolutely no problem can arise, immediately waved her hand, touched the big prohibition, and before, a spar channel appeared. Entrance.

The two walked in.


On the battlefield! Baili Family, the second Miss Mo Family, Mo Yue, blinked a few times and said, "Where is Baili Divine Son?"

The delicate voice is crisp, with a slight magnetic taste, which is very attractive.

Half an hour, a quarter of an hour.

Baili Shenzi did not respond!

You must know that the **** son of the Baili family is more famous than the low-key Mohist disciple. Many people at the scene do not know the Mohist school of the Central Region, and even mention the top ten of the Baili family automatically, and automatically ignore the'Mohist school'. The existence of Mo Yue now openly challenged the son of Baili!

Many people are looking forward to it.

But gradually the expectation turned into disappointment.

Baili Shenzi did not respond! I don’t know if it’s because I dare not?

"This woman is young, why are there so many sacred treasures? Many people don't even have one. Isn't this too bullying?" Finally, a monk couldn't help but speak out.

"Have you given her all the sacred treasures of the Mo family? A bunch of sacred treasures, it is estimated that even the sacred king will have a headache and be bombarded. Who would dare to go up and fight!"

"It is rumored that Miss Mo Family, Mo Yue, entered the Holy Realm five years ago, and she will be the head of the Mo Family in the future. It is reasonable to have so many holy treasures to defend herself."

"My God, the **** child Baili hasn't responded for so long. The enchanting genius of the middle domain who is secretly hidden, I am afraid that he dare not offend the Mo family. The key point is that this girl claims to be Su Tianzi's true love fan, which is terrible..."

"I can't imagine it."

Following the discussions of the monks, it was obvious that the **** son Baili was afraid to challenge.

Miss Moyue on the battlefield slowly frowned and shouted: "The son of Baili won't come out, so where is the little lord Jinpeng? I heard that you inherited the mantle of the giant king of the Third Age, plus the Kunpeng blood in your body, want to come. Can fight me."

Lost voice again!

The son of Baili did not come out, and now Miss Moyue is clamoring for the little king of Jinpeng again. Many monks are ashamed. Sure enough, what kind of idol they have, what kind of fans are there. The domineering trend brought by Su Tianzi, even female fans are be infected!

The point is... this girl is too hooligans, a bunch of holy treasure organs are arranged, who can go up and get the benefits?

Although the little King Jinpeng inherited the boundless heritage, he was also the same as the "Candle Yin Ghost Palace" of the three princes of the Kingdom of Yan. Only when he reached a very high level can he exert a terrorist effect.

Just like Ah Dou's pupil technique ‘Fire Eye Golden Eye’, although it is on the same level as Su Jin’s ‘Mohe Town Prison Eye’, A Dou is a powerhouse in the Two Ancestral Realm, and the power he exerts is naturally incomparable.

For a while, Jinpeng little lord, don't fight!

He didn't even dare to fart! This time, all the cultivators who watched the battle were blown up. Many people start to admire it. Miss Mo Family is playing gangsters and bullying people. That is because people have the ability, and you also have so many holy treasures!

So on the battlefield, Miss Moyue sat on the pink chariot with her little hand resting her cheek on it. She was quite boring. She didn't expect this to happen. It turned out that she could hold the audience alone!


Speaking back to the spar channel.

Su Jin followed Queen Mother Yaochi to the edge of the vast fairy pond for the second time.

"Where is the female celestial corpse?" Queen Yaochi gave a charming look, and she thought in her heart at the same time, if she can't find it, let's see what the old lady says about you.

"I'll show you." Su Jin opened the'Mahe Town Prison Eye' and directly evolved the vision he saw a few steps away.

Queen Yaochi's body was shocked, but then Young Master Su shook his heart as well and took a step back.

Wrapped in white fairy clothes, brand new as before, green hair band tied with ink hair, sober dust, Su Jin's heart is beating, he was shocked, shocked because he saw the female fairy corpse now, eyes closed!

Su Jin remembers it very clearly!

Before he came to transform this piece of fairy pond into the second city's "Ancient Heavenly Court" vision, thinking that this female fairy corpse died with her eyes open, but now she actually closed her eyes!


Su Jin only felt the horror at the back of his head. In summary, the identity of this fairy is even more incredible.

First, there are two holy ancestors in the sacred place of Yaochi. The strong ancestors in the ancestral realm belong to the highest point of the pyramid outside the current territory. Even the two holy ancestors of the holy land did not find this fairy corpse. How did she do it?

Second, the female celestial corpse appeared in the depths of the Jade Lake. It was strange, as if someone cut her to death and threw it in. But even the strongest ancestors can't see a fairy corpse, who can do it. Kill her?

The most important thing is her identity!

Who is she, the tree is dead, and the person is dead, she can't appear for no reason!

"A corpse of a female fairy stayed in the depths of Jade Lake, and the holy ancestor could not find it." The Queen Mother of Jade Lake widened her eyes and became nervous.

"I just saw her for the first time. She opened her eyes, and she could leave a dark wound on me, but I didn't notice it..." Su Jin took a deep breath.

"Let's leave first. This is a serious matter and cannot be spread. I need to tell the saint ancestor so that I can deal with it." The shock on Queen Yaochi's face did not abate.

"You leave first. The hidden wound is stealing my life. At this rate, I'm afraid I will die within a day." Su Jin shook his head flatly.


Queen Yaochi was even more shocked, "You only have one day to live?"

"So you need to make a decision." Su Jin said with firm eyes.

"What do you want to do?" Queen Yaochi was shocked.

Does Su Jin think...

The Queen Mother Yaochi hadn't come to stop, only heard a puff, Su Jin's figure was gone...

In order to survive, Su Jin jumped into the boundless fairy pond!

He wants to find out the truth!

Go find the mysterious female fairy corpse!

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