My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1679: I also have a trick

One blow, cut the emperor Su!

The tone was too big to be undesirable. There were a lot of people who had spoken harsh words in the face of Su Jin before, but almost all of them were suppressed by him, and they ended up miserably.

"This person feels a little familiar." There was a ray of light flashing in his head, a member of the "Ma" family ranked 46th in the "Hundred Schools".

"Familiar? From what you see, his identity is..." Someone asked after dozens of eyes looked over.

"A hundred years ago, there was a tomb of the King of Yin in the southwest of Wuyu, from which an unworldly genius, named Shuo Yi, was a sensation."

"It seems to have a little impression."

Many people were shocked and their eyes gradually brightened.

The one who drove the weird shadow car and drove the giant's corpse turned out to be the "Yin King" Shuo Yi!

The powerless man who came out of the grave!

Coming to this fairyland, Tianzi Su actually got the inheritance of the king of Yin Shuoyi, and the other party wanted to take it back. For a while, everyone looked forward to it.

Little King Jinpeng has obtained the Kunpeng bones, and he can't fight Emperor Su, now the king of Yin Shuoyi can do it?

Some people are still more worried about Su Tianzi. After all, judging from his previous situation of changing his life for Sakura, his hair has turned blue and white, and I am afraid that it has consumed a lot of lifespan, and it will not affect the combat power.


Su Jin couldn't help laughing. He calmly looked at Yin Wang Shuoyi and said indifferently: "The world is a joke, how the **** are you in front of me?"

Shuo Yi's face sank, and the golden cat's eyes gradually dazzled with a touch of black, weird and inexplicable. He only heard him say in a mysterious tone: "I have a trick to cut all the fruits of you. Your Buddha can't save you. , Your destiny will stop here."

"Try it!" Su Jin stayed proudly, straightened his body, the other party was bragging, he wanted to see.

"This technique is called'Great Death Technique'!" The last word of Yin Wang Shuoyi fell, and in the unpredictable Xuanming, there seemed to be a misty voice: "Death is the destination of all living beings, and there will be rebirth if there is death. ~~~"

A black column of air erupted from Yin Wang Shuoyi, and the death energy directly rushed up into the sky, covering the sky, and the death mark spread out, filling the surroundings of Su Tianzi.

Su Jin was shocked and his face became serious.

On him, the true spirit began to be unstable, he had lost half of his lifespan, and now death marks are everywhere!

It can almost be seen with the naked eye that strands of lifeless air are floating from him, just like strands of fairy air escaping from the ground in this ruin!


Su Jin burst out with a shout. In his body, a bright red heart turned into a stone color in a blink of an eye. The powerful Pangu will envelop the body and mind, isolating the erosion of the death mark.

"Huh? I underestimated you—"

The king of Yin Shuoyi was slightly surprised, but he did not expect that Heavenly Su could still have this kind of resistance with his powerful strength. Immediately, he began to calm down again: "Scourge Rat~~~"

On the floating lamppost of the shaded car, a golden mouse jumped out of the lantern excitedly, and then the mouse fell to the ground. It was as strong as a cow and moved flexibly on the ground.

"I also have a trick. It was epiphany yesterday. I don't know if you can follow it." Su Jin was even more straightforward, shaking his sleeves fiercely, and his left arm's "Ancestral Book" was like a magma ground, and it began to light up. The stone red Ancestral Dragon roared out.

The red ancestor dragon surrounds this small square world! Enclosed all of Yin Wang Shuoyi's, including his dark car!

"Ding Ding Ding~~~" Yin Wang Shuoyi took it lightly, a bronze color spread all over his body, and said: "Oh? Interesting-just use it."


Su Jin put his fists in front of him and screamed from the sky. His stone heart shook out all Pangu's will in an instant. Only now did he really feel how strong he was, and then he roared out four words, which sounded through everyone's ears. Bian'er: "Heaven, earth, beginning, opening!"

The world is beginning!

With the four words, word by word appeared.

The whole piece of fairy soil is wrapped in stone color, stretches and spreads again!

Hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, thousands of miles!

The ancient vision of "Three Cities" has succeeded the Tao fruit of Chuangdao, Wanli Stone City is completed in no time!

Rumbling rumbling~~~

Amidst the shaking of the earth and the mountains, two huge snow-colored stone pillars seemed to prop up this world, and the three large characters "South Heaven Gate" at the top appeared swagger!

Among them is the fairy Fuqin, the fairy que is located, the fairy kings are everywhere! On the Yaochi, the waves are constant, and there is a scene of a crane with a fairy head!

Boom, boom, boom, a demon realm that shocked the world, descending in the northwest, thunder and lightning rolled in, faintly seeing the phantom of the big devil from it.

Long Yingru covered her small mouth. During the "Ancient Continent", Su Jin had an epiphany for one day. Like everyone else, she thought that he had failed to create the Dao, but she did not expect to succeed! This talent is definitely called ‘monster’! It is terrible to the point of indescribable.

"If you can't beat you, I'll lose!" Su Jin grasped the hilt of the ‘Juque Saint Soldier’, and slashed it smoothly through the air.

Uprooting the three cities to bless the body and mind, the technique of ‘opening of heaven and earth’ condenses the will, and directly cut out this technique!

"This is the world of vision!" The complexion of Yin Wang Shuo Yi Junyi suddenly changed. The dead rat retreated and jumped into the lantern again, no longer swimming, just trembling in fright.

It's as if the chaos is beginning to shine!

The king of Yin Shuoyi couldn't find the mystery. This blow directly hit his arm, and blood spurted out. Just this blow cut him away three hundred and eighty feet away!


Shuo Yi sprayed blood, grabbed her right arm, and fled directly, leaving behind a line of voice saying: "Su Tianzi! After I thoroughly find the memory of reincarnation, and after I have cultivated my supreme divine method, I will kill you!"

The Vision World was withdrawn by Su Jin, and a ray of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. Now his internal organs seemed to be shattered, and his flesh was cracked. Just now, the ‘opening of the heavens and the earth’ was a trick that wounded the enemy a thousand and harmed one’s self by 800.

Unless he can cultivate to the Holy King Realm, the'Holy King True Body' can withstand the power of backlash, and definitely cannot be easily used in the Holy Realm.

After the vision was removed, thousands of monks looked dull.

The powerful Yin King Shuoyi was cut off by Su Jin's arm? Run away! Originally, King Jinpeng refining the remains of Kunpeng, some people believe that it failed because of the complete refining. but! But now no one dares to question Su Tianzi's ability anymore!

"Come here." Su Jinqiang endured the pain, looking at Tai Yu'er and said.

The yin and yang goddess was puzzled, and her heart was a little worried. She walked up with her jade legs and saw Su Tianzi raise her hand.

"Hold my hand." Su Jin said.

"Then what?" A hot feeling appeared on Tai Yuer's face, and she did.

"Feel the inheritance in the bone ring... rubbing into your spiritual sea."

"Okay." Tai Yu'er was a little excited, still closed her eyes, and carefully searched for the inheritance from the pre-era divine residence in the bone ring.


Su Jin seemed to be aware, his face changed abruptly!

His eyes... looked in one direction! There……

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