My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1639: Stay in front of the door (1/3)

Ink hair hangs down.

The blue silk on the tip of the hair is placed on the bright red petals~~~The goddess has been sitting in the bathtub!

As the saying goes: the eyebrows will be willow, and the green will be contended. The face is full of peaches, and the competition is red. It seems that there is a beautiful fairy in the picture scroll, and now she starts to fiddle with the petals on the water surface to conceal the tension in her heart.

Although it is a sitting bath, Xia Yuyan's body is straight and his shoulders are on the surface of the petal water, which adds a bit of temperament.

Above the curtains, a layer of mist filled with water, like a dream, it seems that wherever there is rain and smoke, it becomes a beautiful fairyland.

"Emperor Su." Xia Yuyan smirked, and glanced at the young master Su who happened to stop outside the curtain.

"Husband is here!" Su Jin straightened his waist suddenly.

"What is Haw Momo doing? When I entered the city just now, what about the clothes I bought in the "Splendid Workshop"?"

No wonder Xia Yuyan was dissatisfied. Taking into account the reasons for the change of washing, Su Jin and Mu Tianhan returned to Blizzard City with themselves and went into a shop called Jinxiufang to buy a white piece of Luo. 'Skirt', she likes it very much, the style is also delicate and silky, and it is beautiful and dusty.

Su Jin took a deep breath and took out the white skirt from the picture of the mountain **** Dachuan. I don’t know whether it’s the reason why the "Splendid Workshop" is the beautiful workman, or it has been hidden by special spices. This dress is fragrant and fragrant. After wearing it, it's almost as if the immortal came to the world.

Pulling aside the ‘curtain’, Su Jin held the Luo skirt in his hand, but his eyes were on the bathtub.

Xia Yuyan's beautiful shoulders were exposed on the surface of the petals, and her snow-colored skin was evident, although her long black hair was not messy in the bucket, and her big eyes were piercing.

"Wife, do you know the nickname for this tub?" Su Jin swallowed secretly before looking at Xia Yuyan.

"What's your name..." Xia Yuyan appeared with two pastels on her cheeks.

"Mandarin duck bucket~~~"

"It's not serious, I thought you were busy every day, fight everywhere, even girls..." Xia Yuyan's eyes slowly opened.

She remembered that in the afternoon outside the restaurant, Su Jin had a conflict with Miss Rong's family, and kicked the back of the other person. At that time, there were a lot of people, so they gave the girl a little face.

"Hehe, you have to pay attention to your fists everywhere. Sooner or later, you will know that this is a place where fists make sense outside the territory." Su Jin put his white dress on.

"I just heard that the Patriarch of the Rong family brought his daughter to apologize to you, but you were gone." Xia Yuyan cocked his mouth. "Go, it's still snowing outside. People will come at night and spread it out. What a bad reputation for you."

"Go lazily." Su Jin looked impatient, even though he said that, his eyes were still fixed on his wife.

"Huh?" Xia Yuyan pursed her mouth, her eyes were a bit wrong, and the long drag sound seemed a little threatening.

Su Jin stared at Yuyan's wife for a while, and suddenly nodded quickly, "Go go, can't I go?"

In today's world, I am afraid that only Xia Yuyan dares to do this. When he is another girl, Su Dashao will not give any face, not only will he not give face, but also beat his butt, fuck!

Su Jin had to walk out the door and descend towards the wooden ladder on one side of the corner. Not to mention the noise below, there was a bright red figure stopped by someone, and he was about to rush upstairs. Who is Rong Qingqing?

"What is he crazy! Cousin is hurt, what's so great about defeating him, Su Tianzi, you will come down to me, anger this lady, I will go to my uncle, he can slap you to death! "Rong Qingqing's noise is not small.

"Don't stop me!" Rong Qingqing yelled again.

"Why should he apologize? Why did he apologize to me? It is him who should apologize." Rong Qingqing made a fuss.

"Bastard stuff!"

There was a middle-aged man with a gloomy face. He yelled at Rong Qingqing when he said this. Her own daughter is a pungent personality and everyone knows that she will not be seen on the street. She will walk around her now. Finally got into trouble. Who is Su Tianzi?

