My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1651: Only one person

Hearing that, many people looked sideways.

And Su Jin just grabbed the glass and took a sip of wine calmly.

Seeing the interest of so many people, the youth immediately broke the news: "When the Southern Wilderness King discovered that ancient continent, he also found an ancient green dragon corpse! He walked into the green dragon corpse and obtained the complete path mark of the green dragon corpse. ."

"Ah? What kind of secret is this? It's just a corpse." Some monks were puzzled.

The young man shook his head quickly, "You may be puzzled, but the corpse of the green dragonfly! It is 80,000 feet long and as broad as a hill, and in the eyes of smart people, this beast can break the age!"

"Ancient continent before the Era." Su Jin put down the wine glass and said slowly.

"What?" Everyone was blinded, and they didn't understand how Su Jin suddenly decided at this moment.

"Tianzi Su is an unimaginably smart man." The young man's eyes were a little excited, and he stood and arched his hands.

In the whole venue, everyone was shocked and greeted Su Jin again and again.

Su Jin was dumb. He didn't expect that the young man who broke the news could guess his identity, but it was not a secret to hide.

"Tianzi Su, why can you conclude that that continent is a region that existed before the era?" asked a monk boldly.

"It's very simple, showing up."

Su Jin then said lightly: "After the era was opened, with the permission of the heavens, the Jiao could go through the catastrophe, transform into a real dragon, and grow a dragon horn. In fact, the Jiao and the dragon are two completely different species. With this brother According to the news from the station, the corpse of the green dragon has reached 80,000 feet in length. By now, it should have turned into a dragon!"

Everyone suddenly realized.

Sure enough, we can see the age.

"The Southern Wilderness King is the most powerful of the four kings, and his realm is the Holy King Stage. Now he has eaten the first bite of crabs and obtained all the Dao marks of the green dragon corpse. It seems that he will become the strongest in the ancestral realm in the future. "The monk sighed.

"It's no wonder that we are looking for the help of the ‘Yuanshi Realm’ and the ‘Zhen Luo Realm.’ The secrets in the ancient continent may be far more than that."

"Tianzi Su! There are young powerhouses coming from the other two great worlds. If you get a stone order, will you go to the ancient continent wandering in the void?" Someone mustered up the courage to ask Su Jin.

"I will leave soon." Su Jin was so calm that he could no longer be calm.

In that ancient continent, the Ancestral Realm Dao Mark could not be entered, and even Ancestral Treasure could not be carried in. I didn't know whether my'Never Dying Dragon Umbrella' and'Huangquan Notes' would be affected.

It is a pity that these two treasures are no longer powerful. The small umbrella can only slowly recover before it can replenish its strength. The Gate of Yellow Springs has been used once recently and it is difficult to summon it again. The Zubao'Stone Flute' was given to Li Bicheng. She held the stone flute in the'Forbidden Land' and was taken into the destiny gourd for cultivation.

Hear what Su Jin said.

Everyone present admired that the'Jade Lake Holy Land' wanted to regain the Heavenly Court symbolizing the'Jade Lake', and he did not hesitate to issue thousands of stone orders, as if he was afraid that Su Jin would not get one. Now I don't know how many people want to kill Su Tianzi , I don't know if it can succeed in that ancient continent.


Blizzard City is still lively.

And far away in the Middle Territory, the Yaochi Holy Land is also very lively. At this moment, in a quiet dojo in the Holy Land, there was a woman sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed.

The clear sky was suddenly filled with weird black! This kind of darkness, like the ultimate night, obscured the stars, and tens of thousands of undead figures appeared overwhelmingly, all of whom bowed to the girl and continued to believe in the master.

The girl is a goddess of Yin and Yang...Tai Yuer!

There are more than tens of thousands of undead in the sky, as well as the undead female ghosts dragging swords, the undead skeletons riding on a bone horse, and the undead giant beasts holding a giant hammer! Each of these undead was stronger than ordinary saints, and their terrifying aura caused the monks to boil.

"Second son of Xuanyuan, go to show love to the goddess of the Yin and Yang family in the morning, I don't know if I agree or not." A monk who participated in the Yaochi event said ponderingly.

"Mostly unsuccessful." A monk replied: "I heard that Tai Yu'er obtained an invincible holy law in the'Zhongmiaoshan' called'Sorrow of the Death God'. The vision presented now should be practiced. Produced by the law of the dead."

"The original talent is already proud enough, and he has also practiced the invincible holy method. Tai Yuer is now in the holy realm, and it is estimated that few people can match it."

"Look! Second Young Master Xuanyuan has appeared!"

Someone exclaimed, seeing a young man in Chinese clothes, walking towards the void.

Xuanyuan Family, the "Hundred Scholars" ranked first! In the family, there are dozens of young people with terrifying talent! The most famous one, the first son of Xuanyuan has already been married, but the second son is extremely picky and insists on marrying the goddess of the "Yin Yang Family"!

"Tai Yuer! What do you mean! Are you showing off to me?" The second son of Xuanyuan Junyi's face was a little distorted, and he was shouting at the dojo.

In the morning, the second son of the Xuanyuan family went to show his love and wanted Tai Yu'er to be his Taoist companion, but he ran into a wall. How long has it been now? Tai Yu'er unexpectedly chose to break through in the Yaochi Holy Land, reaching the late stage of the Holy Realm, which obviously embarrassed him Xuanyuan Family!

The yin and yang goddess opened her eyes and suddenly felt that the second son of Xuanyuan had some glass hearts. Going to the "Ancient Continent" wandering in the void was imminent, there was no way to choose a breakthrough, but now it became an embarrassing move for his Xuanyuan family.

"There is only one person who can match me in the world." The goddess of Yin and Yang chose to fight back, and her calm voice spread throughout the whole Jade Lake Holy Land.

"You!" The second son of Xuanyuan's complexion changed suddenly, a burst of blue-redness, and his anger reached the extreme. He didn't expect Tai Yuer to show his love in the morning and was rejected so much. Many people didn't know that they were rejected, but now he appeared. The goddess of Yin and Yang speaks like this.

Instantly face sweeping!

Many cultivators became noisy. After all, the Xuanyuan family was still number one in the hundred schools, and it was still much stronger than the Yin Yang family. Some cultivators who didn't know suddenly felt suspicious.

"Who is the person Tai Yu'er said personally?" There was a cultivator with great interest.

"Still need to say? Su Tianzi! It is said that the "Sorrow of the Death God" was obtained with the help of Su Tianzi!"

"Such a confession, but Demon Su can't hear it. It's really terrifying! The Xuanyuan family's face was lost by this second son!"

"I'm very surprised, what happened to the goddess Yin and Yang and Tianzi Su in'Zhongmiaoshan'..."


The whole holy place was full of voices, and the second son of Xuanyuan suddenly couldn't hold his face!

The second son of Xuanyuan was extremely furious, staring at the yin and yang goddess on the dojo, suddenly turned around, and left angrily, leaving behind a murderous sentence:

"If that demon Su Jin dares to go to that ancient continent, I, Xuanyuan Yulie... be the first to kill him!"

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