My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1617: Female fairy

The water is slightly cool.

Su Jin's current speed is very fast. In order to reach the deepest point as quickly as possible, he went straight into the water, with the blessing of the ‘Juque Sword’ of 18,000 jin, and his whole person was falling horribly! It's a hundred miles deep in the blink of an eye!

Immortal energy was rolling, and a white fairy dragon was faintly setting off a terrifying wave in the sky above this fairy pond. This vision was directly perceived by many great powers.

Queen Mother Yaochi was about to leave, so she went to discuss with the two immortal ancestors. After seeing this immortal dragon vision, she couldn't help but smiled, and two immortal ancestors moved here!

The two immortal ancestors of Yaochi are both very old.

An old man with white beard and hair on the left, named King Kong Xianzu, carried a white one-meter-long fairy gourd on his back, and his eyes were billowing in purple mist, as if two thunder dragons were roaring.

It is rumored that the King Kong Immortal Ancestor was a born immortal, a strong man born from a gourd.

The one on the right, with a green temple and a white hu, is as thin as a wood, and is the famous ancestor of the Big Dipper in Yaochi!

"The birth of the fairy dragon in Yaochi is a lucky sight!" The Big Dipper Immortal Ancestor's face was joyful.

"Two immortal ancestors." Queen Yaochi bowed and said, "Emperor Su jumped into Yaochi, and I couldn't stop it for a while."

"Don't blame you, if you stop, I will naturally take action." King Kong Immortal Ancestor shook his head and said.

"That's right. The fairy dragon is born in Yaochi. This little guy is indeed my Yaochi's hope. In the future, the "Ancient Heavenly Court" will surely reappear, and the prosperity of the Immortal Dao depends on him!"

"Two ancestors are optimistic about him?"

Queen Mother Yaochi was stunned. She didn't expect that the two most powerful men in the Holy Land would be so optimistic about Su Jin, which was beyond her expectation.

"The saint ancestor of the country of Yan, shameless, was beaten to death by an ancient saint ancestor." The Big Dipper immortal ancestor narrowed his eyes and let out a happy cry, with a little jealousy in his eyes.

"That master saint ancestor, definitely a senior in the pinnacle ancestral realm, will help Su Jin kill the ancestor of the kingdom of Yan. The emperor of the kingdom of Yan is probably blinded by crying now." Immortal ancestor King Kong smiled.

Queen Yaochi's body was shocked, with impossible eyes in her eyes.

The ancestor of the Kingdom of Yan was beaten to death by someone? How the Queen Mother Yaochi was not shocked, all those who watched the battle before knew that the sacred ancestor of the Yan Kingdom intervened to save the three princes of the Kingdom of Yan, and was later chased by the terrorist existence, but no one would have thought that the only ancestor of the Yan Kingdom was killed!

An ancestral realm powerhouse, unless his lifespan is exhausted, it is rare to be beaten to death. The "ancestral realm world" is unfolded, and no matter how bad, escape can still be done, almost no one can catch it!

"That master saint ancestor, how does it compare to the two supreme saint ancestors?" Queen Yaochi asked in shock.

"Us?" The Big Dipper Immortal Ancestor's face was rarely embarrassed.

Immortal Ancestor King Kong shook his head and said: "The holy ancestors of this place are added together, and together with the two world masters who were invited, they will make a move. I am afraid they will all be wiped out."

"Huh?" Queen Yaochi was terrified.

"The identity of Tianzi Su is very mysterious. Even the two of me don't know that there is an immortal corpse in the deepest part of Yaochi, but he can see it, so no matter what, he can't offend him in the future. I can take everything in Yaochi." King Kong Immortal Ancestor confessed to Queen Yaochi and said.

Hear here.

The Queen Mother Yaochi breathed a sigh of relief. She was afraid that the two immortal ancestors would blame her. After all, she had violated the rules when she brought Su Jin to this fairy pond for the second time.


I don't know how many meters, maybe it can only be calculated according to "li". Su Jin only felt that the time was long, and finally his feet seemed to touch a ripple, and his body disappeared.

Finally stepped on the ground!

Su Jin looked around and found that the place was bright. I don't know how many fluorites dotted it, and the light shone on this place.

And a hundred meters away, an immortal hall stood magnificently, surrounded by jade fences around it, and the years did not make people feel the vicissitudes of this immortal hall.

"Where is this?" Su Jin looked at the fairy hall with doubts, his face was uncertain, because the door was wide open!

Without hesitation, Su Jin walked over.

Gradually, although there is a sense of immortality here, and there is a sense of dust, Su Jin always feels that something is not right, there seems to be some creepy wind blowing from behind...

It's not so much a fairy palace, as it is a fairy grave! That female fairy corpse was buried in this fairy hall, and the door was open, which made people feel chilly!

Seeing that there was no danger, Su Jin no longer had to be cautious, and quietly walked into the fairy hall.

The Immortal Palace is not big, it is all made of white, Su Jin raised his head, and he can see it through!

And ten meters away, a fairy coffin was placed on a spar platform surrounded by fairy qi, surrounded by bowls of extinct fairy lamps, among which was the female fairy corpse that Su Shao saw! She is dressed in fairy clothes, with black hair tied with a green headband, a small mouth with a Qiong nose, a perfect face, and a fairy body lying flat! It's like falling asleep!

"Who are you, why open your eyes and steal my life?" Su Jin hesitated, facing the fairy coffin, and asked.

For a long time, there is no response!

Su Jin's heart sank, time will not wait for him, he only has half a day to live! Unable to help, began to try to get close to the fairy coffin.

Have words?

Young Master Su looked at the fairy coffin and wrote a few lines: "I tried the thin clothes for the first time, and the green ants tasted new, and gradually there was wind, rain, and cold."

"One branch can be folded, there is no one in the world to send."

The two lines of poetry written on it are entirely the lonely mind of my daughter's family. Who is she, seems to be miserable, more like I buried myself here.

Su Jin suddenly placed his hand on the edge of the fairy coffin. When he was thinking, he realized that his vitality was no longer being stolen, but began to quickly make up for it!

Feeling the situation, Su Jin let go again, and found that the vitality began to fade again!

Grass mud horse~~~playing a hooligan to Laozi~~~

Su Jin was shocked, and quickly squeezed the edge of the fairy coffin and continued to regain his vitality. Now he had a very absurd idea in his mind. He hurt himself and stole his vitality at first glance. It was as if he was cursed, only touching the fairy coffin, he The vitality can be quickly restored!

Obviously, this female fairy corpse told him in the dark to take her away!

Do you want to carry a fairy coffin and leave?

Official Su had no idea for a while. After thinking for a long time, he loosened the fairy coffin, but the miracle did not appear. The original vitality that had been restored, passed away again!

Take one step at a time!

Su Jin couldn't come in vain, and began to wander around this fairy hall.

There are two doors in the fairy hall. The first door was just entered by myself. I don’t know who else has opened it. The second door only opened one-tenth of a leaf. A dark gap appeared, attracting Su Jin. , Although the gap in the door is small, it can allow people to pass.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" from the back door, constantly appeared.

Su Jin didn't take the back door rashly, but looked through the gap in the back door, and his expression suddenly changed!

Su Jin couldn't believe the sight that appeared before him, nor could he believe it!

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