My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1622: Desperate


The real spirit of the saint king of Shangli, in the eyes of Mohe Town Prison, is as crisp as a flower, the flame that can burn through the space barriers ignited the real spirit of Shangli.

I only saw the real spirit of Shang Li in the flames, constantly jumping around and finally gradually turning into a little bit of light, completely disappearing in this world.

On the high floor.

Yuanshi Realm Lord, Dan Feng's eyes swept across the faces of Immortal Ancestor Beidou and Immortal King Kong, and said in a cold voice: "Two elders, my maidservant was killed by the emperor Su. Now I want to take action. Protect him?"

"Tianzi Su fell into the devil's way, and the world cannot tolerate the devil. It can no longer be my hope for the Jade Lake to continue the fairy way." The ancestor Beidou was angry.

"The Immortal Dao and the Demon Dao are old enemies. Since he has become a demon, the five realms should work together to cut him to death and refine the true spirit to avoid future troubles!"

The King Kong Immortal Ancestor also expressed his position immediately, but he was even more ruthless. After killing Su Jin, he would refine his true spirit. Like the Saint King Shangli, there would never be a possibility of reincarnation.

"This son must be killed, otherwise it may become the disaster of my five domains in the future." Another strong ancestor also nodded.

"It's just a holy realm. It's better to kill the wrong one than to let it go."

"I'm very interested in the vertical eyes on his forehead. You guys will help me take it off. Thank you very much." There is also the holy ancestor's eye on the'Mahe Prison Eye', and he wants to dig out Su Jin's vertical eyes and seize the world. Pupil surgery.

Queen Mother Yaochi was outside, listening to the conversations of the powerful ancestors, she did not expect that her two immortal ancestors were so cruel, whether they were immortals or demons. After all, Su Tianzi was the person of my five domains, the talent of pillars, and the future. Has a role not to be underestimated.

Now Queen Mother Yaochi can only be anxious, watching Su Jin walk to the side, and secretly wondering why this kid is not running!


Can't run!

Dismissing a dozen or so powerful ancestors who are almost desperate, Su Jin's intuitive threat now is the overwhelming robbery light over the three cities!

To become a saint against the sky, and to survive a terrible catastrophe, who dares to underestimate the power of the punishment? Su Jin believed that it was impossible to survive and could not escape here. After all, he killed the maidservant Shang Li of the Yuanshi Realm Master, and the Yuanshi Realm Master would not let him go.

Su Jin didn't run away, but walked to the side and picked up the weak true spirit on the ground.

Fairy Bicheng's true spirit was very weak, and when he held it up, he found that he was asleep. Su Jin hesitated in his heart, but still put it into the "Huangquan Notes" to prevent it from being destroyed by the catastrophe.

The overwhelming sound of thunder made many monks fear.

"Surrounded by nine ghost ships in all directions, the catastrophe came down, how many more can we live? Run as soon as possible!" Some monks were unwilling to leave, and wanted to go early and went straight to the sky.


The black thunder and lightning hit him, and the monk directly turned into a wisp of black ash~~

"Hurry up and find a house to go in!" Seeing that several monks were killed by thunder, there were monks with a face like a dish, and he looked for them in a hurry.

"Su Jin is really a bad guy. A good feast of the Yaochi has turned into a catastrophe in the Yaochi. I am afraid it will be difficult for us to leave!" Some monks complained.

"I wish him an early death. Only if he dies will the catastrophe dissipate and we can live!"

"Yes, the big demon is always going to be killed. If he doesn't die in the catastrophe, he can't tolerate it in the world."

"I wish his whole family died violently. My dream is to become a strong ancestor, but now I accompany him through the disaster!"

"Xxxxxx." There was a monk's curse.

The whole Jade Lake Holy Land was in turmoil. Some monks cursed monks who could not get into the house and were bombarded to death. The sky was dark, as if there was a big demon making chaos in the robbery cloud, and even a trace of thunder was engulfed in the air. breath.

Su Jin stepped towards the void, expressionless, he didn't look up to others, even if it was the calamity of the sky, he didn't deserve to look up!

