My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1665: Rise one after another

A will.

This kind of will is vague and can exist in the spiritual sea of ​​any creature, but this kind of will exists more in this world!

Su Jin wandered too far, reaching a state of "Epiphany" that is rare among monks!

And in Sakura's "Good Fortune Fairy Pupil", although Su Jin was sitting on the ground in a green robe, but from his spiritual sea, the "spirit" that is invisible to ordinary people, I don't know how many tens of thousands of miles deep in the void.

"The will he found, with my eyes... I can't see whose will it is." There was a trace of worry and surprise on Kozakura's face.

"Su Jin wanders too far, so he is searching for will, what on earth does he want to do?" Long Yingru puzzled.

Generally speaking, in this state, if you practice in time and practice your own method, then your own method will be transformed. If you condense the spirit, then the spirit sea will expand several times. It is far better to do this than to search for will, and it will not help. , It's good to search for some escape marks in the void.

But Su Jin did not do this. This is a pity in Long Yingru's eyes, because the state of enlightenment may only have a few breaths, depending on the individual's degree of perception, and the time is longer or shorter.

"I understand!" Sakura's face was a little scared, and she thought of a terrible situation.

"What's wrong? What did you see again?" Long Yingru raised her heart.

"Dad wants to create his own way." Xiao Sakura lost her cynical expression, showing how terrifying Su Jin's thoughts seemed to her.

"Impossible. Three thousand avenues are all dictated by heaven, how can I create my own avenue?" Long Yingru's eyes widened.

"So he is searching for the will. The invincible will! Every creature has the will, and the mayfly has the huge ambition to shake the tree. Our human race needs to strengthen the Dao heart, but these wills are too weak. Not enough Dad to be determined to create Dao's heart." Sakura's small face was excited.

Sakura's words were infinitely reasonable to Long Yingru. Stepping out of one's own way is not the way of stepping on one's legs, nor is it the simple way that Su Jin used to say from his lips, "I want to guard against the sky". It is easier to say than to do.

"Whose will is he looking for?" Long Yingru worried: "Whose will can make him firm to create his own way?"

"I can't see it." Kozakura's big eyes didn't even dare to blink.

At this moment, Su Jin has the blessing of the ‘Mah Town Prison Eye’, and he has searched tens of thousands of miles in the void. What he is looking for is the highest belief of the human race, the first one in the China Great World...

The will of Pangu Chuangshi God!

He was very dissatisfied after facing the wall of the'Three Gods' before. The statues of gods and Buddha made him embarrassed and asked him to roll up his clothes and walk away the eight million miles of'Buddha'. For him now, it is basically The impossible!

But who can do what Pangu created the world? It is hundreds of millions of times more difficult than traveling the eight million miles of Buddhasha!

Its will! Su Jin needs it most!

The will to open up the world is enough to allow him to create his own way, which can support him firmly against the sky. However, this kind of will is too difficult to collect, it takes time!

Long Yingru watched with trepidation. She hoped that Su Jin’s epiphany could last as long as possible. This kind of opportunity was rare. She was always afraid that Su Jin would wake up in the next second, and the heart of firm creation would loosen, so in the future he would More difficult.

Fortunately, this worry seems redundant.

A long time passed in a flash.

Su Jin hasn't woke up yet!

Long Yingru was very satisfied and comforted herself that even if Su Jin could wake up in the next second, one more second of epiphany would be profitable. Because she is already satisfied.

After a long time, the world was dark, Long Yingru lit a bonfire under the huge boulders in the distance, and spread a blanket on the ground, so that Sakura could sleep peacefully~~~

After doing all this, Long Yingru looked at the man who was still in a state of epiphany from a distance, and a touch of pride inevitably grew in his heart!

Who can have an epiphany one day?

It’s shocking, and I’ve never heard of it. It’s a great opportunity for someone to have an epiphany for a quarter of an hour, and in the current situation, Su Jin is about to wake up. I don’t know how long it will take. Long Yingru is a little relieved, especially in The five domains are all enemies in the world.


At this time, somewhere in the ancient continent, there was a gathering place for dozens of people.

The night here is extremely cold and humid, and there is no daylight all year round. If you don’t drive your energy to keep warm, or if a bonfire is set up, your body will be frosted, and even some powerful monks will not adapt. At night, I stopped looking for the inheritance of the divine residence.

"As far as I know, no less than fifty people have found the chance and got the inheritance of the divine residence!" A knowledgeable monk, who seemed willing to inquire, started talking.

"The inheritance of the divine residence also has strengths and weaknesses. Let's say something interesting!" A monk failed to find the inheritance, a little discouraged, and found it difficult to stick to it.

"Thousands of miles away to the west, the **** son of Baili of the Baili clan has obtained the avenue inheritance of the'Taiyi God Venerable'. Since then, the path of the gods is smooth. I am afraid we will all look up to him in the future!" The monk Baishitong broke the big news.

"Ah? The son of Baili is so powerful!" Someone answered in amazement.

"It's not just him, there are others that can be passed on by his side." The Blessed Brother smiled triumphantly, preferring the feeling of being watched.

"Who else?"

"Three thousand miles away to the west, there was a young girl riding a black elephant, holding a sunflower, and got the inheritance of an ancient immortal king. The inheritance of that ancient immortal king is no worse than that of the'Taiyi God'. "Best Master Monk Road.

"Hi...the legacy of the ancient immortal king! The immortal kings of the previous epochs are comparable to the strength of the emperor realm. How powerful are the immortal kings before this era?" Someone couldn't believe it, and sighed.

"There is also a fair-haired young man named Ah Yao, who has been recognized by an ancient **** in August, and will surely be born in the Five Realms in the future, and his future combat power will be unstoppable."

The Master of Knowledge thought, hesitated and continued: "There is another thing, if you know it, you will definitely be hit."

"whats the matter?"

"This young man named Ayao is also carrying a dog with him. That dog has been recognized as a'nine-headed black male dog'. You need to know... that'nine-headed black male dog' is a pre-Era demon. The emperor..." The Master of Knowledge said with a wry smile.

"Fuck! People are not as good as dogs..." Someone was deeply beaten, and they were all decadent for a while.

"You know about the little King Jinpeng. I found the remains of Kunpeng. Now I don't know where it is being refined. It is estimated that after the refining is complete, it will be invincible." Pepsi Channel.

"The Su Tianzi who made us Wuyu look there any news about him?" a monk suddenly asked.

"No. I heard that there is no God's residence to choose him." Pepsi Channel.

Immediately, dozens of people sighed when they heard it. After all, under the current situation, the strength of the monks who received the inheritance was destined to increase greatly.

One goes down.

Su Tianzi became more ordinary.


The ancient continent, drifting from the lonely void, wandering for countless years, the night has never been as lively as it is now. Hundreds of bonfires are lit in it, giving people a little warmth.

Time passed slowly.

The sky became slightly bewildered, and that was four thousand miles east of the mainland, the little King Jinpeng exhaled a golden breath from his breath.

I opened my eyes suddenly, and there seemed to be a ‘Kunpeng’ manifested flying, or a fish or a Peng in one pupil. With the success of refining the residual bones, the "Kunpeng technique" of Jinpeng Xiaowang has been achieved!

Immediately, Little King Jinpeng stood up suddenly, looked to the west from the distance, and said a little to himself:

"Tianzi Su, today next year will be your sacrifice day!"

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