My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1640: Desolate City (2/3)

Yuyan's wife has been washed!

The plain white Luo skirt, the draped dress, looks like a retro lady of the big family, if you wear a jade pendant and hold a book in your hand, you will probably be fascinated.

Xia Yuyan obviously knows how to take care of herself. She has combed her hair with a simple retro hairstyle. Two strands of blue silk are placed in front of her body, and her hair is like a waterfall on her back. The frost is cold and slightly quiet.

"Sister, haven't you slept yet."

Just when Su Jin was stunned, ignoring the arrival of others, Xia Yuyan's dusty temperament showed how charming it was.

Xia Yuyan glanced at Su Jin's arms and revealed the Rong Qingqing face, smiled immediately, got up and asked, "Why don't you invite people in?"

Su Jin almost wanted to hold down Rong Qingqing's face, and then drag her away, slamming her fiercely!

"Miss Qingqing, it's time to rest now." Su Jin stopped the door with both hands and said solemnly.

"Oh, it's early." Rong Qingqing bent down and got in from under Master Su's arm. That awkward posture passed by Young Master Su's eyes, and the hateful Su Shao wanted to kick her again!

"What the **** are you trying to do?" Su Jinning's voice became a line, and the voice appeared in Rong Qingqing's ear. She did not want his wife to hear it, so she did so.

"Communication, don't think too much." Rong Qingqing also condensed into a line, responding to Young Master Su, then looked at Xia Yuyan generously and said: "My sister is so beautiful..."

Su Jin was fierce, and his voice appeared in Rong Qingqing's ears again, saying: "At night, you'd better close the doors and windows tightly, otherwise I don't rule out going in alone and communicate with you."

Rong Qingqing ignored Su Jin. After sitting down, he poured a cup of tea for Xia Yuyan, and drank the tea by herself. Then Master Su closed the door and stood aside...

You dare to believe it was ignored!

The two women chatted, and they were like sisters. They communicated with each other and laughed from time to time in the room.

Half a quarter of an hour, a quarter of an hour passed.

After a stick of incense passes, it will be late at night if we talk again!


There was a faint voice, and the whole Yuelai restaurant trembled!

During Su Jin's period, he had urged twice, but now this shock has directly stopped the three people in the room.

"What sound?" Rong Qingqing was taken aback.

Xia Yuyan's face was pale, and the shock just now seemed to make her heart palpitations. Fortunately, she had a husband. Now that Su Jin reacted immediately, she walked to the rear window and opened the window.

In the black night sky, two little white snow came in vaguely. The snow was only the size of a soybean, but in the extreme north, something happened!

Prison Eye of Maha Town!

Su Jin's eyebrows were filled with a vertical eye, and he looked directly at it, and the scene suddenly changed his expression.

A magic arm protruded from the edge of the starry sky, and it broke a city thousands of miles away! At that city, the fire is now blazing!


In Blizzard City, a stunned bow resounded throughout the city, and the nine suns were dazzling, and then nine three-legged golden crow arrows appeared, directly winding toward that magic arm!

"Sword Eleven!" Su Jin exclaimed.

He couldn't understand it, it was clearly the magic arm of the sword eleven. Is this person so powerful now?

Moreover, before Sword Eleven, he came to the Northern Territory to excavate bones and entered the wasteland. Now that he appears, it is clear that the holy king of the lama has not been able to live him! Also, yesterday, in a battle with Mu Tianhan, he used the Great Immortal Technique "Tongtian Bridge", which was also used on Sword Eleven.

In other words, Sword Eleven probably knew that he was in the Northern Territory!

"That's the arrow shot by cousin with the'Sunset Bow'!" Rong Qingqing's pretty face changed in shock, her pupils were a little confused, and she didn't know what happened.

In the eyes of Maha Town Prison, Su Jin saw a faint light of Buddha, which was truly shaken by the wind and snow. Among them, the Lama Holy King sat in the void, his face covered with blood!

The holy king of Lama went to the west and brought back a Buddhist artifact, but he still couldn't beat the Sword Eleven! And now it's almost falling!

