My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 163: You have been hurt

"Your dad is so kind to me."

In the room, Su Jin looked at Susan and said lightly.

Susan smiled and asked, "Don't you like it?"

"I like it, why not?" Su Jin asked back.

"It's fine if you like it. It's not an old age now. I care about these deliberately for my own discomfort, right?" Susan said.

Su Jin looked at her. He could slightly see the snow-white skin in the big red mopping dress, and her beautiful face made him feel in a trance for a moment, but this kind of woman, no matter when, he will not She cares and likes too much. What she fancy is only her own strength, not really like herself. Of course, these are what he thinks.

Susan came to Su Jin, lifted the tail of the skirt, and asked gently: "Am I beautiful?"


"Then you think, shouldn't we do something?" Susan said with a smile.

A scent of fragrance came to her face, Su Jin's mouth wore a weird smile, and her hand touched her face, "I haven't seen it for so long, I want to do something."

Susan let his hand touch her cheek, her face was intoxicated, she moved slowly, and looked quite graceful. She was able to perceive Su Jin's emotions and she was very proud.


An hour passed in a flash...

The wooden wall clock ‘tick’, ‘tick’.

The beauty is snuggling, but Su Jin is staring at the swinging wall clock and thinking about things.

After a long time, Su Jin got up.

"Are you leaving?" Susan put her hand on Su Jin's lap and looked at him with a little bit of loss.

Su Jin turned to pick up her chin with his hands and said with a strange smile: "You don't want me to go?"

"Yeah." Susan frowned slightly, but in the end she said with an aching face, "Of course."

"If, I mean if." Sukin paused, looked at her and asked: "If I were just an ordinary kid, would you be like this?"

Susan's face was taken aback, and then she looked a little ugly.

Yes, if he was not a person with status, would he be like this?

This question is really difficult for her to answer.

Su Jin smiled, said nothing, turned around and walked out.

"Oh—" a deep sigh was left in the room.

After leaving Susan’s residence, Su Jin drove back to the Xia Group. The news of his return must have spread all over, and there should be a lot of people looking for him. I believe Dai Meiyun is already a little worried, but the situation is different now. He can be calm, and others will not be better off.

The elevator opened with a beep.


A beautiful woman appeared opposite Su Jin.

"Beauty, we met again." Su Jin looked at her and said with a smile.

It turned out that she really worked in the Xia Group, and she still worked on the floor with her wife.

Regarding beauty, Su Jin does not mean that she wants to chase after beauty. In this modern forest built of reinforced concrete, beauty is just a landscape. It is naturally pleasing to see, so he likes to see beauty and believes most of them. Men have the same thoughts as him.

Chen Zhimao felt that she was very unlucky, and met this man she hated again. He was amazing at the top. Men were shameless and rascal.

Seeing Su Jin talking to herself, Chen Zhiyu turned around altogether, not wanting to talk to him.

"Beauty, your working attitude is not good." Su Jin hurried to catch up and said with a smile.

"Then what do you want? Is it possible to have a good working attitude if you let the Yin and the Yang go against the sun?" Chen Zhiyu stopped and turned to look at him.

This temper--

It's so bad!

Su Jin looked at her speechlessly, "Beauty, do you think I am that kind of person?"

"It should be said that all men are that kind of people!" Chen Zhiyu said lightly.

"Beauty, you have been hurt." Su Jin sighed. He was drunk when he met such a woman. He just wanted to say that although he is not a good person, he is not bad.

"Whatever you think, don't follow me." Chen Zhimao put down a sentence.

I rub--

Brother, am I following her?

This is so funny. The president is his own wife, who is not inferior to her in length, so I need to follow her?

Nima, really want to follow.

Su Jin felt that his thoughts were low, his eyes were low, and his movements were low, so he walked to her and stopped her at his quick steps.

"Hey! Smelly man, I'll call you like this again!" Chen Zhiyu glared at him, but didn't even take a step back.

"You call it, let me see if it sounds." Su Jin's face didn't matter. In terms of speaking, he could beat him. There are probably not many people in the Xia group.

Chen Zhihui:...

She was speechless. She obviously wanted to tell people to call him a rogue, but she was misinterpreted to mean this. There really is such a superb man in the world!

Yes, she is very angry now, very angry, she is about to explode!

"Beauty, the mood fluctuates too much. Auntie will make trouble in your house. So calm down. I didn't say chasing you. In fact, my wife is more beautiful than you, better figure than you, and better tempered than you. What can make me like you?" Su Jin asked.

"That is, I feel wrong?" Chen Zhihui was even more angry. She had naturally heard of Su Jin's identity, but she dismissed it. Working here is work. Isn't it the same everywhere? She has jumped several companies in a row, and she is not afraid of not being found.

"You must be wrong. You think, with your work attitude, when you see a man, you will think that others are thinking about you. Isn't this too good for you? So, I feel that what you need most is to see a psychologist. , This will be better." Su Jin said.

"You scold me!"

"Look, I said you are sick, go see a psychiatrist, I will take you a day off, because no one will ask others to scold yourself." Su Jin said seriously.

Chen Zhihui was about to cry by Su Jin. How did this kind of people live in this world? She can no longer use words to describe her opinion of Su Jin. She knows that she feels right and how he is doing it. Under the flicker, she has a tendency to become sick?

"Is it the default? Look, the superior cares about you a lot." Su Jin looked at Chen Zhimao who was a little dumbfounded, and stretched out her hand to rub a few hands on her hair. It suddenly became a little messy, but she almost didn't drive Chen Zhimao crazy!

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