My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1648: Silk Tree

The streamer came quietly!

Standing on the roof of "Jinxiufang", Su Jin's face suddenly sank when he saw the scene on the snowy street.

I saw that the unicorn was protecting Yuyan’s wife, and the unicorn’s body had been completely turned black, the red auspicious clouds on its body were constantly churning, and the unicorn on the head gave off bursts of black light, and it kept flying together. On a scroll in the air.

The scroll has an exquisite jade texture, in which bursts of rippling female voices appear, and several white and beautiful female cultivators are faintly visible in them, either enchanting and charming, or pure and pure as snow.

And the sharp unicorn of the "Unicorn" emits bursts of black beams, hitting the scroll, as if submerged in the void.

like water off a duck's back!

A few steps away from the scroll, a short and thin middle-aged man with a pointed ear monkey gill stood. He chuckled with a wretched expression. His hands were holding two'hushou's. The shape of this knife was extremely Like a willow leaf, the forging process on it is tempered into a snakeskin pattern, which seems to be a set of two-handed holy soldiers!

"Seven Masters of the Ma Family! In'Blizzard City', you dare to attack my friend, do you know who she is!" Rong Qingqing was anxious and wondered why Su Shao hadn't come yet.

"Hey, the little girl of the Rong family, the person Ma Huqi likes has never missed, and your Rong family wants to stand up for her? Try courage!" The short and thin middle-aged man had strong greed in his eyes.

"Northwest thief! As expected, all of them are despicable and shameless!" Rong Qingqing began to curse, looking around, but still did not see Young Master Su.

"Family Rong! Just let Qiye get away with me!"

Ma Huqi played with the willow blade dagger twice, and sneered at Rong Qingqing: "In the Northern Territory, there is no one that my eight brothers in the Northwest can't steal. This girl is more icy than the fairy. Seventh master wants to ask her to be the wife of the eighteenth house! Whoever dares to intervene, Seventh master, I will do it!"

The wind howled, and a little bit of snowflakes mixed in.

The atmosphere seemed to drop to freezing point suddenly.

A six-fingered dragon claw suddenly came to the sky!

The scars of the horrible suppression above seemed to suppress the air to solidification, and this claw directly covered the jade scroll! The scroll that originally had the Lord was severely cut off at this moment, and was caught by a black-haired young man.

Su Jin grabbed the scroll in his hand and looked at it with relish.

There are nearly ten imperial women hidden in the scroll, all with subtle gestures, but most of them are scratching their heads. What makes Su Jin curious is that this holy treasure seems to be a growth-type holy treasure, which is quite rare. What is the magical effect of using it.

"Who are you! Give me back the "Acacia Picture"!" Ma Huqi's face was almost black and bleeding, and he hated ugliness in his face. Now he is watching the holy treasure fall into the hands of others, where he is willing. That scroll is his most proud saint.

Of course, it is also the most famous!

Xia Yuyan's pale complexion only improved after Su Jin appeared, and he directly drove the unicorn to Su Shao's side, which was completely relieved.

"You are finally here!"

Rong Qingqing saw Su Jin observing meticulously, and akimbo would yell at Ma Huqi. Who was she afraid of? Then she said fiercely: "This old guy is getting old, and he is robbing women and old cows to eat tender grass! The Northwest thief is amazing? How many women have been killed by a "hehuan picture", you must help destroy it! "

Su Jin closed the scroll named ‘Hehuan Picture’, tilted his head to look at Ma Huqi, and said, “You already have a wife in the seventeenth room?”

"Do you care about how many wives I have! Do you kid know who I am?" Ma Huqi saw Su Jin closing the scroll, determined in his heart to take it back, and still took it regardless of the cost.

"I really don't have much interest in knowing the name of a dead person, and your wife in the seventeenth room, I am afraid that other men will take care of it in the future." Su Jin's tone was very flat.

Rong Qingqing and Xia Yuyan were startled.

Listening to Su Jin’s tone, he actually wanted to kill this famous scum, but Mahuqi had already been a strong man in the holy realm. There were eight Northwest Bandits. This person ranked seventh. The Northwest Bandits have always been in the Northern Territory. With the infamous existence, would Emperor Su dare to kill the opponent?

Especially Rong Qingqing. Although she had fought with Su Jin, this emperor did not use his true skills. You must know that his cousin Mu Tianhan was defeated in his hands. Now she is a little hot pepper. experience.

"Presumptuous! Are you looking for death, know! Seventh master, I will use this pair of knives to cut off the flesh of your stinky boy, one by one, so that you regret offending me the Northwest Bandit!" Ma Huqi was very excited. , He was short and thin, and he was very flexible.

After speaking, Mahu's seven-stone body filled the whole body, and several figures flashed out directly, in a z-shape, trying to bully Su Jin's side!

"You are very weak." Su Jin slowly said four words.

Ma Huqi was very pleasantly surprised because when he rushed in, he danced into a sharp net of knives with two knives. Almost all the knife light covered Su Jin's body, but then he realized that it was just a phantom. !

But when he noticed something was wrong, Ma Huqi had already felt fear, he instinctively turned his head...

A heavy broad sword with a mountain pattern, extremely shining and mighty, and it was grasped by Su Jin. The cold light on it made people shudder. The giant que, weighing 18,000 kg, was held by Su Jin with one hand. ...

It's too late to say, then soon!

There was almost no time for Ma Huqi to react. The two holy soldiers in his hands, the ‘hu dao’, directly subconsciously swallowed bursts of light, and slammed the giant **** sword to resist it!


Ma Huqi was taken away in an instant, and hit a wall heavily. He embedded in the wall, and the stone body started to spurt blood from his mouth!

"Wow~~~ handsome!"

Rong Qingqing exclaimed and applauded. At that moment, it was extremely clear. Su Jin's cold, arrogant and handsome face showed a bit of domineering, and Mahu Qi was seriously injured with a single sword!

You know, Mahuqi is a strong holy realm who has been famous for many years!

Rong Qingqing finally understood Su Tianzi's greatness!

"Impossible!" Ma Huqi lowered his head slightly, couldn't believe the scene before him. He saw that the saint's stone body he exhibited, unexpectedly, there were fine broken lines appearing. Shock!

He is a strong man in the holy realm!

Besides, the stone body is extremely strong, how could it be easily broken by a young man with one blow! Ma Huqi never thought that this would happen to him.

Xia Yuyan was also shocked, Ying’s mouth was slightly stunned, and the original nervous state of mind was calmed down when Su Jin appeared. This is how Young Master Su is. He will give a woman an unimaginable sense of security and can’t help feeling. pride!

Su Jin lifted the Saint Soldier Juque in his hand, pointed his sword at the Mahuqi embedded in the wall, and said coldly:

"Before you die, you **** remember me, Su Jin, I'm someone you can't afford to provoke the Northwest Bandit!"

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