In Southern Xinjiang, the Emperor Yongye was killed and the Imperial Palace of the Kingdom of Shu was destroyed. It was even in the Central Territory that he almost wiped out his entire clan in Ziyang City while the Saint Ancestor Beiye was alive. Now his daughter is still unconscious. How serious the situation is.

This made the Rong Family Patriarch very angry.

On the stairs, Su Jin lighted a cigarette and held it at the corner of his mouth, and gently walked down step by step. At this moment, seeing Rong Qingqing's red face and red ears about to rush upstairs, his heart was still calm and calm.

Rong Qingqing was stunned and stopped making noise.

A bunch of people in the Rong family dare not even get out of the air. In the huge restaurant, Su Jin's appearance is as dazzling as a sun, it is difficult to cover up the edge.

The Patriarch of the Rong family stepped forward, bowed and said with a fist: "The little girl is ignorant. It is my Rong family's neglect of discipline, which caused her to commit a big mistake and offend Emperor Su, which is really ashamed..."

"Patriarch Rong, I think Miss Qingqing has a pretty good personality..." Su Jin smiled.

Hearing this, Rong Qingqing curled his lips, knowing that this was a feat! She herself felt that her personality was not good, but she didn't expect Su Tianzi to say this!

"Qingqing, come here, you dead girl!" The middle-aged man turned his head and said.

Rong Qingqing hummed softly, walked to his father's side, with a face full of reluctance, lowered his head slightly, and said, "I was wrong, it's me."

Su Jin suddenly smiled, Xiaojiao's pungent character, he could even bow his head to apologize to himself, of course he can't care about a woman, otherwise he could have her favor? Now that the matter has been revealed, her cousin Mu Tianhan has a good temperament and can't trouble the Rong family for the sake of face.

"Smelly boy, what are you laughing at!" Rong Qingqing was angry and stared at Su Shao.

"Shut up!" Patriarch Rong gritted his teeth. He almost wanted to raise his hand and slap her to death. After all, Tianzi Su was not angry, and now the daughter began to speak up again.

"Patriarch Rong, I gladly accept Miss Qingqing's very sincere apology, it's not early, please go back!" Su Jin took off the cigarette butt, threw it aside and trampled it out, hissing a puff of smoke on Rong Qingqing's face.


Rong Qingqing was disgusted with Su Jin, her teeth tickled with anger but she didn't dare to say anything else, otherwise her mother would not be able to protect herself when she returned, and she would inevitably have a family affair.

Su Jin has a coup to deal with this Rong Qingqing. The more anxious she is, the calmer she will be. No matter how hot the pepper is, once the aging effect is over, he will have to return to plainness. Anyway, he is not angry. After fighting with Rong Qingqing, Ben Has gained a huge advantage.

"Father, I don't think the apology shows sincerity. You should go back first. There is a room reserved by me in this Yuelai restaurant. I will offer tea to Brother Su tomorrow morning and sincerely apologize so that I can rest assured." Rong Qingqing said With.

"This... is also good. If Su Tianzi is willing, the Rong family will be ready at any time and welcome guests to come." The Rong family chief rushed to Su Jin and arched his hands.

Su Jin nodded, but saw that Patriarch Rong took the others and had already walked out of the Yuelai restaurant. Although this restaurant has always had a room reserved by his daughter, you can't rest assured to this point, right?

What the **** is Rong Qingqing doing?

"Big Brother Su, where is your Taoist sister?" Rong Qingqing asked with a smile.

"Upper, but I'm curious why you chose to stay."

"It's snowing outside and it's too cold. It's still early, how about letting my sister and I drink two glasses?"

"Goodbye! My husband and I are going to rest." Su Jin showed a vigilant look on his face, turned around and stepped on the first step of the stairs, then turned to look at Rong Qingqing and said: "If you are not afraid of losing your body, I will disturb Laozi. Check it out!"

"You!" Rong Qingqing panicked, she was a little bit uncomfortable to find Su Jin, who knew that he would say the word ‘lost’. Could it be that he should be strong against herself if he made trouble!

Su Jin no longer paid attention to Rong Qingqing, took his hand upstairs, and gently opened the door. When he saw Yuyan's wife, he was shocked and stayed in front of the door.

Yuyan's wife is already...

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