My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1663: People are better than people (complement)

East! In Su Jin's vision, a large fuchsia cloud rose unexpectedly!

The auspicious clouds are brilliant and dazzling, and the thousands of miles have caused rustling vibrations, just like the resurrection of the ancient king, attracting attention!

Hundreds of people flew into the air and looked at the area to the east. Almost everyone was stunned, thinking that this was someone who had acquired the inheritance of terror.

This is the biggest shock caused by the monks for the first time since they came to find the chance!

"The purple auspicious clouds cover the sky and the earth, covering at least thousands of miles of the ancient continent!" The monk who came in was extremely hot in his eyes.

"What kind of heritage is there, it is so terrible!"

"This person's luck is against the sky, and he can find a suitable inheritance so quickly!"

"Huh? That is!!!"

Everyone yelled in an uproar, the purple clouds seemed to cover the earth with a quilt, and the shadow of a terrifying beast was faintly revealed!

The purple auspicious clouds began to dissipate, and the circle began to shrink, and I saw a huge strange fish with hideous faces swimming in the auspicious cloud circle. The strange fish had two wings, its whole body was golden, and its body was a hundred miles wide. Stunned!

Su Jin's face was a little ugly. He already knew what had happened.

As the purple auspicious clouds continued to shrink, a monk exclaimed in astonishment: "That's Little King Jinpeng! He found the remains of'Kunpeng'!"

"Sure enough, there is no Kunpeng bone in the five domains. Otherwise, the little King Jinpeng would not come to the ancient continent to find it so much!"

"There are rumors that the little King Jinpeng has the blood of the ancient sacred beast'Kunpeng', and he can sense the remains of Kunpeng. Now he has finally found it!"

"Little King Jinpeng has a bloodline advantage. The'Kunpeng Technique' is born with him and can fight the sky! Now he has found the real Kunpeng remains, he is really invincible!"

"He must be very unwilling to be defeated by Su Tianzi in the Jade Lake Holy Land."

"Huh? That's not a complete skeleton!"

Someone waited for the purple clouds to dissipate, and the nearest monk saw the faintly mutilated'Kunpeng Skull', and suddenly all hissed.

It is a pity.

In the existence before the Era, only the hardest skull remains until now, and it is still incomplete. The real remains of "Kunpeng" can't withstand the consumption of endless years. The dust returns to the dust, the soil returns to the earth, and ninety-nine percent of the bones have disappeared.

"That's not bad, that remnant bone can sublimate the blood of Little King Jinpeng, enough to transform the'Kunpeng Art' that fights the sky, and he will definitely be qualified for terrifying power in the future!"

"The situation is not good for Su Tianzi. He is now in this ancient continent. If King Jinpeng refines this Kunpeng divine bone in a short period of time, Tianzi Su might not be able to endure it." Someone saw Jinpeng Xiao. The prince disappeared and said with emotion.

"I don't know what kind of inheritance Su Tianzi is looking for. There is no movement right now. I probably haven't found a suitable one yet."

"Tianzi Su helped us get ahead of the five realms, crushing and killing the green-headed lion demon king'Yuanshijie'. I don't want him to have an accident and die at the hands of the little king Jinpeng who has found the remains of Kunpeng."

"After obtaining the Kunpeng bones so smoothly, Little King Jinpeng will be successful after refining. I am afraid that he will directly find Emperor Su and take revenge on the sacred land of Yaochi a few days ago!"

"Ancient Continent, there are endless opportunities. I will wait to find out!"

"Yes, find a good heritage and take it out, and I will be completely ahead of others!"


It seemed that they were stimulated by the little King Jinpeng, and many cultivators turned around and swept deep into the ancient continent, hoping to find their heritage in time.

Su Jin also continued to walk deep...

At this moment, Long Yingru was holding Sakura and was chasing after Su Jin's path.

Just now, Long Yingru frightened through the "weak water", and a girl walked through the "Ten Thousand Dead Forest" alone. Fortunately, there was no trouble in the middle. Everyone was frantically looking for opportunities to lay the foundation for future achievements!

Yinshan, immortal grave.

Long Yingru saw the scene that Su Jin saw, her face pale in shock, and she grasped Sakura's little hand tightly, a little flustered.

One hundred thousand stone soldiers and soldiers, a thousand stone horse cavalry! Quartet formation!

"Drink!" The four soldiers made a uniform voice.

Boom boom boom~~~

A total of hundreds of thousands of stone bodies, all knelt on one knee, knelt down at Long Yingru and Sakura!

Kozakura barked her teeth at the "Eternal Life Tomb" and showed her mother's expression.

Long Yingru was stunned.

She looked down at Xiao Sakura. Although she was Princess Da Zhou, there was no way to give herself such a big gift!

But it does happen now! Long Yingru felt that her congenital Shiying'daughter' had a big problem. It was obvious that those stone soldiers and Shima were saluting Sakura on one knee!

Long Yingru's tension gradually calmed down. She saw the strange white fairy qi symbol appearing in Sakura's eyes, her small mouth was constantly moving, but she could not hear the sound, and she didn't know what she was communicating...

For half a quarter of an hour, Xiao Sakura dragged Long Yingru away. Long Yingru was in a daze all the time, and she didn't know what had happened.

"Mom, we will be able to catch up with Dad soon." Sakura's cute face was obviously very happy.

"Sakura, what were the stone soldiers talking to you just now?" Long Yingru asked hesitantly.

"Huh? It's not the stone soldiers who talked to me."

"No? Who is communicating with you?"

"There is a bad guy buried in that tomb bag. It begs me to pass on its mantle. It's really spineless. Sakura can't even eat. Where can I practice?" Sakura swallowed.

Long Yingru was shocked.

There are hundreds of thousands of stone soldiers and horses guarding the grave around that Yin Mountain! There is a power of immortality buried in it. Please Sakura to get its inheritance...

while walking.

Soon after, Xiaoying led Long Yingru to the three steles.

"Mom, Dad stopped here just now." Sakura pointed to the three stone monuments and smiled sweetly.

In the second stone stele, traces of kendo are like swimming fish, flashing fiercely, making a sound, excitedly said: "Little girl, I am a peerless sword god, would you like to inherit my inheritance?"

"I don't want it or not, it's so noisy!" Sakura pointed at the second stone monument, her eyes widened.

"That monk just now, is your father?" The Dao Mark left by the sword **** condensed his voice and said, "Girl, you don't need to wash away the dross, you don't need anything. I will give you my peerless swordsmanship, and you can also practice other people's skills. law!"

"Are you annoying? I don't want to... can you be more practical, can you give me something to eat?" Kozakura said impatiently, crossing her waist.

If Su Jin were to see this scene, he would probably spurt blood. Why doesn't Sakura need to wash away the dross, why does she let her learn, or even gain other inheritance?

The second stone monument trembled, and the dead **** was almost brought back to life by anger!

Don't give it away for free?

"Girl, peerless swordsmanship is a deadly evil method. Learn Buddhism from your grandfather. You can also practice other inheritances. There are no thresholds and restrictions, and there is no need to wash away the dross. Our Buddhism can make you feel peaceful and feel the principles of the world. "The third stone monument, with the three gods and Buddhas carved on it, is talking to Sakura.

"Do you have anything to eat?" Kozakura clicked her mouth. She wants to eat very much now, very much...

The **** and Buddha in the middle opened his eyes, completely stunned. Sakura's words...shocked!

Long Yingru is in a daze, what kind of existence does her own daughter, Shi Ying, actually exist~~~

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