My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1628: Shocking surprise

Xia Yuyan, my goddess!

It was Yuyan's wife who opened the door, and Su Jin's heart surged. I directly felt the difference between Xia Yuyan and the past.

In the past, because of the work of the president, Xia Yuyan always dressed up in the kind of women's professional suits, and coupled with the position relationship, the impression that people have always been the president of Frost.

But now, she is definitely the top goddess dress!

Yuyan’s wife’s upper body wears a “line neck” slip-on princess sleeve skirt. This skirt is in a “fake two-piece” style. The small piece wrapped around it is pure and delicate white, and the color tone is beyond white. The next one is a tutu skirt of gray gauze on the knee.

Inside the gray transparent gauze skirt, there is also a layer of black sarong, slender legs stretched out, the posture of lifted up, suddenly bursting with temperament, stepped on a pair of white high heels.

Su Jin woke up from the sluggishness, took two steps forward, hugged her arms and shoulders together, and whispered in her ear: "My wife, I am getting better at dressing up..."

"You let go first."

Xia Yuyan also woke up from a daze. Immediately, when he saw him let go of himself, President Xia Da began to look at the husband of Su Da, and the corners of his mouth curled up unreasonably, "You, why are you bald!"

"Uh, there was a small accident." Su Jin touched the top of his head, but there was no embarrassment in his tone.

"What's the accident? Who helped you get your hair cut? It's too unprofessional. Go to him and refund the money!" Xia Yuyan looked at her, holding her breath in her powder cheeks, almost feigning a laugh.

Refund? Who can reason with the hair pulled out by the real Buddha?

Su Jin nodded lightly and said, "People always have to try new things and require changes. I think it's pretty good."

"It's so ugly." Xia Yuyan crossed her arms and turned around, just in time to see her younger sister in a pink skirt, rushing over with a'pi scrabble', and if she didn't look at it, she was going to Dasu Master. .

Xia Yunxi’s ‘piping child’ is called an ‘exhaust toilet dredge’, or ‘dung removal treasure’, a must-have artifact in the bathroom.

I saw the old girl Yun Xi shouting: "Where did the flower monk come from, dare to hug my sister, I will kill you..."

Su Jin took a step away. Xia Yunxi's speed was so fast that it would be difficult for ordinary people to avoid it. He knew that his sister-in-law was a little short-sighted. Who would have thought that he would just rush in with the'dung removal treasure' I'm going to hit myself!

"Hey..." Xia Yuyan raised one arm, then covered her eyes with her palm and couldn't bear to look directly.

"Calm down." Su Jin said with a strange tone.

"Sister, brother-in-law!" Xia Yunxi was dumbfounded. She was stunned by Young Master Su's hairstyle, and she remembered that her brother-in-law cares about her hair. Why is it gone now...

"It's hard to say a word."

Su Jin sighed, walked to the sofa and sat down, peeled a grape and threw it in his mouth. It was immediately sweet and healthy, and asked: "What happened to the house when I was away?"

Xia Yuyan stood by the sofa and gave Su Jin a white look when she heard it, "A few days ago, we all heard a cry on the roof, it seemed like a girl was crying, but we didn’t find it, I don’t know if it is. illusion."

some days ago?

Su Jin thought for a while, suddenly suddenly, if she didn't expect it, it should be the girl from Chuxia. After all, she was in Nanjiang and was almost killed. It is estimated that Chuxia will only appear here when she knows.

"Yes, yes, the cry is scary." After Xia Yunxi finished speaking, he quickly took away the ‘weapon’ in his hand and washed his hands.

"Where have you been these few days..." Xia Yuyan asked hesitantly.

"It's not easy to explain." Su Jin thought for a while and shook his head.

Xia Yuyan saw that her sister had washed her hands and came along, and said to Su Jin: "I'm ready to surprise you. I will explain to you in the room later."

After all, Xia Yuyan walked to the bedroom and closed the door.

Surprise? Still ready! Su Jin smiled knowingly. At this moment, sister Yunxi came to the sofa and saw her sister leave. The chicken thief grabbed the TV remote control on the coffee table, used it as a cover, and climbed onto the sofa. Squat down behind your back.

After turning on the TV, the tender white fingers touched Su Jin's head.

"Who helped you straighten your hair, why don't you beat him~~" Xia Yunxi touched the top of Young Master Su's head and asked in confusion.

"There is a question." Su Jin did not answer Xia Yunxi, let her touch and smile.

"Question? Why don't you ask..." Xia Yunxi was not tired, feeling that the brother-in-law felt so funny on his head.

"Your sister seems to pay more attention to dressing up these days, what do you think?"

"Of course, maybe it's not that busy anymore, of course you must pay attention to yourself."


Su Jin turned Weisi's head straight and started to face it. The news on TV made him interested.

"According to, a fisherman took a set of photos. An abnormal situation occurred in a certain southern sea area recently. There were patches of dead fish floating on the sea. The rancid smell was unpleasant. Some environmental protection experts said that this is a catastrophic global warming. time."

"It's news all day, change the channel!" Xia Yunxi raised the hand of the remote control and was pressed by Su Jin. A shocking scene appeared on the TV screen.

In that group of pictures, dead fish are covered in the sea, some of them have rotted, floating together but it is difficult for people to find the lime gray in the water...

The news screen was cut off. In the scene in the photo, a gray whale in the distance was about to jump out of the water, but it was more like a hurried escape, was instantly petrified, and the huge body could no longer fall into the water!

"Dragon Palace!" Su Jin burst into his mind.

A few days ago, Ah Dou went to the Dragon Palace and couldn't find a way to leave. I don't know what happened. You must know that the Dragon Palace is in the deep ocean of the extreme south of China!

The news switched over, but the scene of the gray whale being petrified left a mark in Su Jin's mind. A terrible thing had happened in the Dragon Palace in the extreme south.

Su Jin’s feeling of uncertainty in his heart is getting more and more intense, his face is even more solemn, and his expectation is an illusion. After all, he has walked through the western desert before, and now he is still a little tired. If there is no situation at night, he will observe and observe again tomorrow. Take a trip to the Dragon Palace.

"Your sister said that she prepared a surprise for me, so I'll go with her first." Su Jin got up and turned around, put her hand on Xia Yunxi's head, and kept her hair messed up.

The little girl who had done it blushed, and directed at Young Master Su who walked to the bedroom door, she waved her little hand severely and said, "Bad brother-in-law!"

Su Jin couldn't laugh, he even had the urge to go to Dragon Palace to find out, but he still planned to talk about it after this night!

Open the bedroom door and close it after entering.

Su Jin looked at the bed, and his eyes suddenly became hot. He didn't expect that the surprise Xia Yuyan prepared for him would be so shocking...

Turned out to be...

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