My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1683: Sneak attack

"Hehe, here~~~ It's really fast--"

On the bed, Huashang held the lamp with one hand, and was slightly surprised at the appearance of Young Master Su.

You know, in the floating ancient continent, the news that Su Tianzi and others were taken away by the black dragon corpse boat has spread all over the world, and the Yuanshi female realm master set out to report the recovery gold and borrowed a bronze lamp. Avoid the induction of the Lord Blizzard and the ancestors of the Rong family.

Huashang thought there was enough time.

But now she was in danger, her other little hand, with a snow-white dagger carved with a dragon, was placed on Xia Yuyan's jade neck, and a trace of blood was faintly visible.

As long as Su Tianzi takes one step forward!

Huashang has full certainty that his flawless wife will disappear into death.

Just now, Xia Yuyan lay down, how can he know that at this time, a killer will sneak in silently and even control her in his hands! She couldn't resist, and now she didn't even dare to show up, although the best news was that her husband had rushed back.

"who are you."

Su Jin's vertical eyes slowly opened, and finally stared at the bronze lamp.

This lamp is very simple. There are a series of mysterious emperor patterns on it. He couldn't sense the situation in the room just now.

"Guess what~~~" Huashang said with a smile.


Su Jin has offended many people. From afar, Baili's family has grudges against him. If it is close, the ancestor Beiye of Ziyang City has lost 90,000 lifespan because of him, and he is the son of the king who beheaded the ancestor of Beiye. , This hatred is not shared. But, according to reason, Kitano’s revenge will not come so quickly!

Could it be Yan Guo? The three princes of the Yan Kingdom were so amazing that they were beheaded to death in the sacred land of Yaochi, but they weren't like...there was only one possibility!

"The Yuanshi Realm Master is really shameless--" Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said suddenly.

"You, try one more sentence!" Huashang glared at Su Tianzi, an anger surged in his heart, but he was surprised at what the other party said, and guessed his origin.

"By the way, does the female realm master of your family like me? Are you in love with me?" Su Jin asked coldly.

"Yeah! You are a little sacred cultivator, you are so arrogant! What do you like? Our world master is an ancestral realm powerhouse, what are you!"

The maid Huashang looked indignant. She hadn't faced such a shameless man before, asking her to say that it was Su Jin who was really shameless, so she could even say such things?

"What kind of thing? I can kill the Saint King of Shangli, you are now...send people and treasures to come, I want to thank Yuanshi Realm Master!"

After Su Jin finished speaking, he looked at Xia Yuyan fiercely, sending out encouraging eyes, his wife Bingxue was smart, she should know what is going on now, and what she should do is very clear. Dang Even said lightly: "Xia Yuyan..."

"I..." Before Xia Yuyan finished speaking, she felt a fateful involvement, surrounding her.

It turned out that when Su Jin was talking to Huashang, Xia Yuyan unplugged the gourd plug on the "Fate Gourd" early, ready to use it to avoid the attack of the maid Huashang at any time.

This is a bet!

You know, there is a dagger against her neck at this time, and even a trace of wounds has occurred. If Huashang arrives, she will definitely not survive!

The maid Huashang was stunned--

what's the situation!

I was very puzzled. Why did a big living person suddenly disappear?

"Where did you hide her!" Huashang's face was bloody, and she thought it was a task that was tenable. Now that the goal is lost, it means that the task has failed. How should she go back to work!

"I think you better worry about yourself." Su Jin put his heart down completely, and looked at Hua Shang with interest.

Hua Shang's face changed--

The saint king of Shang Li was among the top maids of the Yuanshi Realm Master. At that time, he was beheaded by Su Jin in the sacred land of Yaochi. Did he... still escape?

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Su Jin’s eyebrows shot three feet of red light from the Mohe town prison eye and captured Huashang. At the same time, he turned a scroll in his palm for a few laps, and was opened by him, and he pushed the "Hehuan Picture" from his palm. Past-


Huashang could only feel the hundreds of beautiful figures swaying in her eyes, constantly changing various postures, spitting out waves of ecstasy.

Acacia map!

Although Huashang is a native of Yuanshi Realm, this treasure map is shamelessly famous, how could he have never heard of it! I heard that Gui had heard about it, but she never expected that one day this treasure map would be photographed on her body, and it seemed that this map would have been refined by Su Tianzi.

What is sacrifice?

That is to say, the owner of the "Hehuan Picture" is undoubtedly Su Tianzi! All kinds of mysticism and dirty functions can be manifested one by one.

In Huashang's thoughts, she felt as if her strength was being taken out. She clasped the bronze lamp tightly, urging out the remaining power of the Holy King, but she couldn't resist the enemy. This treasure is not something she sacrificed and can only shield the induction of powerful enemies!

For a time, Hua Shang was a little desperate.

"Since I got this picture, although I have practiced it, I haven't had a chance to really use its power. You send it to the door in person, and Su can let you try its power!" Su Jin said coldly.

"Don't... don't scream anymore!" Huashang covered her ears, but the joyful voice seemed to come from the heart, and covering her ears didn't help.


I saw the quaint "Acacia Picture" trembled, and from it fluttered out a phantom of white beauties, constantly possessing her body in Huashang's body. In an instant, Huashang became quiet, raised her head, and her pupils were all pink. colour.

Su Jin's heart was crisp, Hua Shang was wearing a pink skirt with petals, and she calmed down. His appearance was even more beautiful than that of the saint king of Shang Li at the time. The black leg socks stretched, and it was difficult to hide the snow-white skinned long legs together. Although Miao Qiao, but where the body should grow...

Compared to other women, it is much more wonderful!

"Is that all right?" Su Jin closed the door gently, walked to the side of the maid Huashang, leaned close to his nose very burning, and sniffed deeply.


Slightly lowered his head, Su Jin's heart trembled fiercely, what a standard girl size, it is a pity that he has been serving women before...

"Raise your legs--" Su Jin said lightly.

The maid Huashang suddenly stretched her legs and raised her legs.

"Open your mouth."

The little fuchsia pink lips opened slightly.

Su Jin stretched out his hand, brushed her fingertips over her cheeks, stretched down, and slid down to the jade neck~~ The delicate and warm snow-white skin was amazing and difficult to control.

Just as Young Master Su was about to make the next move, something unexpected happened at this moment!

There was a joke at the corner of Huashang's mouth, and at the same time, she couldn't raise her hand quickly. The white dragon dagger in her hand turned into a flash of light and cut directly at Su Jin's throat.

This is the opportunity she is waiting for, the Saint King Huashang!

Use deadly sneak attacks to kill Su Tianzi in one blow!

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