My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1667: Upper Class! Heaven! God God!

Boom boom boom -

King Jinpeng’s attacks were very common, because he thought that against a little girl, there was no need to use the ‘kunpeng technique’ that could fight the sky, but it was such an ordinary blow that after he refined the Kunpeng bones, it was sublimated.

With just one claw, the void in Sakura's body was cracked!

"Huh?" Little King Jinpeng was surprised.

In the eyes of King Jinpeng, Sakura is just a four-year-old child. Although his face is cute and cute, but the person who can perform such pupil skills must be a terrifying monster. This is a match!


But Little King Jinpeng broke the void where Sakura was located, but the white fairy ring enveloped her in circles!

All laws are not invaded? Little King Jinpeng can naturally understand that he was injured and frustrated in the sacred place of Yaochi before, and was trapped in the world of the Buddha by Su Tianzi ahead of time. That is a method that does not invade, but the immortal of this little girl Ring, it seems that the sky is shrouded in half of the world!


The huge eyes of the celestial spirit in the sky shine the celestial light on Sakura's body!

"At a young age, you are already so enchanting, you can't keep it!" Little King Jinpeng turned his true body away, staring at Xiao Ying with cold and evil triangular eyes.

As his words fell, King Jinpeng slowly bowed his waist, and behind him a ‘Kunpeng’ turned into a fish and sometimes turned into a ‘bird’. It’s strange!

The phantom behind him is a strand of Kunpeng spirit extracted from the Kunpeng residual bone, and the other power of the Kunpeng residual bone is absorbed by him!

"Sakura! Get out!" Long Yingru's face was ugly, and the green dagger in his hand was directly crossed and cut towards the little king Jinpeng!

"Qiang Qiang!"

Little King Jinpeng was like steel, just glared at Long Yingru, letting her slash the green dagger on her body.

Even the Mars hit by the road did not appear!

No trace?

Long Yingru felt the blood surging all over his body, and a puff of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and flew out!

The dark wound appeared in Long Yingru's body! She couldn't believe her eyes now. She just knew how much power she had used. With a full blow, she couldn't even cut Little King Jinpeng's body!

"Mom, when Dad wakes up, I won't be there anymore." Sakura's little mouth moved, and the stone color all over her body began to escape, transforming into a powerful innate celestial aura, injected into the surrounding fairy ring, she The voice spread and appeared in Long Yingru's ear very clearly.

Sakura continued: "I heard from the ladies of the palace by chance at home that I picked it up and I was a stone child~ I am different from others. My memory is not good, maybe this is the good luck of the fairy pupils. 'The reason. I keep taking the elixir so that the memory of my father will not disappear."

"I'm really not greedy." The ethereal voice continued: "I know I can't support it."

"You said that when I can sing the nursery rhyme'Parrot oh oh oh', I will be able to see my dad. I work hard every day to secretly take the elixir. I have already remembered it. I will sing it to you and dad. ~~~"

Long Yingru's eyes were already completely red, her immature voice, like a dying fairy, although it was not very accurate, although the atmosphere was not very good, Sakura was really singing seriously.


It can't be avoided.

It was like the meat in the heart, which was dug out by others. You know, this is the daughter she has raised for so many days!

"Kill!" Little King Jinpeng killed him.

Puff puff--

The ‘good luck fairy pupil’ in the sky gave out bursts of frightening celestial light, and not a single celestial light possessed incomparable speed!

Little King Jin Peng roared in pain, his original defense of Jin Peng body was extremely strong! In addition to the refining of the Kunpeng bones, even the holy king, it takes a lot of work to break through his defenses, but the celestial light, like the world, hit the body, and there were blood stains on the skin. .

Look like a four-year-old girl! I have been able to do this, and I have to grow up!


The little King Jinpeng was extremely angry, and Kunpeng's spirit, who turned into a fish and turned into a bird, screamed and disappeared with him, surpassing the speed of the streamer, even faster! He is like a big fish in the void, taking the void as a deep sea and shuttles through it.

Water left marks! The emptiness was broken into pieces, and in the blink of an eye, Little King Jinpeng fully used the ‘Kunpeng Art’ that could fight the sky!

"No!" Long Yingru screamed.

At the same time, this ancient continent trembled.


"It's not broken?" Little King Jinpeng felt the fairy light pass away, but with this blow he was sure to hit Sakura, and the other party stopped singing, but the effect could not satisfy him, and he didn't shoot to death.


"Uncle, why are you killing my dad?" Sakura's small mouth was red with blood flowing out, and her spar-like stone body had slightly diffuse cracks in pine flowers, and she asked with pure big eyes.


This ancient continent trembled again. Little King Jinpeng's face changed suddenly, and he felt strange just now, but with a heartbeat, his face began to darken. This voice is like ‘the earth’ has a heart!

Hu Hu Hu-

With the quickened rough sound, the earth seemed to have a heart, as if it really lived! As silent anger!

Not far away, Su Jin panted heavily and suddenly opened his eyes. Those eyes were seen by the monk watching in secret, they were as red as chicken blood...

The earth is beating with Su Jin's heart! The earth is angry with Su Jin's anger!

Pangu Creation God's will is all concentrated!

Tianzi Su finally woke up from the state of "Epiphany"! He slowly got up, still bends his knees, then jumped up and disappeared!

The ‘shanzi pattern’ is bright and bright, on Su Jin’s back, showing an edge in the void!

Seven steps to collapse the sky!

In a blink of an instant, the little king Jinpeng was about to fight with the Kunpeng technique, but the huge fault of 18 kilograms, coupled with the speed of Su Jin's anger blessing, immediately stepped on the back of the little king of Jinpeng into his body!

Shocked a circle of void, and the power stretched far in a circular shape! Little King Jinpeng let out a pain, a crack was stamped on his body, and some bones were cracked! But still fast healing!

The second step of Bengtian!

In Su Jin's anger, Born in the void, with the help of that step, he stepped on the second step of Little King Jinpeng!

Peng's blood melted into the fog, dyeing the surrounding void red! Little King Jinpeng definitely did not expect Su Tianzi to be so powerful. Fortunately, the "Kunpeng Technique" was fully developed, and it escaped into the void... and left with serious injuries!

Su Jin appeared on the ground in one step, and when Xiao Sakura fell, Long Yingru caught it and hugged it in her arms.

Sakura was already weak enough to have difficulty breathing, her true spirit was all shattered, and she might die at any time.

"I live against the heavens by myself. What's the use if I succeed! That's not the heaven I want! The heaven I want to defend against... is a man! Heaven! God! God! I let whoever live live, I let anyone die... whoever has to die! Heaven dare to deceive me, I will die!"

Su Jin had blood-colored pupils, his anger was still rising, and he gasped and shouted: "She is the daughter I recognized, Su Jin...forbid her to die!"

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