My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1668: Do your best

She is not allowed to die!

The four words Su Jin fell! With a strong determination, no one can object.

Two lines of tears fell on Long Yingru's cheeks. When Su Jin walked over, her heart tightened. The current Su Tianzi looked very wrong to her.

The bright red eyes like chicken blood make people feel scared.

"Give me—" Su Jin said hoarsely.

Long Yingru believes in Su Jin very much. Although he is now in the same situation as he was in the Yaochi Sacred Land when he was ‘demonized’, she still gently hugged Sakura to him...

Su Jin's great spirit is manifested! Immediately sat down with Kozakura pan.

He has collected a lot of Pangu Creation God's will. He just suffered from being unable to get out of his epiphany, otherwise, how could he let Little King Jinpeng attack Xiao Sakura!

In Su Jin's eyes at this moment, Sakura's true spirit is dissipating. If it dissipates, it will be more terrifying than ordinary death. It will never exist in this world, let alone go on the cycle of reincarnation, and will not be destined in the next life.


Thousand Miles Stone City reappears! The phantom of the Yongle Big Clock is faint and beautiful, with traces on it wandering constantly, directly covering the three of them and one ginseng.

I don’t know when, the one hundred thousand year magic medicine... The ginseng king jumped up and stretched out his right hand eagerly...


Long Yingru covered her small mouth and looked at King Ginseng in disbelief. His left arm was in that hand. When Sakura passed out of a coma, King Ginseng broke off his left arm, showing infinite vitality. Diffuse, at this moment it crushed its left arm into a cloud of fairy mist...

Dive into Sakura's breath.

But a drop in the bucket!

It just slightly slowed the speed at which the true spirit dissipated! Ginseng King looked embarrassed, looked at his right arm~~~ and looked at Long Yingru's face with pity, and stared at her.

Long Yingru shook his head to stop it from doing so.


The 486 Golden Dragon phantoms in Su Jin's body began to fluctuate. They were the mysterious manifestations of the Dragon King Orb. At this moment, the dragon energy essence completely diffused out, completely enveloping Sakura!

not enough! not enough!

Su Jin gritted her teeth, her face was hideous, two lines of **** tears flowed down, just now Xiao Xian Shen broke her arm, and her own 486 dragon spirit spirits could not save her——

Not only that, Xiao Sakura began to float the will of inheritance all over her body, and bursts of white fairy energy symbols floated out!

She wants to give me pupil surgery~~~

Su Jin trembled in his heart, and the ‘Mahe Town Prison Eye’ between his eyebrows spit out a three-foot red glow, captured the immortal symbols, and shouted, "Get me back!"

But nothing more!

Su Jinjian's Pangu Creation God's will, like a rock, expands. In addition to the 486 "Golden Dragon Phantoms" that are already entrenched in his body, there are hundreds of free space!

Long Yingru sat slumped on the ground, couldn't even Su Jin save it? The magic medicine of 100,000 years, even if it was a root, would have been dead and bones long ago for someone else!

Gradually, a glimmer of hope began in Long Yingru's eyes.

Su Jinmo spread out, two lines of blood and tears dripped under the eyes of chicken blood, Long Yingru saw Su Jin's face calm, and she put Sakura flat on his legs, while his hands were folded!

The golden light shines from behind!

One, one hundred, and five hundred human acupuncture points began to light up, and a Buddha image began to be located in each acupuncture point!

Boom boom boom!

As the acupoints of these Buddha's shadows lighted up, within a hundred li, a piece of earth and rock began to bulge, turning into a stone Buddha! There are as many as five hundred seats!

For a time, the sacred Sanskrit sound was singing all over the sky! With the sound of the scriptures, the Buddha power began to bless Sakura's body, washing her stone body!

The monks in the hundreds of miles around saw this scene, and the sound was secretly transmitted.

"Little King Jinpeng, killed that little girl! Who of you knows the origin of that little girl?" a monk sighed.

"That is a Shi Ying cut out by Emperor Su in the Eastern Region. He treats her as a daughter!" An insider said.

"Little King Jinpeng is really cold-blooded, not even a little girl is spared, and she wants to be killed in the bud. What is Su Tianzi doing now?"

"He wants to save Shi Ying's daughter, but it is very difficult. The'Kun Peng Art' can even break through the sky. I am afraid that the little girl's true spirit is already broken."

"The gods and Buddhas manifested here are already chanting for the little girl, can't this not save her?"

"Unable to save life, the true spirit is beaten to pieces, and there is no way to return to the sky!"

"It's a pity! Little King Jinpeng is too arrogant. He thinks that he can fight Su Jin if he has the remains of Kunpeng, but he didn't expect Su Tianzi to get his own opportunity and severely wound him. He could only be desperate. escape."

In this area, many people raised their heads to look at the golden stone Buddhas, with a sense of admiration in their hearts. After all, Tianzi Su was able to do this step and surpassed many people. No one dared to stand up to the Five Realms. In the early days, he also stood up and gave Wu Yu a face!


"Why not!"

Su Jin's anger surpassed any time before. There was no way for Xiaoxian to participate in the left arm, the essence of the dragon king, and the singing of the true Buddha!

Hearing this, Long Yingru's face was greatly disappointed. Really, can't save it at all? God really wants to take away this beautiful elf?

"If it really doesn't work, let her go quietly." Long Yingru said weakly.


Su Jin raised his hand and pointed at Yaotian...


An immortal bridge was erected on this ancient continent, stretched into the endless void, I don't know where it came from, it is magnificent!

Long Yingru was blamed by Su Jin, and her frightened body trembled. Now Su Jin's state is so terrible that even she, the most favored princess, did not dare to look at him. She was completely overbearing. Shocked, even though she knew that Su Shao did not give up...

On the bridge to the sky, a white fairy dragon coiled around the "Xianqiao", as if feeling Su Jin's anger, opening his mouth and the dragon roaring, shocking the eardrums of many people!

Driven by Su Jin, the white fairy dragon flew over, his huge body was daunting!

This fairy dragon comes from the real Jade Lake!

Now, Su Jin has to make the last attempt. If he can't save Xiao Sakura, he will set off immediately, find the clan nest of Jinpeng Xiaowang, and slaughter all its monster races! This is the price of doing Sakura!

The white fairy dragon opened his big mouth, Su Jin stood up holding Sakura, and sent her to the fairy dragon's mouth in one step...


It's like a candy with fear.

Jade Lake's fairy dragon is full of immortal power waves, that is real immortal energy, plus the efforts put in before, if it is still useless...

Long Yingru didn't dare to get out of the air, Su Jin used so many methods and tried his best, but can he really live like this?

Not sure, dare not think!

Quite a few cultivators who were observing secretly were speechless. Like Su Jin, they looked forward to looking at the little girl in the mouth of the white dragon...

Looking forward to her being saved.

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