My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1629: It's terrible to be your brother-in-law

A Dao Ding!

Xia Yuyan sat on the side of the bed, with a palm-sized white small tripod floating above her head!

Xiaoding has three legs, and the extreme cold icy marks spread out from the cauldron, stunned Su Da's husband. My mouth can't close!

This small tripod spreads a little bit of brilliance, spilling from the top of Xia Yu's cigarette, plus her extraordinary dress, now it is like a holy fairy!

The beautiful and delicate white long legs stretched, the big beautiful eyes and the expression of cold frost temperament, looking directly at Su Jin, made Su Shao feel a little beautiful and cold.

"Oh, it's incredible." Su Jin looked straight.

Xia Yuyan unexpectedly reached the ‘aspiration period’! Quietly, busy with official duties, just taking time to practice the exercises, it can be said that the practice that took time off only takes up a small part of the time. This kind of practice speed is hard not to surprise Master Su.

You know, Su Jin left the technique of'Miaoxin Frost Dance' in the car and was taken by Xia Yuyan. She didn't intend to let her practice, but now his wife's talent is comparable to that of a goddess. , If she is allowed to study full-time, I don't know how many people will be scared.

"Accident?" Xia Yuyan actually laughed, with a rare sense of pride in her eyes.

And this kind of laughter, to Su Jin, is simply poisoning! Xia Yuyan, the president of the Xia Group, can show a sweet girl's smile.

Nothing Yuyan's wife can't do! Now the ‘Avenging Period’ is a good proof. When he agreed with her to practice the exercises, he originally thought that he would be able to reach the Infant Stage at most, and he didn’t know how many years, but now...

Say a word of service! Su Shao refused to accept anyone, so he served the wife who gave a big surprise!

"When did you break through?" Su Jin came to the bed, sat down beside Xia Yuyan, put his hand on her long, gentle legs, and asked.

"Two days ago. I designed a lot of Dao Ding at that time, and I still think this one is the most suitable for me." Xia Yuyan pointed to the delicate white Dao Ding on the top of his head.

"As soon as you enter the practice, it is as deep as the sea. According to my original plan, I am not willing to let you enter the practice world. At home, you only need to be responsible for being beautiful and beautiful." Su Jin sighed.

"I sent someone to check on you, these days you disappeared without a trace, definitely not in China, where are you." Xia Yuyan was curious.

Su Jin was startled, hesitating whether to talk about it or not, but after thinking about it for a while, he murmured and explained it to Xia Yuyan.

Including the earthly mansions, the extraterrestrial world, and the various geographical distributions, they were all told to Xia Yuyan. While talking about him, he was observing Yuyan’s wife’s face. I don’t know how she accepts her, but Xia Yuyan is good. He listened carefully, and in the end he became interested.

"There are no wonders in the big world." Xia Yuyan listened carefully for a long time, and then said: "However, there is one thing I doubt, is there really a'Dragon Palace' in the world?"

Just now, listening to Su Jin said.

"Absolutely, there is a strange situation in the Dragon Palace. I will leave tomorrow morning to find out." Su Jin nodded, but as soon as he said the words, he immediately regretted it.

"It just happened to be not very busy these few days. Take me with me tomorrow morning." Xia Yuyan said while looking at Su Jin.

"No! Your cultivation is shallow, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you at a critical time." Su Jin shook his head and flatly refused.

"No? You are dead if you don't take it!" Xia Yuyan cocked the corners of her mouth, opened her eyes wide, and her face was full of feint.

"Hey, I won't take it, what can you do to me?" Su Jin had a temper, and with some strength, he forgot who was the master at home! Have to give some color.

"You go out! Just find a room to live in, don't sleep with me at night." Xia Yuyan puffed up slightly on her cheeks, obviously starting to get angry.

This is simply a crit.

Su Jin suddenly wilted, shrugged, and said simply, "You won!"

"Okay!" Xia Yuyan raised her arms and screamed. According to her guess, this is just a trip, and it's not bad to relax.

Immediately, Xia Yuyan put his raised arm on Young Master Su's shoulder. Originally wanted to reward him with a ‘kiss’ on his cheek.

Who knows, Young Master Su is too cheap. He followed the posture of sitting, holding the willow waist with both hands, and fell back on the bed.

Big eyes blinked quickly.

Two blushes rose on Xia Yuyan's cheeks, she lowered her head lightly, her mouth lightly opened, and she kissed Su Shao's mouth. At this moment, she felt Su Da's husband holding her tightly.

This kind of holding strength is unprecedented!

"Boom boom boom~~~"

There was a knock at the door, Su Jinyi licked his mouth still, Yuyan's wife's lips were all sweet.

"Sister--" Xia Yunxi's voice appeared outside the door.

Xia Yuyan had to remove the white small tripod hanging over her hair, got up and opened the door, and she saw that it was her sister Yunxi, standing outside the door, with a little embarrassment on her face.

Xia Yunxi walked in the door at the sign of her sister.

Su Jin put his hand on the back of his head and was shocked, seeing Xia Yunxi holding a pillow in his hand, still embarrassed.

"Brother-in-law, I have been sleeping with my sister recently. I can't sleep without her and would have nightmares..." Xia Yunxi stepped up nervously, and pulled out a black wig from between the belly and the pillow, and said, "My sister doesn't I like your hairless look. Wear this... I gave it to you, my sister."

Simply silly and cute.

Su Jin glanced at the wig, looked at Xia Yunxi, and asked, "You mean, I'm going out to sleep? Can you give me some space for harmony between husband and wife?"

"Don't get angry, really." Xia Yuyan stared at Young Master Su, "These days, my sister can't sleep well at night, and she cried in terror twice. Recently, everything around the house is not right."

"Brother-in-law sleeps on the floor, too." Xia Yunxi said immediately, and shut up after speaking.

Damn, being your brother-in-law is terrible...

Su Jin couldn't laugh or cry.

"I will leave with you tomorrow, so go out and sleep." Xia Yuyan said to Young Master Su.

"Where are you going?" Xia Yunxi asked.

"Go outside for a few days with your brother-in-law."

"Haha!" Xia Yunxi threw the pillow in her arms onto the bed, crossed her waist, looked at Young Master Su, and smiled: "Brother-in-law! Take my sister-in-law with you!"

Doing things, I just want to compress all the private space of this king and her sister!

"No!" Xia Yuyan and Su Jin refused unanimously.

"Oh~~~" Sister Yunxi weakened, her expression on her face was pitiful.

Xia Yuyan knew it was impossible to take her there, absolutely right, she blushed immediately, hesitated and said, "Yunxi, you give me and your brother-in-law...twenty minutes..."

twenty minutes!

Xia Yunxi had a weird expression, looked at Su Jin a few more times, and then whispered a word, which was quite interesting:

"I know……"

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