My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1652: Ten dead without life

Blizzard, the wine has been drunk.

Su Jin stood up and said to the others, feeling the friendliness of the monks here, but he likes to be quiet, and he has been seen through his identity here. Although it is human nature, the noisy environment is not so beautiful.

Go upstairs.

"Tianzi Su doesn't know when to leave with his cousin. Let's deal with it in the restaurant at noon. The dishes here are still good."

Rong Qingqing pulled sister Yuyan out of the door. It was obvious that this little pepper was already hungry, but when he saw Su Jin coming upstairs and looking at the two with a smile, the sappy hot girl turned round. Eyes: "Have you eaten?"

"Yeah." Su Jin nodded.

"Eat more with us!" Rong Qingqing said.

"No, go down."

Su Jin can’t go with the two girls anymore. It’s strange to say that since Rong Qingqing has known Yuyan’s wife, the two are closer than their sisters. God knows how his wife can tolerate this girl. If she stays by her side for a long time, I will definitely make my head hurt.

"Love will go or not." Rong Qingqing didn't mean to give Su Shao face.

The provoked Xia Yuyan chuckled secretly. It is rare in the world to have such a pungent personality. Obviously, her husband has no choice but to He Rong Qingqing.

The two women went downstairs, and after a long distance, Su Jin entered the room. They could still hear Rong Qingqing yelling from below, and most of the diners walked away!

Close the door, Sukin made a big discovery!

Just now Rong Qingqing took a bath and changed into a ‘bright’ red sarong. Su Shao had intentionally or unconsciously opened the curtain, and suddenly noticed a remarkable scene.

The three replaced...


Yesterday, Rong Qingqing forgot, Su Jin can understand, but today after the Rong's eldest lady asks herself, she has no memory again, which is very unreasonable!

Could it be--

Su Jin’s eyes burst with a strong light. Could it be that Rong Qingqing left it on purpose? She was photographed by the "Acacia Picture" before, and she had a series of incredible reactions, which was very abnormal. Now she has left "three" pieces of clothes for Why?

"It's unsightly, it's unsightly!" Su Jin walked up with regret, collected all his clothes, then calmed down and sat down at the tea table again.



Time passed quickly.

In the afternoon, Blizzard City has cleared up. This is simply a rare occurrence in the Northern Territory. It will not appear for a few days in a year, which shows how bad the climate in the Northern Territory is.

Unexpectedly, Mu Tianhan came again on the agenda originally scheduled for tomorrow morning.

"Brother Su——" When Mu Tianhan came in, he immediately arched his hands, bowed and bowed in a hurry.

"Cousin, why are you here again." Rong Qingqing held the snacks provided by the restaurant in her hand, and her fingers were covered with sweet sesame oil. She licked her fingers and looked at Mu Tianhan curiously.

"Brother Mu has any difficulties, but it doesn't matter." Su Jin stood up and said.

"Because it went so well, my father returned early, but he doesn't recommend that you go to that continent." Mu Tianhan was a little frustrated, "So, I came to ask your opinion."

"Lord Blizzard, why don't you recommend me to go?" Su Jin was curious.

"Those forces wanted to kill Jane to the point of madness. Originally, my father planned to fight for five places, so that I had five people in Blizzard City to go, but the other party actually gave ten pieces, knowingly or not."

Mu Tianhan then continued to condense the sound into a thread: "I have a strong ancestor in Blizzard City who is good at'divination'. Father asked him to divination for you ten hexagrams, but the result is ten deaths and no life. Sever! It shows that you will die during this trip, and he advises you that there is no need to take risks.

Su Jin's eyes were cold.

The strong ancestors divination for themselves?

What an honor! However, he does not recognize this divination and conforms to the decree of the sky, how can he live, he will undoubtedly go this trip!

Thinking of this, Su Jin stretched out his hand and said, "Brother Mu, hand over Shi Ling, I know you brought it."

"You..." Mu Tianhan's expression changed slightly.

"This trip is a great opportunity. If I don't let it go, I will not be able to make any progress in the future." Su Jin said lightly.

He is under pressure.

Even the "Southern Wilderness King" who discovered the ancient continent can find the "Blue Flood Dragon Corpse" at will. With the opportunity, the future will be destined to be very tyrannical. If you don't go, the big evildoers in all regions will spring up like bamboo shoots after a rain. , His advantage will be completely gone.

See Su Jin's determination.

Mu Tianhan flipped his hand and spread out his palm. There was a simple stone order in it. He nodded and said: "Since Brother Su has decided, this order will be given to you. The entrance to that ancient continent was restricted by Yaochi and other elders. In the enchantment, there is also a teleportation gate."

"When will it open?" Su Jin asked.

"It will be opened in the evening, first come first and naturally take the lead. I plan to go as soon as possible. Brother Su and I will go together!" Mu Tianhan said.

"I don't want to cause you trouble." Su Jin shook his head, "It's better not to go together. Brother Mu is going to the ancient continent, what chance do you want to plot?"

"There used to be a precedent for obtaining the'Demon God Inheritance'."

Mu Tianhan did not hide it, saying: "In it, I want to find the inheritance of the ancient'Giant Demon God'. Now the'Sunset Bow' is in my hand, and I can only pull the nine bows. Only the profound understanding of this is less than 20%. If I can make a full thirty-eight bow, I can shoot the ordinary saint ancestor!"

Full of thirty-eight bows?

In Su Jin's view, Mu Tianhan is still early. Now he is dissatisfied with even ten bows.

"I wish Brother Mu get what he wanted." Su Jin put Shiling away.

"Brother Su...what kind of inheritance do you want to find?" Mu Tianhan was curious and couldn't help asking.

"Sometimes in fate must be there, and there is no time in fate!" Su Jin could not know, but the ancestral realm powerhouse divined ten hexagrams for him, but he died without life, which added a little pressure.

Mu Tianhan looked at Rong Qingqing's eyes, took a deep breath, and arched his hands to Su Jin, "Farewell! We will see you in that ancient continent!"

After all, Mu Tianhan left.

To be honest, I was not willing to go to Su Jin in the evening, but fortunately, it was very convenient to rush from Blizzard City to the set up teleportation array. Come back soon too!

Rong Qingqing’s small face, after returning here after dinner, has been blushing, but she pretended not to know, because the clothes left behind were gone, she...

Did not intend to ask for it.

"Rong Qingqing, take my wife to your Rong's house later, to give me good hospitality!" Su Jin stared at Miss Rong's family.

"Of course! Living in a wooden building with me, I will share all the delicious food with my sister!" Rong Qingqing vowed, with a serious face.

"When do you want to come back?" Xia Yuyan asked.

"The fastest day." Su Jin nodded.

"Huh?" Rong Qingqing waved his hand again and again, "You go out for a few more days, it would be too boring to go out for only one day."


In the evening, the sky was full of red clouds, and the afterglow was gradually disappearing.

Checking out from the Yuelai restaurant, and then to Rong Qingqing to arrange for his wife to live with her, time passed so fast, and when all this was done, Su Jin was relieved to leave the'Rong family'.

Find the teleportation formation in Blizzard City.

Su Jin threw a few spirit crystals, took out the stone order, and disappeared completely in Blizzard City! He wanted to see, his own Heaven-defying Holy Realm...

How to die without life!

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