My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1649: guarantee!

"Do not!"

Ma Huqi was scared to the point where his liver and guts were torn apart. He watched the giant sacred soldier stabbing, but the scars of the invisible suppression road had already suppressed his wounds, and he even broke free from the wall. Can't do it!


A sour voice appeared, and the Juque sword pierced the heart of Mahuqi. Su Jin slapped the top of the hilt. You must know that Mahuqi was a long-famous saint. The hardness of the stone body increased the Juque sword. The difficulty of opening.

However, with this slap of Su Tianzi, the Juque Sword directly pierced Ma Huqi to the heart. Seeing him looking at him with hatred, Su Jin's face did not fluctuate.

In the end, Mahuqi's eyes became godless, and he was completely killed by Su Tianzi!

Rong Qingqing took a long breath. The Northwest Bandit was notorious. Everyone shouted and beat them everywhere, but few dared to punish the scum. Now Su Tianzi's decisive action to eliminate the harm directly makes people feel very happy.

"Am I in trouble?" Xia Yu moved the corner of her cigarette mouth, daring not to look directly at Su Jin who turned back, and said weakly.

"Don’t blame Yuyan sister! We were just looking at clothes at Jinxiufang. Who knew that we were waiting for a Mahuqi outside. This Northwest thief made the most of his work, and the superior sacred treasure in his hand, the "Acacia Picture", is also unpredictable. Fortunately, you came in time." Rong Qingqing explained.

Su Jin's face was cold, and asked Xia Yuyan, "Isn't going to go shopping yet."

Xia Yuyan knew that Su Jin was not too happy, so she shook her head gently.

"What's so fierce? Why don't you go shopping? In the guest room, it is as boring as it is!" Rong Qingqing obviously hasn't visited enough.

"I need to go on a long trip tomorrow. It's not appropriate to bring you." Su Jin said how happy she was, she said that she had a face that was a disaster for the country and the people. It has just been confirmed that it will cause trouble, and of course it is still in the domain. it is good.

But if he didn't have himself, Ma Huqi would definitely be able to capture Xia Yuyan just now.

"Sister Yuyan can live in my Rong's house!" Rong Qingqing said.

"No way."

Su Jin resolutely refused. If he didn't have himself by her side outside the field, he wouldn't worry about where to put it. Moreover, he was not safe now, and it was even more impossible to take her to the ancient continent of the wandering void.

Moreover, Su Jin didn't expect to arrive here from Qin City in the region to the Dragon Palace in the southern waters, so the journey was very short.

"What's wrong? The big deal is that you can put that sword to protect my sister. Don't think I don't know that it is a giant soldier."

Rong Qingqing curled his mouth, "Also, Lord Blizzard is my uncle, and the entire Blizzard City is his. You and my cousin are friends again. Who dares to provoke my sister?"

"It's still impossible to say a thousand words and ten thousand." Su Jin looked at Rong Qingqing with a calm tone.

"Hehe, it seems that you are still not good enough. I didn't expect that the famous Su Tianzi would not dare to put the Taoist companion in my Rong's house. Wouldn't it be laughed out of laughter when he spread it out?" Rong Qingqing shook his arms. Feeling pressed, there is nothing she dare not say.

There was a compelling cold light in Su Jin's eyes, he looked at Rong Qingqing, and then at the Yuyan wife who secretly wanted to laugh. It was naturally clear in her heart that she wanted to stay in Blizzard City for two more days.

"Does the Rong family dare to guarantee that something happened?" Su Jin asked.

"Dare! I, Rong Qingqing pledged his wealth and life." Rong Qingqing replied directly, without even the slightest hesitation.

"Okay, go on shopping."

Su Jin waved his hand. After thinking about it, he still felt that he couldn't be overbearing and dictatorial. Xia Yuyan wanted to stay. She would leave a safe treasure for her to defend herself. If it appears in a very small chance Question, at least I can guarantee that I will arrive.

Xia Yuyan spread a smile on her face, and her eyes clearly expressed her gratitude to Rong Qingqing. The two women were in front and started a wave of raids...

Shopping, this is the most boring thing. Su Jin followed for a while, and then he chose to go to the city alone. After entering several source stone shops, he did not find any decent goods. Once he picked a stone and cut an eardrop. It's still a broken holy treasure ornament.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger.

Su Jin wandered around in Blizzard City for nearly three hours before rushing to the "Yue Lai Restaurant".

Shortly after.

Go upstairs!

Before reaching the guest room, Su Jin found that the two of Rong Qingqing had returned with a full load, and he didn't know what they were talking about.

Su Shao didn't rush into the room, so you might as well listen to her daughter's private conversation outside.

"Sister Yuyan, we just transferred a small part of it, you just came to Blizzard City, you can live here for a year or a half." Rong Qingqing said in the room.

"I still have work to deal with." Xia Yuyan said.

"It's more important to play. A person like Su Tianzi, why let you work? Really..." Rong Qingqing said indignantly: "He has a problem with his character."

"Huh?" Xia Yuyan asked puzzlingly.

Hearing this, Su Jin twitched at the corner of his mouth, and he didn't say anything good about himself.

"Sister Yuyan, let me tell you~"

Rong Qingqing lowered his voice, "Wait for him to come back. At night, you ask him to destroy the scroll of the "Acacia Picture". The giant sage soldiers are indestructible and can definitely be destroyed. Do not let him use the "Acacia Picture". That dirty holy treasure is shining on you..."


Xia Yuyan was about to ask why, but two coughs appeared outside the door.

Rong Qingqing blushed, walked to the door and opened it, and she saw Master Su calmly looking at her...

I'm sorry.

"What did you hear?" Rong Qingqing asked with a guilty conscience.

"Just here." Su Jin nodded.

"Sister Yuyan! Let me ask you a man something!"

When Rong Qingqing heard Su Jingang coming, she was relieved immediately, screamed into the room, and quickly reached out and grabbed the clothes on Su Shao's arm, and dragged him to the stairs...

"Just ask, but this young master is not good at character, I'm afraid there are some things I can't tell you." Su Jin said lightly.

"You, what is your character?"

Rong Qingqing bit her lip with her teeth, because it doesn't matter if Su Shao said it through. Then she stretched out her hand and continued, "Give it back to me."

"What?" Su Jin was puzzled.

"My lady changed clothes." Rong Qingqing's face was blood red.

Su Jin's expression suddenly became stunned. When Rong Qingqing called for help, the situation was urgent. He instinctively took the clothes into the "Mountain God and Dachuan Picture", but he did not expect to cause a misunderstanding.

Immediately, Young Master Su took out her palm-wide red silk wrapper and handed it to Rong Qingqing.

With big eyes staring at small eyes, an awkward atmosphere breeds, Rong Qingqing raised his other hand and said, "More."

Sun you a fairy board!

Uncle's, where is there? Su Jinfa swears, his collection... only this one!

"No!" Su Jin said coldly.

"Hey, forget, the others seem to be put away." After speaking, Rong Qingqing turned around and was about to walk towards the guest room.

"Wait." Su Jin called out suddenly.

Rong Qingqing turned her head, and was suddenly at a loss!

I saw the scroll of "Acacia Picture" being pulled apart by Su Jin and floating in the air! Rong Qingqing reacted, her face turned delicate and charming, and she screamed directly!

This **** guy!

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