My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1618: Yaochi Great Tribulation

Black ghost ship!

Nine ghost ships showed their huge hulls in the ancient darkness.

On each ghost ship, a jade platform was placed on the square, and a fairy coffin was placed on it, not what the fairy coffin in this fairy hall was!

Su Jin was shocked. Who on earth was this female fairy corpse? There were nine ghost ships that wanted to take her away. Back then, when the Miaoshan Mountains, they had to take their own, but only one, and that ghost ship and this The nine ships are completely incomparable.

The weird master that Zhong Miaoshan saved by himself was able to smash the ghost ship that wanted to take him, but these nine ships, each with a murderous aura, felt breath stagnation when he glanced at it. Breeding out the belief that there is no hope of survival.

More than that.

With Su Jin’s eyesight, when looking at the nearest ghost ship, a few ancestral corpses fell on the upper deck in a mess. The ancestral corpses are intact and immortal. I want to go through a terrifying battle that year and wrestle with the sky. I don't know how many ancestral realm powerhouses guarded the female celestial corpses in this fairy hall, and all fell.


The identity of the female fairy corpse made Su Jin more puzzled.

The ghost ship that can let the strong ancestors die has not yet succeeded. Is this coffin an emperor coffin?

And the female fairy is the female fairy emperor?

No, no fairy emperor was born in this era. In the era before the great emperor, there was a Qingshuang emperor, but that was a male emperor!

"Ancestral soldiers!"

Su Jin aimed at a stone flute not far away, and his eyes suddenly became hot.

It is as if a poor beggar suddenly found a pile of gold and silver jewelry in front of him! Su Jin is now short of treasures. The "Gate of Huangquan" has been consumed before, and can no longer be summoned by the "Hands of Huangquan" within a short time. The "Dragon Umbrella of Nation" has gone through the battle of Immeasurable Sword Mountain and can no longer be used.

Su Jin raised his hand, and a large pattern on his left arm began to glow. The Zulong Heavenly Book pattern blessed him. He slammed his left hand out and turned into the Ancestral Dragon six claws, and grabbed it directly toward the stone flute!


The nine ghost ships outside swayed more severely, and their speed increased.

The stone flute of the ‘Ancestral Soldier’ was captured by Su Jin into the fairy hall!

Before he could be happy, Su Jin turned around one step and came to the fairy coffin. For some reason, when he saw the female fairy corpse, there was a touch of tenderness in his eyes. He raised his hand on the fairy coffin and stroked it...

Five fingers, all in!

Su Jin was very surprised, but he still hesitated, and gently stroked the female fairy's face with his hand...

The **** is cold.

The female celestial corpse in the fairy coffin, after Su Jin’s touch, lined with golden and jade-like words, starting from the jade neck and stretching into the fairy clothes. He didn’t know these words, and he only felt that he could not see through. I don't understand, her fairy is actually covered with Dao writing!

There was a touch of sadness in the fairy hall~~~

Su Jin shook his mind, as if he saw two tears rolling down from the corner of the female fairy's eyes.

"You are related to me, and you are definitely not in this era."

Su Jin laughed bitterly, and then continued: "It would be great if you could speak. I had previously suspected that I was Human Wang Chu, but Human Wang Chu and Emperor Huangquan were strong in this era. The emperor is Human Wang Chu. 'The dead ghost."

The female fairy cried. Touch the heartstrings!

She hurt Su Jin with a look in her eyes and led him to come, wanting him to take him away...

"I will take you away."

Withdrawing his hand, Su Jin received the ‘Juque Sword’ into the ‘Mountain God and Dachuan Picture’, and then tried to move the fairy coffin. Then, he felt as light as a feather!

Easy to be moved!

After that, Su Jin carried the fairy coffin behind his back. This feeling was quite strange, and he could hardly feel any weight.

Boom boom boom~~~

The fairy coffin was lifted up, and the whole fairy hall rumbling and shaking.

Su Jin's complexion changed drastically, carrying the female corpse fairy coffin directly into the sky. During this time, he glanced down, and the fairy hall collapsed and became a ruin! There, it was dark, it turned out to be a chaotic zone in space!

no choice! Before he couldn't find a way, Su Jin could only carry the fairy coffin, otherwise he would be stolen and even affect his strength.

After a long time, Su Jin rushed out of the water on the edge of the fairy pond!

"You finally came up." Yaochi Queen Mother said with a sigh of relief, looking at Young Master Su.


Seeing that no one else was there, Su Jin always felt something was wrong in his heart and swayed a few times in front of Queen Mother Yaochi.

"How about the female fairy corpse? Can you find it?" Queen Yaochi asked.


Su Jin was stunned, with such a big fairy coffin slanting on his back, can't this Queen Mother of Yaochi see? what's the situation?

"I didn't catch it, she was lying in the depths of the endless void, and I couldn't reach it." Su Jin's heart tightened, and immediately shook his head calmly.

The female celestial corpse in the fairy coffin is becoming more and more mysterious. According to Su Jin's thinking, her strength during her lifetime is definitely not weaker than that of the emperor, or even stronger. Now even the Queen Mother of Yaochi can't find the slightest situation. It is estimated that other holy ancestors It is also difficult to find, unless the peak Buddha like Ah Dou is talented.

After all, Ah Dou possesses the invincible pupil technique and golden eyes!

"Just now my two immortal ancestors in Yaochi were waiting for you here, but you haven't appeared for a long time. When they left, they said that an unimaginable situation had happened."

Queen Yaochi urged, "Let's go out and have a look."

"What can happen?" Su Jin flickered, his vague premonition growing stronger.

"It's not clear yet, let me go out." Queen Yaochi stripped a passage at will, and the two walked in quickly and disappeared in it.

Yaochi Holy Land, it's night!


When Su Jin rushed out of the spar channel and his figure appeared in the Jade Lake Holy Land, he couldn't help being stunned by the sight in front of him, and there was a direct cry in his heart, something bad happened!

Queen Yaochi didn't even bother to talk to Su Jin, and disappeared into the night.

Looking at the place, one hundred miles west, two rumbling black ships cruising around, turned out to be ghost ships!

To the south, go to Yuxu Palace too! There are two ghost ships with fairy coffins on them swimming south!

In the North Peak Hall, there are three ancient ghost ships, which seem to blow their horns and manifest in the void!

In all directions, it was the nine'Nether Ships' that Su Jin had seen!

Su Jin felt anxious, and this fairy coffin with female celestial corpses on his back had caused great disaster to Yaochi Holy Land!

A trace of destruction spread, and the monk's turmoil began, and people looked at the sky with panic, as if being stared at by nine great monsters.

"This trip can't return without success! I'm the little King Jinpeng! Where is the emperor Su, come quickly to die!" A arrogant and domineering voice came from all around Yaochi.

Little King Jinpeng, seeing that the situation is not good, he wants to kill Emperor Su at a speed and stay away from this place of great calamity in Yaochi!

Su Jin's face was stern.

"You are the third to die!" Su Jin immediately chose to challenge, regardless of others, who was he afraid of!

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