My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1669: Live together

The infinite fairy spirit is instilled from the white fairy dragon!

At the same time, under the sanskrit sounds of hundreds of stone Buddhas, the little elf in the fairy dragon's mouth... actually stopped the true spirit's collapse!

However, Su Jin saw this scene in his eyes, still anxious.

"No, it's not enough! Now I can only keep her breathless. I can't keep her safe like this forever. If the stone Buddha is dispersed, even if the fairy dragon takes her away, she won't be able to heal her true spirit." Su Jin said to himself.

"Give up." The Umbrella Ling's voice appeared in the mind.

"Impossible!" Su Jin flatly refused, and then said: "You exist for a long time, maybe you know some special methods can save it!"

"I advise you to give up~ because it's not worth it. This is Shi Ying's fate. She is easy to die, and it is difficult to feed her. You just used a lot of power to change her life, but you can only continue to live with her. It's just a tone." Xiao Umbrella said with emotion.

"Change fate?"

Su Jin was shocked, and there seemed to be a trace of clarity in his red pupils. He clearly remembered that in Zhongmiao Mountain, the Bone Well gave birth to the Holy Ancestor of Yongle. He stole the Tao fruit of unknown existence and was born in those people. During the great catastrophe, Cang's life fortune was changed.

And the price of Yongle Saint Ancestor changing his life for the common people... is death!

"Tell your method!" Su Jin suddenly burst into his mind and shouted into the umbrella.


Xiao Umbrella seemed a little embarrassed. It was originally unwilling to make a sound, but Su Jin was far more intelligent than others had imagined. Sure enough, he felt a little clue directly.

"I have a way, but only 20% hope." Xiao Umbrella said softly.

"I hope I will try!"

"Don't have such big expectations, that is, you. I won't mention it at all when you are someone else. The price is too high."


"The Mohe Town Prison Eye you have is very mysterious. The third pupil in ancient times, the pupil technique it emits is against the way of heaven. Moreover, the method I mentioned is a kind of'shared life' method. The Great Emperor. In this era, many great powers want to conceal their fate. Of course I know some."

Live together?

Su Jin was stunned.

Xiao Umbrella continued: "You have to think clearly before agreeing. If you agree, you will have to spend at least half of her lifespan later. After success, it may be detrimental to the road you will take in the future."

"I want to try it." Su Jin said without hesitation.

"Are you stupid?" Xiao Umbrella said with a little emotion, "After failure, half of your lifespan will disappear. It's not a good deal anyway!"

"Stop talking nonsense and tell the steps."

"Oh, you first use the ability of'anti-virtuality' to capture the'true spirit' of that little girl before the injury. Her current true spirit can no longer heal, which is equivalent to death. You hurry up and follow my method. Do it." Xiao Umbrella felt that Shi Ying in Xianlong's mouth became unstable again.

Su Jin turned his eyebrows around the "Mohe Town Prison Eye" and yelled, "Contrary!"

Do whatever you want! The'Mahe Town Prison Eye' immediately condensed in the place where Sakura performed the'Good Fortune Eye'. The little girl who sang the ballad was still so real, but she just sang, slightly choked up and shed tears, this Su Jin has only seen a scene until now.

So I strengthened my confidence in saving Sakura!

Next, Xiao Umbrella began to point out the truth that seemed profound to others, but Su Jin heard it at this moment, but he could understand it in a flash. Just like a seal, if it is stained with ink pad and placed on two pieces of paper, the same trace will be printed!

Su Jin tried to use the mysterious power of the'Mahe Town Prison Eye' to rub out the true spirit of the'Sakura' in the anti-virtual state, and the small umbrella was to infuse the mark of'shared life' into Su. Jin spirit is in the sea, so that he can understand better and faster!

"It turned out to be so." Su Jin took a deep breath.

The so-called "shared life" method is the same as the previous practice of the female celestial corpse in Yaochi, but this is a "shared life". You have to divide more than half of your lifespan and continue to live for it!

But the female fairy corpse of Yaochi directly took away the life of others, which was even more domineering. Although Su Jin never thought of what she meant by the phrase ‘you are sorry for me’ before she left.

Su Jin made the rubbings of the true spirit of Sakura in the Void, and a black death began to spread out all over his body. After performing the'together life' method, his skin began to lose its luster, and his hair looked like a blink of an eye. In the end, it turned out to be the blue and white color of the sixtieth year...

The rubbed Sakura's true spirit began to become more extraordinary!

"Infuse the Shouyuan True Spirit into her body to help her heal!"

Xiao Umbrella immediately became anxious. From the beginning to the present, it has been going well. Since it has been'together', it is equivalent to irretrievable. However, Su Jin possesses the'big life technique'. It will gradually recover.

Su Jin used the pupil technique to quickly move the crystal Xiaoying true spirit to the fairy dragon's mouth, and directly put it in Shi Ying's body!


An excitement appeared on Long Yingru's face, she seemed to hear a little movement in her ears, and Sakura's heartbeat gradually strengthened in the mouth of the fairy dragon.

"Sure enough,'returning to the source and sharing longevity' has a miraculous effect! Her own true spirit and the source of the true spirit are perfectly integrated, and the true spirit not only recovers as before, but also becomes more tenacious."

Xiao Umbrella sighed and said, "However, this is also the price you paid for changing her life."

"Shouyuan is nothing, I can still make up, when will she wake up?" Su Jin asked in a sigh of relief.

"Just let the Yaochi fairy dragon hold her... the real Yaochi fairy power will continue to provide her with everything she needs." Xiao Umbrella didn't know when Shi Ying would wake up.

Now that Sakura's true spirit has recovered, her aura is stable, and it is no problem to think about it. Su Jin was also completely relieved, he knew that it was only a matter of time before Sakura woke up.


Nobody knows.

Deep in the northwest of the lonely ancient continent, a white-haired girl with confused eyes, walking step by step, the voice in her ear that only she can hear is constantly guiding her forward direction.

This woman turned out to be Gusu Lingyu!

She didn't know how long she walked, walking like a walking dead, and finally she walked into a forest of square steles with no one and stood on a ‘red clay altar’.

"Have you made a decision?" A voice asked Gusu Lingyu.

Gusu Lingyu murmured: "I can devote myself devoutly. You can eat my body and get everything I have, but the premise... You must kill the Su Tianzi before that."

In the dark, the mysterious existence did not hesitate, and said coldly:

"I promise you."

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