My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1684: Brother has been seriously injured


Huashang instantly retracted the corner of his mouth and smiled, with a look of disbelief. She was so fast that she caught people off guard, but she just watched...

Looking at the two fingers, lightly flicked the brilliance——


The white dragon dagger was shot, Huashang was completely stunned. She was confident that she could strike at such a close range that even a few maids and sisters could not prevent her, and she was still in the realm of the holy king. It took a few years to break through.

But it's not... not to the point where the holy realm can bounce off!

Huashang's arms are very sore now, she finally believes the rumors that Su Jin is a heaven-defying holy realm, far stronger than ordinary holy kings! Before, she thought that it was a fluke that Saint King Shang Li was caught and killed by Su Tianzi, but now, believe it! I really believe it!

The most frustrating thing in the world is this. The shadow area in Hua Shang's heart is expanding indefinitely~~~

"It's still just a holy treasure now, how could the holy king be completely bewildered so quickly." Su Jin's voice was very flat, with a tone like water, when he said, he gently put his hand on Huashang's leg , I felt the opponent's body trembling slightly.

In the depths of Huashang's beautiful eyes, there was a touch of fear. It turned out that Tianzi Su had expected that he would sneak attack on him! This city mansion is simply terrifying.

The key, the key, now my heart is quickly being disintegrated by the power of the ‘Acacia Picture’, this picture specifically restrains women!

The first blow was unsuccessful, Huashang knew very well that he had no chance at all!

his hand--

A shy thought appeared in Hua Shang's heart. At this moment, her beautiful eyes had completely turned pink. She herself didn't know why she wanted so much now.

On the leg, the fingertips passed, there was a burst of goose bumps, Huashang didn't have any thoughts at first, the bronze lamp fell from his hand, got up and hugged Su Jin's neck, and Sakura powder kissed it softly...

In the room, because of the screens, you can faintly see two figures in the bed~~~

And in the next door, Rong Qingqing’s boudoir, the current eldest lady of the Rong family also has pink in her eyes. Looking at the direction next door, she shouted shyly from her small mouth: "Master—"


I don't know how long it took.

Perhaps it is one hour, two hours.

I rushed back in the middle of the night, and it was already in a dim state. On the screen of the room, I saw two figures sitting facing each other.

"I need you to go back to Yuanshi Realm Master and continue to serve her well. The female Realm Master you serve will call you sister one day in the future." Su Jin said.

"Yes, Huashang understands." Huashang's heart is full of obedience. Her delicate body, her true spirit, including her beliefs, are all imprinted with Su Jin's figure, and will never betray Su Tianzi, completely admit He is Lord.

All these are the terrifying effects of the "Acacia Picture"!

"Bring the bronze lamp back, and save her to punish you. With this lamp, no one will know about you and me. Go ahead, one day, you will know how powerful the master is! And that A female realm master, I will give her a'surprise'!"

Su Jin's words were over. After a while, Saint King Huashang changed into a thin purple dress and walked out, her eyes brighter. She was holding the bronze lamp and disappeared into the Rong's house without looking back.


Su Jin took a sigh of relief and tossed for half a night. Coupled with the effect of the furnace and tripod double cultivation method, his hair turned from bluish white to normal black. Although Shouyuan only made up for it, this method proved to be useful!

Then Su Shao got up, and he didn't want to stay in "Blizzard City" for a moment. The Rong family's account waited for a chance, and he had to count it!

The top priority is to bring Xia Yuyan back to Huaxia in the region. The trouble she caused outside cannot survive with her cultivation base.

Su Jin grabbed the'Fate Gourd' and smashed the window. With the blessing of'Happy Streaming Light', he turned into an arc streamer and quickly swept towards the gate of'Blizzard City'. From there it should be possible Back to the western desert in the region.


It took a full four hours, and the outside world became more and more distant.

During this period, Su Jin also came to the Huaxia Qin City. He remembered this lesson, and if not necessary, he must not let Yuyan's wife any more personal risks.

And those unscrupulous enemies, he will double in the future!

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, Huaxia Qincheng had just entered the night, and under the dimly yellow street lights, cars drove past this steel and cement city that never sleeps.

Su Jin was familiar with this place as always, and it was far more cordial to go home than outside. He released Xia Yuyan from the "Fate Gourd", and then he found something wrong and hugged him.

The wound on Yuyan's wife's jade neck has recovered as before, but in Fate Gourd, I don't know how long she suffered before she fell asleep.

Beautiful face, lightly pressed against the chest, breathe like blue~~~

Su Jin couldn't help lowering his head, gently kissed Xia Yuyan's lips, and felt extremely soft. Only then did he hold his sleeping wife and walked towards the door of the house.


The living room door opened. Xia Yunxi saw Su Jin and was about to yell her brother-in-law, but soon discovered that her sister was being held by Big Brother Su, as if she was still asleep, she couldn't help but lower her voice and carefully asked, "What about sister? La?"

"Sleep." Su Jin carried Xia Yuyan back to the bedroom bed.

Back to the living room.

"Brother Su is hungry? Come and eat." Xia Yunxi hunched over at the table, holding a knife in her hand. She was very skillful in cutting steaks. She cut and called to Master Su.

"Got it." Su Jin rolled his eyes slightly, coughed a few times, walked over and sat down to eat!

"Where are you going?" Seeing Su Jin sitting down, Xia Yunxi immediately gave a curious baby expression.

"a place far away."

"how far?"

"It's very far, far beyond your imagination." Su Jin said while eating, but Xia Yunxi's idea came up in his heart.

Xia Yunxi wore a dark blue V-neck T-shirt on his upper body, which was refreshing and white. The waist was surrounded by a white tube skirt with a print, and his slender legs stretched out. Young Master Su was taken aback for a while.

"Don't take them." Xia Yunxi pouted her mouth and turned to look at Big Brother Su who was dumbfounded. She suddenly chuckled and said, "What are you looking at?"

"Sister Yunxi." Su Jin reacted.


"Big Brother Su was seriously injured in these two days, I am afraid that time is running out." Su Jin tried to force a mouthful of blood out of his throat.

Xia Yunxi immediately lost her color!

"What's the matter? Do you want to call a doctor? Where did you hurt?" Xia Yunxi panicked, looking at Su Jin with a pale face.

"It's useless to ask a doctor, but I have a way." Su Jin looked at Xia Yunxi and said calmly.

"what way?"

"When you help me to your room, I will tell you..."

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