On the Yaochi high platform, dozens of powerful ancestors looked surprised. They all wanted to make a move, selling the Yuanshi Realm Master's favor to her, but they only left the table and stood up to see a shocking scene.

In the dark sky, a trace of bright orange and gold appeared, and a decree was slowly outlined, and the font on it was clear!

"According to the heavens, the edict of the heavens said, I am the celestial thunder and punishment divine envoy, and the nether monk Su Jin knelt down to receive the decree!" A female voice without any emotion appeared, and the voice was hidden in the billowing clouds, apparently reading the decree.

"Who are you from!" Su Jin's eyes were sharp, and he sneered coldly.

"Come in the sky. Kneel down to take the order!" The female voice heard.

"I won't kneel or answer!"

"Su Jin, a monk in the lower realm, does not accept the decree of the heavens, and acts arrogantly against the sky. He will drop the'Nine Prison God Thunder' to kill the true spirit." The female voice was calm, and the voice appeared, amidst the clouds of blue and green. The thunder of the gods is accumulating, and the suppression of the heavenly decree makes all living beings surrender, and my mind is full of reverence.

"Fuck you!"

On Su Jin's left arm, the Ancestral Book of the Ancestral Dragon was urged by him, and the whole person turned into a terrifying red giant Ancestral Dragon, and went away facing the billowing robbery!

Now Su Jin is no longer what he used to be, he is now a heaven-defying Holy Realm! The demonstrated strength is many times stronger than that of the Half Saint.

The huge ancestral dragon body is a hundred feet wide! The dragon's head was angry, and after touching Jie Yun, the dragon's mouth shot...

The **** **** of heaven, the **** **** of nine prisons, the **** **** of thunder, the **** of thunder punishment, opened one mouth, including Dao Jieyun, were all swallowed in!

Shocking and astounding!

"This son can't stay."

Yuanshi Realm Master took a deep breath, and even the Thunder Punishment God Envoy of the "Xuantian Decree" was swallowed. I am afraid that he is the only one who dares in the world. If he does not beheaded to death, this person will definitely turn into a god-defying person in the future. The demon!

"The demon head against the sky, can't let him leave my Jade Lake Holy Land!" The Big Dipper Immortal Ancestor's face was solemn, the Thunder Punishment God Envoy of this realm appeared, and was even eaten. If Su Jin is not killed, the world may be destroyed. The catastrophe appeared.

"I'll kill him alone, don't wait." Yuanshi Realm Master, with a pretty face and cold, his figure disappeared on the high platform.

The Saint King Realm powerhouse was pinched to death by Su Jin. Now the Yuanshi Realm Master is an Ancestral Realm powerhouse. If a hair is entangled, he can strangle Su Tianzi to death, so no one doubts that he will fail.

On the side, Queen Mother Yaochi, her face was gloomy, and the trouble was getting bigger and bigger. Su Jin was invited by her, and her own responsibility is inevitable. She still has some hope now that Su Jin can escape, but Yuanshi Realm Master The chance of running away is almost zero if you act in person.

The Ancestral Book of Heaven was no longer urged, Su Jin trembled all over, watching the Yuanshi Realm Master coming in a jade white robe. This woman was slim and slender, with a beautiful appearance, but her whole body revealed a strong noble aura.

Top ten!

"You are the realm master of Yuanshi Realm." Su Jin stared at the realm master of the white clothes and let out a cold voice.

"Xiao Nie Hu, with your realm and strength, you are not worthy to talk to me at all." Yuanshi Realm Master had a cold face and gently raised his hand.

The ancestral realm cultivation base spreads in all directions! The avenues and principles are permeated, and they will all be imprisoned!

How did Su Jin escape? Can't escape!

The Yuanshi Realm Master did not give Su Jin a chance at all, nor did she have a chance. When she pointed to Su Jin, she actually pointed towards Su Shao's forehead!

She actually wanted to dig out the'Mahe Town Prison Eye' from Su Jin's eyebrows!

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