"I will leave'Juque' behind. You two must not go out!" Su Jin grabbed the Saint Soldier's Juque Sword from the map of the mountain **** and big river, and slammed it into the ground outside the window.

The Juque Sword can be regarded as Su Jin’s support. After all, it can cut iron like mud, and can cooperate with him to perform the "Bengtian Seven Steps", but nothing is more important than his wife. With this sword, the beautiful sword spirit can play it. Power, ordinary saints are also difficult to defeat.

Su Jin can go to the rescue without worry.

"Be careful." Seeing Su Jin jumping out of the window, Xia Yuyan couldn't help coming to the window and exhorted.

With the giant **** sword to protect his wife, Su Jinjue was not enough. Outside the open space downstairs, he exhibited a picture of the mountain **** and big river, and summoned the'mountain god' roaring beast. Rising, now Su Shao wants it to lock in Rong Qingqing!

This eldest lady of the Rong family, if there is a murderous intent, he will be perceived by the roar beast, and the roar beast will not pity Xiangxiyu at that time, this girl will not be better!

Su Jin had to make this arrangement, because from the perspective of realm, Rong Qingqing was stronger than Yuyan's wife in the late stage of the aspiration!

Stomping on the cracked ground fiercely, Su Jin rose in an arc-shaped streamer and hurried away thousands of miles away! If it goes well, he will be back in a very short time after the Eleventh Killing Sword!

"Cousin, I don't know what will happen." Rong Qingqing's eyes were dull, watching the dozens of brilliance that burst out of Blizzard City, guessing that Mu Tianhan would definitely go.

"It will be all right." Xia Yuyan took a deep breath and forced her composure.

"Sister, your man is too careful." Rong Qingqing pointed at the roaring beast mountain **** below, and holding the giant sage soldier, and said: "I saw it right away, but he guarded me. I can still attack my sister! "

"Don't go to your heart, he is such a person." Xia Yuyan said with a touch of warmth in her heart, blushing.


Dozens of brilliance are constantly increasing.

Although Su Jin's speed is ahead, some masters are not slow. For example, he found an acquaintance, and after the opponent disappeared in one step, he appeared ten miles away!

Mu Tianhan! Let's meet!

"Brother Su, you must be prepared for a deadly battle!" Mu Tianhan held the sunset bow in his hand, his face was extremely solemn, after catching up with Su Jin, the two could see each other with their heads sideways, only five meters apart.

"It must be Sword Eleven who died!" Su Jin said lightly.

"The eleventh sword of the sword shattered the'deserted city' in the deserted border. According to historical records, there were mortal objects buried in the ground in the deserted city. The other party obviously had a plan for this." Mu Tianhan said.

"The holy king of Lama has boundless Buddhism and high respect. I have no choice but to save him!" Su Jin is determined to save the holy king who helps him in the domain, otherwise he won't be so on his way.

"With the power of the two of me, I might be able to kill Sword Eleven. He is different from Brother Su. He swallows the corpse and cultivates. He is the real demon. The outside rumours that Brother Su has become a demon is extremely ridiculous in my opinion. , Said one of the demons!" Mu Tian looked forward coldly.


The two continued to speed up their journey, and they discussed the tactics while chatting. Su Jin came out before the fight, and Mu Tianhan used his own advantages to cooperate in a long distance battle in the dark! ~

Thousands of miles, soon arrived!

In the deserted border area, although the ‘Desolate City’ is not large, it seems to be the size of a town, but now it is cracked by the protruding magic arm and turned into a ruin!

The bones are everywhere, the flames are soaring! There was a five or six-year-old girl with a dusty face sitting on the ground, rubbing her eyes with her fists, facing the collapsed home, crying loudly. When the house collapsed, her mother threw her outside. Almost buried in the rubble.

The city is the hardest-hit area, during which a 100-meter-wide crack was opened, stretching on the land not knowing how far away!

Su Jin stopped his figure, looked at a place, and suddenly felt distraught...

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