My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1664: Good luck fairy pupil


The remaining two stone walls of God's Mansion began to be silent.

You know, how is the inheritance of the divine residence a trifling matter! The inheritance of their ‘Three-Party God’, which one is placed outside, and who doesn’t cry and kneel down, begging to spread the Fa!

"Your family is really weird. My father is looking for the inheritance of God's residence that survives against the sky, but my daughter doesn't want all of them. It's very different and special." The thoughts and marks left by the Peerless Sword God condensed the voice, and then said: "Catch up with you Dad, tell him to give up early."

"Why persuade him to give up?" Long Yingru puzzled.

"Because there is no one in the world. If there is a successful one, then there is no need to pass on the divine law to others, he will not be found here."

"Got it." Long Yingru nodded.

The meaning of the Peerless Sword God is easy to understand. The power of survival against the sky will not die, so naturally there will be no legacy. Finding is futile!

Sakura suddenly made a movement, let go of Long Yingru's hand, and walked behind the rock wall. After seeing a touch of fresh green plants, she immediately raised her two small hands, poked her cheeks, and squatted down: "Are you going to hide and seek with me?"

A touch of green shadow immediately escaped~~~

Sakura's pupils were glowing with white symbols, and the green light shuddered in shock, and she stopped in place and dared not move!

Long Yingru hurriedly walked sideways to the back of the stone wall, and what he saw was shocking, just want to laugh!


Sakura caught her hands on the fresh green plant, panting for a while, pulling **** the soil. As a result, there seemed to be something in the soil that was unwilling to come out and was resisting!

"Oh, come out for me!" Sakura's original porcelain white complexion is no longer, and the stone color is all over her body, she directly uses all her strength~~~


Shi Ying suddenly turned several somersaults on the ground, and finally sat down on the ground, and the fresh green plant was completely pulled out! She was held in her small hand.

It is actually a ginseng king of 100,000 years!

At this moment, Wang Jingying’s body is constantly flowing, and its limbs are constantly struggling in the air, and there is obvious interest in Sakura’s big eyes, saying: "You look like it looks delicious... , Hee hee~~~"

Then Kozakura put it on the ground, and got down on her stomach, carefully watching. When the ginseng king heard the word ‘delicious’, he had completely collapsed. This is when he bowed his hands to Sakura, begging for mercy~~~

Inside the two stone walls, faintly saw this scene, the inheritance marks of the gods, buddhas and peerless sword gods, all silenced, speechless...

"From now on, you will be by my side, and I will give me a ginseng beard to relieve my greed when I am hungry~~~" Sakura showed her big eyes and said to the ginseng.

The ginseng king nodded immediately and jumped onto Sakura's shoulder!

Long Yingru had no choice but to say goodbye to the three stone walls. Since he was going to find Su Jin directly, he couldn't stay longer on the road.

Holding Xiao Ying, Long Yingru and her walked away.

Get out of a mile.

Ten miles.

Twenty miles!

In the end, I don't know how far I went.

"Squeaky~~~" Suddenly, the Ginseng King let out a heart-piercing scream of fear.

Where is the current ginseng king like it was pulled out before? It stood on Kozakura's shoulders, and all of its hundreds of ginseng whiskers were pulled and eaten clean!

All the fresh green leaves and stems above the head are gone! After almost walking for a short distance, Sakura was about to eat some. Finally, the little girl's hand touched and touched the top of the ginseng king's head just now, but the result was a baldness, and the touched ginseng king screamed!

Long Yingru is now covering her eyes with one hand, and Ginseng King is so miserable now~~~

What an embarrassment!

Except for the limbs and the bare head, everything else is gone. I don't know when they will all grow out.

"If you don't eat, you really don't eat!" Sakura's eyebrows and eyes were wide, and her tone was intensely dissatisfied.

"Xianzhizhi~~~" Ginseng Wang hurriedly began to tease, all begging for mercy.

"Hiccup..." Sakura opened her mouth slightly. When she hiccuped, she exhaled a ray of white fairy air, and said: "Dad is ten miles away, let's speed up!"

At this moment, it turns out that there are two voices faintly communicating among the three rock walls~~~

"Old Buddha, what do you see from that little girl?" Daohen, the inherited will of the peerless sword god, began to communicate.

"I saw the world's invincible." On the stone wall, the statue of God and Buddha moved his mouth.

"It's a pity that it's easy to die. But her eyes..." The Peerless Sword God's voice hesitated, wondering if he had misread it.

"Good luck immortal pupil." said the **** and Buddha statue.

"Uh-" The Peerless Sword God gasped in shock, "You read that right? Is it really the legendary Eye of Good Fortune?"

"It can't be wrong."

"Said it earlier, I hate that I was not so firm just now, otherwise I will kneel and kowtow, and I will squeeze the inheritance into her spirit sea!" The Peerless Sword God was very angry.

"You have been kneeling since just now, haven't you?" The statue of God and Buddha was quite ashamed.

Sure enough, in the second rock wall, in the depths of the fish-like sword marks, there was a black-haired figure, still kneeling with his sword back.

After being seen through, the peerless sword **** yelled: "*****!"


Su Jin is now very confused.

As each choice was rejected by himself, he kept leaving, looking for a new place of inheritance, but he became more and more confused.

"The dead Shendi Dao marks themselves can't survive against the sky. The way I search for them is all the wrong way." Su Jin Qingpao's body suddenly shook.

"Surviving against the sky, no one succeeded. Even if I walked all the places in the ancient continent, I couldn't find the inheritance I wanted." Su Jin's eyes became clearer and clearer, and he stopped where he was, smiling on Junyi's appearance.

"I know how to do it."

Su Jin lifted up his green robe, sat down on the spot, and slowly closed his eyes. In an instant, an insight that was difficult to appear appeared in him!

Other people's way, others themselves can't get through, knowing the result, it is all failure. And his own way is the best! Only by sticking to one's own way and own perception can there be such a slight possibility in the future!

Suddenly, in the profound cultivation of Su Jin’s spiritual sea, the spiritual power seems to have broken through the imprisonment. The ancient territory within a thousand miles seems to appear in his mind. The Mohezhen prison eye in the center of the eyebrows actively opened, and suddenly his vision expanded ten times. Times, reached thousands of miles away!

Long Yingru came quickly with Xiao Ying.

But when he saw Su Jin sitting on the ground and falling into a state of epiphany, his pretty face was immediately full of shock.

"This is... Is this the legendary imaginary travel too Xu?" Long Yingru felt a little soft in his legs and feet, but whispered to himself, not dare to start Tianzi Su.

"Dad is amazing." Sakura's fairy pupils of good fortune were filled with white symbols. In her eyes, Su Jin's true spirit spiritual mark seemed to be spread thousands of miles in the sky.

"What are you looking at again?" Long Yingru asked in a low voice.

"My father is too imaginary, he is looking for a kind of Dao mark that will survive against the sky. He no longer clings to others' Dao fruit inheritance in his heart, but is looking for his own way."

Sakura had no gods in her eyes, and the good fortune fairy pupil saw the initial beginning, but the future fortune can only see the future for a long time. She is still not strong enough, and she will have a headache if she continues to watch it, and she cannot see it for a long time.

"Can he find it?" Long Yingru lowered his voice.

"Finding may not be able to succeed, uh~~ Dad actually has to take the hardest road." Sakura muttered.

"Which way?"

Long Yingru was puzzled. However, her words fell, and a scene not far away completely subverted her cognition!

What Su Jin found turned out to be...

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