My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1678: Fairyland

It turned out to be a ruin.

It is not too much to call it a ruin. A large area of ​​abandoned buildings collapsed and the building materials were very scattered. From the current analysis, the original appearance is definitely a stunning city.

"Why does the Black Dragon Corpse Boat bring us here?" someone asked his companion in horror.

"The brilliance of the pre-epoch can still be seen today. It is a continuation. But I am also very surprised, where is this?"

"Can we go back?"

"I don't know! I haven't seen this place either, but I recorded the entire star map with the'Xing Fang Yi'. If we find the ancient teleportation array, we should have a chance to go back."

"I still have an old mother who needs to be supported, and a pair of children who are only a few years old. I can't die here..."

The crowd was bustling, and the horrible situation that they thought did not appear, but then, Su Jin narrowed his eyes, and then said lightly: "This is a piece of fairyland—"

The Emperor Shaoman was looking around, but when he heard Su Jin's words, he was taken aback and asked, "Boss, are you sure this is the fairyland? Did you make a mistake?"

"It's very clear."

In the eyes of Su Jin Maha Town Prison, a trace of immortality escaped from the dark land. Although only a few occasionally, this place is already much stronger than the immortal Dao of China Great World. At least there is no way to cut off the immortal. hope.

"Giant City, this is a giant city ruin!" Someone rushed to tell their father and mother crying. This is the first batch of monks who came out and discovered the situation not far away.

There is a leftover building not far away!

The door of each building was more than ten meters high, and some people found a piece of giant stone man with severed fingers, as thick as a cucumber, which was terrifying.

Su Jin led Shaomanhuang and the others through a complex area. Originally, only a few unknown plants could be seen among the ruins, but in the distance, the green grass became shaded, in addition to giving people a sense of desolation. Besides, there is no other feeling.

"Ding Ding Ding~~~"

A ringing tone appeared.

The sound attracted the attention of nearly three thousand monks. Five hundred meters away, there was a gray-haired young man driving a shady car. A white flag was hung on the lamp pole in front of the shady car. There was a golden mouse shadow swimming in the lantern at the top!

With the gray-haired youth ringing...

The ground cracked and shuddered, and a giant fifteen meters tall was summoned from the ground, pulled away the soil and crawled out!


Everyone exclaimed in unison, and the facts confirmed the guessed situation. It really is a giant city.

"This gray-haired young man can control the unearthed corpse. It is estimated that there is a way to control the giant's corpse." The monk with inheritance began to be jealous, thinking that it is best not to conflict with the gray-haired youth here, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Why haven't you heard this person's name in Five Domains?"

"Yes, if there is such a stunning and stunning existence in the Five Realms, it will definitely be known to others. Why don't you know who he is?"

"Let’s be careful~~"


The behavior of the gray-haired youth makes people fearful. He stood at the forefront, his arrogant posture made people look sideways! Up to now, no one dares to bully him, and he has the momentum of being "one man in charge".

Su Jin's pupils shrank slightly. He saw that after the gray-haired young man took control of the giant's corpse, he deliberately or unintentionally glanced at his side, for some reason.

Immediately, Su Jin glanced at the audience again, and it became clearer in his heart that "Mo Yue" did not venture into the Black Dragon Corpse Boat, because she was not there at all.

"Su Tianzi!"

A shout came, and as expected, the yin and yang goddess who was covered by black gauze came over.

"You actually came here." Su Jin shrugged.

"Yeah." Seeing Long Yingru and other women, the goddess of Yin and Yang said weirdly: "Are you good friends?"

Hearing Princess Xue’s face was slightly hot, but there was no sound. Just as she was about to speak, she was held by the saint of the ancient tomb. Everyone could hear the meaning in Tai Yuer’s tone.

"I'm not~~~" Fu Qianmo said with a smile, the girl riding the black elephant.

"Are you sure?" The Yin-Yang goddess' face became more and more weird.

"I have just met Brother Su recently, how could it be possible..." Fu Qianmo admitted that she had a little girl, she was only fifteen years old, no, she believed she would only be fifteen in two months, how could this sister Say it like that.

The yin and yang goddess didn't care about these, and the condensed sound was in Su Jin's ear: "You have to be careful here."

"Who?" Su Jin asked.

"Xuanyuan Yulie--" the goddess of Yin and Yang whispered: "He doesn't know which muscle is wrong, and threatens to kill you. Maybe you cut Young Master Jinpeng and you haven't done anything yet."

"He's right in every way, you didn't say it yourself, there is only one person who can match you in the world?" Su Jin saw through but didn't say anything.

But this is almost the same as breaking it!

"You--" The goddess of Yin and Yang, Tai Yu'er, was itchy with hatred and almost stomped her feet. She didn't understand, how did this guy know!

Su Jin's face was flat and shrugged, and motioned: "Follow me."

"Where to go?" Tai Yuer was stunned.

"Do you stand here if you don't leave?" Su Jin asked back.

The Emperor Shaoman and the others were surprised, but just as Tianzi Su took a step forward and walked forward, he passed the gray-haired young man——


The voice actually came from the blond youth! He stared at Young Master Su with cat-like golden pupils, and drew out resolutely.

The complexion of Emperor Shaoman and the others changed and they hurriedly backed away. Just now, the blond young man took out a giant corpse. No one was willing to clashed with him, but he didn't expect that he would take the initiative to pick things up and cause Su Jin trouble!

Su Jin's face remained calm and immersed in the water. He slowly turned around and looked at the gray-haired young man standing on the shoulders of the giant's corpse. He said lightly: "What's the matter?"

"Leave the bone ring in your hand." The blond young man said: "The inheritance that I have never found, was taken by you."

Bone ring?

Su Jin instantly understood that the bone ring on his finger was obtained from the white skeleton on the first stone wall of the "Three-Party God". He originally intended to pass it to Tai Yu'er to help her succeed in the Undead Magic. I met Tai Yuer, but I didn't expect...

This person is also looking for!

Tai Yu'er retreated not far away, and when she heard the bone ring, her eyes looked over. Although the black gauze was masked, she began to tremble with excitement——

"Do you want to grab my things?" Su Jin felt ridiculous, and then said calmly: "What are you?"

The monks who were onlookers were almost immediately in an uproar.


Sure enough, he didn't change the true character of Emperor Su! The arrogance to the extreme.

The blond young man stared at Su Jin with red eyes, then slowly raised his hand, clenched his fist and said:

"Tianzi Su? You are just a joke to me. I can kill you with one blow."

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