My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1623: Take your 90,000 life (1/3)

An ancestral realm powerhouse called for this eye.

Keeping it fresh is the most important thing, and it's better to pick it from the living. The Yuanshi Realm Master obviously also considered this.

In everyone's eyes, Su Jin is very far from the female master.

When the other party treats Su Jin, it is the same as treating ordinary animals. If you want to slaughter them, you will slaughter them, and you will slaughter them where you want to!

Su Jin stared in anger, but now his body was imprisoned, and he didn't even have the power to resist!

Face to face, strength is simply the difference between heaven and earth.

It's completely desperate, and I don't see any hope of life!

Suddenly, being imprisoned, Su Jin seemed to see traces of long black hair brushing across his face, smelling strands of fragrance in his nose, and Yuanshi Realm Master's hand just touched his forehead, but was touched by strands of long hair... …

The female realm master of Yuanshi, wrapped in white, her noble and delicate body shook suddenly, as if being electrocuted, she stepped back several steps.

"Who! Who are you!" Yuanshi Realm Master was extremely shocked, but stared behind Su Jin. With her ancestral realm cultivation base, she couldn't see the fairy coffin, but she had passed through the stone basin earlier. Lian knew that there was an immortal corpse inside.

"To shut up."

The weak and uncomfortable voice seemed to be heard through the depths of the void.

A horrible scene appeared!

Just now, the realm master of Yuanshi touched a strand of black hair on the fairy corpse. At this moment, the female realm master felt wrong. Looking down at her fingertips, she found a ray of sparkling light at her fingertips! Jingying began to spread from her fingertips, and the crystals began to spread all over the body. Soon she was wrapped in the spar, leaving only two eyes moving.

"Grass mud horse!" Su Jin can no longer care about three or seventy-one. After being able to move, he directly slaps the Yuanshi female world master with five fingers and one palm...


The crisp sound directly flew a human-shaped spar.

This scene frightened many monks. The brains seemed to be overwhelming, with rumbling noises. Even though the master of Yuanshi Realm was a female stream, he was also a powerful ancestor!

"Ancestral realm powerhouse, Yuanshi realm master was slapped by Su Tianzi..." Many people were dumbfounded.

"Not only the ancestral realm, but also the realm master of the great realm. Now he was slapped by the head of Su Mo."

"Who saw it clearly just now? How could the female world's chief pick Su Tianzi's divine eyes and leave?"

"He is a holy realm, even if it's a heaven-defying holy realm, the gap is not even the slightest, it is impossible to retreat from the Yuanshi realm master."

"It's not going to spread out..." The monks gathered three to five, just avoiding the catastrophe, now looking up into the void, the scene they see makes the noise like an explosion.

So shocking!

The dozens of powerful ancestors standing on the high platform are all startled now, knowing that there are unknown existences, and defeating the female world master with one blow, making her incapacitated.

"This, what's the situation, is it possible that the strange ape of the peak ancestral realm has not left in secret?" The strong ancestor of Nanli Island Master, staring blankly.

"It's not clear whether you can go, you can capture the Yuanshi Realm Master in one blow, not many people can do it..."

"Unfortunately, this little evil animal's divine eyes are of great use to me." Seeing that the Yuanshi Realm Master hadn't succeeded, Beiye Saint Ancestor said with regret.

"In any case, you can't let this Su Tianzi walk out of my Jade Lake Holy Land!" The Big Dipper Immortal Ancestor said with a straight face.

"Everyone of the ancestral realm, let's take action together. No matter who is secretly helping him, we will kill him!" King Kong Immortal Ancestor's face was full of murderous intent, and he flipped his hand to remove the white fairy gourd that was one meter high behind him. , Directly raised his hand to send Xianbao to the void.

The white fairy gourd, shocked the void, as if it turned into a huge mountain, and went to kill Su Jin Town!

"Pra. Ruo."

The female voice in the void was extremely weak, and she said two more words, the white fairy gourd trembled twice in the air, and the transparent spar covered it...

"Ah!" Immortal Ancestor King Kong screamed. He stood on the high platform and never approached Su Jin at all. He just sent the Xianbao gourd. Now his feet started to crystallize, and the crystal color spread to his neck in a blink of an eye, and he roared A cry: "This is a big fatalism! Which immortal emperor are you~~~"

Emperor Realm!

This world of this era, as we all know, there is no emperor realm powerhouse, the only possibility is the great emperor from the outside world!

The Big Dipper Immortal Ancestor was dumbfounded. I didn't expect this to happen. The other party obviously used the destiny power of the'Great Fate Technique' to crystallize the Immortal Treasure Gourd, and then constrained the King Kong Immortal Ancestor. Obviously, what he used was very similar to his Xianjia Method.

It's not over yet to stop Yuanshi Realm Master and King Kong Immortal Ancestor!

Saint Ancestor Kitano suddenly shocked all over, and roared: "Someone attacked me!"

The crystal color filled his body, and this ancestral realm master who wanted the Yuanshi realm master to shove Su Jin’s ‘Mohe Town Prison Eye’ suffered a catastrophe, and was instantly enveloped by the crystal color, as if being sealed in a spar! There are only two eyes left to move slightly!

"Take you... 90,000 life." The weak female voice clearly appeared in everyone's ears.

Saint Ancestor Kitano's face became tense, and the life span of his whole body began to dissipate, and in the blink of an eye he transformed from a middle-aged blue-haired man into a gray-haired staggering old man!

The existence of horror restrained the three powerful ancestors in a row, and took away the nine million lifespans of the holy ancestor Kitano just like getting something from a bag!

The shocking method has stopped all the strong ancestors present! Who would dare to move even half a point? Strong ancestral realm, dare not come out!

"My immortal Dao and the immortal emperor still exist." The old ancestor of the Big Dipper was crying, crawling on the ground, and worshiped.

Su Jin was also shocked, and suddenly he had some guesses in his heart. Soon after he had no more time to guess, he felt a slight shock from the fairy coffin behind him, and a fairy spirit sublimated...

The fairy of the female fairy corpse!

Su Jin's heart was trembling. This immortal power is so beautiful, so beautiful that she can't bear to blaspheme. She is dressed in fairy clothes and is beautiful and dusty, her nose is slightly erect, her small mouth is just right, her waist and legs are long, except for the slightly tired eyes. Besides, it was perfect.

In fact, Su Jin had known for a long time that when he broke through, it was this fairy who retreated the Saint King of Sorrow Li! It's just that he didn't know the identity of this immortal, but he didn't expect that she could be so tyrannical that she could even control three powerful ancestors!

"Jade Lake, it belongs to him from now on." The fairy spirit of the female fairy, after emerging from the corpse, looked up into the distance of nothingness, seemingly fascinated, and found some of the first memories. As far as I can see, there is a boundless fairy pond, and the white fairy dragon is still rolling and roaring in the sky.

The female fairy raised her hand and raised her slender white arm...

All the sacred grounds of Jade Lake began to tremble, and a boundless fairy pond was dug out of the void by the fairy spirits, and it was placed directly in the second city of Su Jin, "Ancient Heavenly Court"!

This is different from the vision Dao marks of rubbing, this is the real jade pond!

The Big Dipper Immortal Ancestor trembled all over. He wanted to know the identity of the female fairy very much, and asked with a trembling voice: "Dare to ask the fairy emperor, which era are you from?"

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