My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 164: Strange question

"You, you..." Chen Zhiyu was shaking all over, and she didn't know how to answer.

Of course Su Jin knows that he cannot do too much. After all, he is a girl and he is not familiar with it. If it is too much, people will not know how to say himself secretly. You must know that the official Su is in the Xia Group How can an idol-level man let others catch the handle, so he coughed: "Okay, I'm just kidding you, don't be so serious—"

Chen Zhiyu looked at the spot for a while, only to see Su Jin opened a door and walked in. After she reacted, she walked into the elevator angrily and continued to work.

Lina's office.

"Yeah, remember to come to me." Lina put her chin on, turning the pen in her hand flexibly, squinting her eyes and watching Su Jin put her in her pocket, and said.

"Where is Huihui?" Su Jin asked.

"Explain her to do something, why, she is also your woman?" Lina said curiously.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm here to find you." Su Jin sat opposite her.

"What can you do if you ask me?" Lina didn't bother with this question, anyway, she was a little bit resentful now.

"It's okay, I miss you."

"miss me?"

"of course."

"Then why don't you find me?"

"What are you doing?"

"You..." Lina looked at Su Jin speechlessly, but soon her eyes rolled twice, and she smiled and said, "What else can men and women do, don't you play rogues with me!"

Su Jin almost didn't laugh to death in his heart. This beauty is so funny, she is really bold and has no fear in the face of things. She nodded and said: "I have been too busy these days. I will visit your house when I have time. of."

"It's useless, sister has already found a boyfriend!" Lina snorted.

"Oh?" Su Jin's eyes showed an unexpected taste.

"You don't believe it?" Lina was a little proud.

"I believe it." Su Jin nodded after thinking about it.

"Then how do you feel?"



Lina's eyes widened, and she looked at Su Jin and didn't mean to lie at all, but she couldn't figure it out, and naturally asked: "You said I found a boyfriend, are you happy?"

"Of course." Su Jin looked innocent.


"No reason."

"Are you going to tell me!"

Su Jin looked at her a little aggressive, and had to say: "Look, as my ex-boyfriend treats you badly, you will find a new boyfriend. Am I right? In this way, as a man in a metropolis, I Shouldn’t it be a blessing? Let me see where this brother is from another day. Let’s meet and I will invite him to dinner!"

"Eat your sister, you believe me, my mother!" Lina felt that Su Jin could not be fooled by the aggressive method, but she had become passive, so she could not help but clarify that she was also afraid that Su Jin would be angry... Really, then he doesn't want himself?

"Oh, how could you lie to me like this." Suckington fashioned a disappointed expression.

Lina panicked, "I'm just still believe me, right?"

"Believe, I believe everything you say." Su Jin said.

"You can't believe the words just now!"

"You have said it, there is no way you don't believe it."

"Then what do you want!" Lina wanted to cry without tears, what is this and what?

Su Jin let out a dry cough, got serious, supported his chin with one arm on the desk, his eyes were at the turbulent peak, and he smiled playfully and said, "What do you mean?"

Lina flushed, and then gave him a vicious look, "Do you really want to be here?"

"It's not that I haven't had it."

"But Huihui Zhou is coming back soon!"

"forget about it."

Su Jin is just making a joke. He has indeed neglected Lina recently. No wonder she complains. It's all his fault. As for the ability to save the first time to himself, he won't I believe she has found a new boyfriend, so he still has these trusts.

Lina breathed a sigh of relief, and then didn't mean to twitch, she said, "Tonight, go to my house!"

"But I'm afraid of being caught by my wife."

"Then, what should I do?"

"I will find a chance when I have time."

The two discussed together how to get things done outside... and Su Jin sometimes even thinks about it, and it feels that both of them are amazing!

After a while, Zhou Huihui opened the door and walked in. Seeing that Su Jin was also there, there were some other meanings in her eyes, but she hid it well and said, "Big Brother Su is here."

Before Su Jin spoke, Lina looked at the two with a skeptical look, and said first: "Yes, your Big Brother Su doesn't know if it's me or you."

Zhou Huihui's heart throbbed in fright. She was afraid that Lina might guess something about her relationship with Su Jin, but she also felt that Lina already knew, maybe she was reminding herself that if she could say that, could the other party also be with Brother Su? Is there such a relationship?


Zhou Huihui didn't know how to say it for a while, Su Jin said, "I won't disturb your work anymore. I have to check some of the security department."

Although Su Jin is a name in the security department, but because of him, Li Qing and the others have been transferred. They don’t know if anyone has recruited new recruits. At any rate, he is also a deputy minister. After that, he stuck his trouser pocket and walked out of the room.

At this time, Lina stared at Zhou Huihui, as if she wanted to read something from her eyes.

"Huihui, your brother Su is very good, right?" Lina said with a smile.

"Well, he is a very good person and has helped me a lot." Zhou Huihui nodded.

"Then do you like your Big Brother Su?"


Zhou Huihui looked at Lina for a while. This question made her a little bit surprised. First, she didn't know what she meant, and second, she didn't know what the consequences would be after she said it.

However, what Lina said afterwards shocked her heart, and her expression became dull...

"I like him too." Lina said looking at Zhou Huihui.

Zhou Huihui's heart was beating, and she nodded and said, "Big Brother Su is very good. It is normal for many girls to like it."

"You are very smart, you should know what I mean." Lina said with a smile.

"Oh?" Zhou Huihui asked hesitantly: "What does that mean?"

"Your brother Su is a very flowery man. My sister gave it to him for the first time." Lina sighed, "Sister I thought that I would never like men in my life, but love came too suddenly. It’s hard to guard against."

"Then, then you tell me this..." Zhou Huihui didn't believe that Lina would believe in herself so much, so she didn't know what the other party meant to tell her these things.

"Trust, what I tell you is to trust you, so you should also trust me." Lina herself is Zhou Huihui's boss, and the class of the two is quite different.

"I believe."

"Well, tell me, do you like Su Jin?"

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