My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1638: Win or lose

"Good job!"

Su Jin burst into a shout, and the six-finger dragon claws were on the red ancestor dragon, and the speed was not reduced, and they pressed hard against the nine "three-legged golden crow arrows" that were away from the bow.

Six fingers cover the sky!

All the killing marks are applied on. Su Jin is best at suppressing. When he was in the sacred land of Yaochi, he used this blow to kill the Saint King of Sangli. So far, there are no weapons that can pass through this.' Covering hands is a blow.

The red ancestor dragon was roaring and roaring, and nine three-legged golden crows burned out, and the void was roasted to black, forming deep voids!

This Zulong six fingers finally pressed down!


The void was shattered by this pressed palm, like a river from a bird's-eye view of a person from a high altitude, stretching to an extremely far place!

Those nine three-legged golden crow arrows...

He was caught and exploded!

Mu Tianhan's face softened, he naturally knew the result, a ray of blood shed from the corner of his mouth, and he stopped attacking.

"Brother Su, you won." Mu Tianhan's expression was sullen, not even better than that of Sword Eleven, and now even Su Jin can't beat him.

"The day before yesterday, you fought Jian eleven and suffered dark injuries."

Su Jin stood in the void and shook his head calmly: "So, I can't win this battle."

"Just this blow, and the strength I wanted to shoot the sword at 11 o'clock at the time, did not weaken. Losing is losing. The hidden injury is not the reason. You can only find the reason in yourself."

Mu Tianhan knew the situation very well, and then said: "Brother Su's ability, as far away as I know in the Northern Territory, is that you are different from those virtual monks in the Middle Territory, and you have done more important things than I have done."

"Brother Mu, can you tell me something about the'waste'?"

Su Jin worried about the saint king of Lama. The behavior of this great Buddha is admirable. He has a profound cultivation base. However, at the time of the eleventh fight with the sword in Nanjiang, he not only failed to regain the Buddha bone, but was also injured.

"The deserted forbidden land is deep in the ice field of the Northern Territory. It was once known as the land of gods abandoned. There are countless bones of predecessors buried. Maybe the sword eleven is going to them, and his bone tower can make a bone bridge at will. Run to other places." Mu Tianhan nodded.

"I must kill this person as soon as possible." Su Jin took a deep breath.

Su Jin was worried. Sword Eleven digs bones everywhere, but the sacred bones don't know how much. The corpse of the saint king is much more important than the bones of the saint. Maybe the other party has a bigger conspiracy.

Worrying is not without reason. Su Shao has always worried about Zhongmiaoshan. Although it is covered by the Yongle Bell, if Sword Eleven finds a way to open it in the future, then the corpse of the suppressed Great Venerable below will probably fall into his hands. Who can restrict this person at that time.

"Brother Su is going to Kill Sword Eleven?" Mu Tianhan couldn't help asking.

"I have this plan!" Su Jin focused his head, there was nothing to hide.

"I am afraid it will be difficult." Mu Tianhan took a deep breath, "I want to know, Brother Su just fought me, how much strength did he use?"


"Difficult...The day before yesterday, if it weren't for my father, and there was another great power, I am afraid I would have died, facing him is very weak, more desperate than facing Su brother." Mu Tianhan said. .

Su Jin became silent, Jian Eleven could use the bone tower to swallow corpse bones to cultivate, and the lowest strength it could absorb was Holy Bone, Holy King Bone. Much faster than his practice speed!

Mu Tianhan solemnly said: "I'm back to the city. If Brother Su doesn't dislike it, you can take your Taoist companion to the Hanshe for a few days."

"Thank you Brother Mu for your kindness." Su Jin arched his hands.

"Before returning to the city, I want to say one more thing. Brother Su must never go hand-in-hand with Sword Eleven in the near future, otherwise there will be no way of life." Mu Tianhan bowed his hand in return, put the'Sunset Bow' on his back, and turned away lonely. This battle lasted not long, but the victory was already divided.

Seeing Mu Tianhan leaving completely, Su Jin couldn't help turning his head to see Xia Yuyan who was still waiting under the snow-capped mountain. He suddenly smiled and turned back to the past.

"That person is so strong..." Xia Yuyan was speechless, but she immediately laughed, and praised: "But you are a bit more powerful."

Now facing each other, there is only one punch between the two. Su Jin touched her back with one hand and gently pushed in her arms. She was wearing a thin yellow skirt. At this moment, Su Dashao’s physical feelings were quite obvious. The body is soft to the extreme.

"Let's go back to the restaurant." Su Jin embraced Yuyan's wife and flashed directly into the air, leaving behind phantoms, turning into streamers and rushing towards the "Blizzard City" fifty miles away.

Night fell.

Thousands of houses in the city are brightly lit!

"Tianzi Su defeated Young Master Tianhan!"

"Really? The score?"

"Of course it's true! Someone saw that scene from a distance, and Master Tianhan lost!"

"Tianzi Su is really powerful. The people with terrifying talents like our Han Young Master are defeated by him. No wonder it is a man who can safely leave in front of a dozen powerful ancestors!"

"The two even talked and laughed later. It seems that it doesn't matter who wins and loses. They didn't care at all!"

"This is how our Young Master Han treats others with courtesy and does the best of the landlord's friendship~~ But, I have a better impression of Su Tianzi now."


In Blizzard City, news of Mu Tianhan's defeat was spreading everywhere. After all, it was a clear competition, and Mu Tianhan was the best son of the Blizzard Lord. It would be difficult for people to know this.

Yuelai Restaurant.

When Su Jin came to'Blizzard City' in the afternoon, he had already paid for board and lodging. He wanted the best big room. Now when he comes back from the snow mountain, the sky is already dark and the fluorite in the room is not too bright, Master Su. Let the waiter add three red candles.

In the separated colorful curtain, the lights are bright, Su Jin sits at the table drinking tea, but his eyes are fixed on the curtain...

There is a wooden barrel for bathing.

The curtain cloth shines through the light, and the heat on the wooden barrel inside can be seen. The handsome figure relieves the clothes, and finally Xue Baiyu stepped into the wooden barrel...

"Boom boom boom~~~" Three knocks on the door, pulling Su Jin's thoughts back, and getting up and opening the door ajar.

"Su... Tianzi Su, the head of the Rong family outside, came with Miss Rong and said he was going to see you, look..." A young waiter with a respectful face seemed a little afraid to face the official Su. people.

"Tell them, no see." Su Jin said lightly.

"Hey..." The young man turned around to inform, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Now this Yuelai restaurant is famous. Everyone in Blizzard knows that Su Tianzi lives here, and the shopkeeper is not stupid. He directly orders the waiters to serve Su Tianzi well. As long as they can do it, they will respond.

Su Jin gently shook his head and closed the door, with a smile spreading across his face, and strode towards the curtain.

Closer, closer!

It is faintly visible that Xia Yuyan in the bath raised his lotus arm, lifted up a wisp of clear hot water, and his fingertips were stained with a bright red petal...

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