My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1685: Don't worry


What method do I need... I need to go to my room~~~

Xia Yunxi seemed to realize something was wrong, blushed and put on a small face, and said suspiciously: "Big Brother Su, you are lying to me, right? You are not injured at all... But what's the matter with that blood?"

In the heart of the old girl Yunxi, Su Jin is an invincible existence, no matter how difficult the situation is, he can overcome and defeat.

But that bit of blood really shocked Xia Yunxi, and he still doesn't know the situation.

"Healing here, what should I do if someone encounters him? The living room is also inappropriate. Think about it only for your room." Su Jin said with deep meaning, looking at Xia Yunxi.

The blue V-neck T-shirt and the sweet pure white plain skirt are now tightly closed by her, her small face is full of embarrassment.

Xia Yunxi immediately smiled and said, "Well, just go to my room, but this is our secret, you can't tell outsiders--"

Tell outsiders?

Su Jin is not stupid! He was also afraid that the old girl Yunxi would tell outsiders.

"Of course, don't worry about ten thousand." Su Jin nodded.

"Then I'll take a shower and change clothes. You can eat first." Xia Yunxi left the dining table and brought a fragrant breeze beside Su Jin.

The meaning is still unfinished.

Su Jin feels that eating is a bit boring, so-called beautiful and delicious, Xia Yunxi's beauty, compared with Yuyan's wife, there is no difference at all, but her temperament is a little sweeter, also cute and cute, and his wife focuses on career.

Is a frosty strong woman.

Fork a few steaks, Su Jin chewed big mouthfuls with thoughts in his eyes, and finally took a sip of red wine and wiped his mouth with a table cloth.

Immediately Su Jin got up, glanced at the empty living room, walked to Xia Yunxi's boudoir, and unscrewed the door handle.

"Yunxi--" Although Su Jin's performance is the same as usual, he always feels like a thief stealing food.

Because he entered this room that should not be entered!

The pattering sound of water appeared in my ears clearly, Su Jin looked over, and a figure was faintly seen raising his feet, washing freely in the bathtub.


On the bed, Su Jin made a fresh discovery.

Several thin skirts of different styles appeared. It seemed that Xia Yunxi was in the bedroom just now, and she was not very satisfied with picking and choosing. He didn't know what the situation would appear in his eyes later.

Looking forward to it!

Su Jin simply lay down.

"Brother Su, next time I have such an opportunity, can you take me there?" Xia Yunxi knew that Su Jin was already in the room, and asked in a voice.

"Aren't you afraid?" Su Jin looked up at the ceiling, a smile drawn out from the corner of his mouth.

"Afraid? With Big Brother Su, Yunxi is not afraid of anything!" Xia Yunxi didn't have the slightest precaution, all in his heart was confidence in Young Master Su.

"Suppose where you go, there is only one restaurant within a few hundred miles, but there is only one room left. Are you not afraid?"

"What's the matter with that!"

Xia Yunxi was still soaking in the bathtub and answered almost without hesitation. She didn't know what Su Jin was worried about. When she came before, she was afraid and didn't dare to sleep alone, so she wanted to be with her sister. Dare to let Young Master Su sleep on the floor of her sister's room.


Su Jin sighed and almost died of joy, how much this girl had to believe in herself, even this situation answered decisively.

As if he heard the laughter, Xia Yunxi quickly explained: "You can sleep on your stomach, I'll just sleep in bed."

"You are sleeping on your stomach." Su Jin didn't come up in a breath.

"Lying down on the table..."

"Okay, how long will it take to wash it."

"Twenty, no, fifteen minutes." Xia Yunxi gave the shortest time. Sometimes her bath record is one hour, which is already the limit.

"Hurry up."

"Don't worry-it's early!"

As Xia Yunxi's words fell, Su Jin had nothing else to do. He was idle, he was waiting! But later, he has to plan carefully and strive for nothing. At this time, he must not rush.

Just when Su Shao was thinking, time was also passing by quietly——

Twenty minutes passed in a flash!

In the bathroom, the door gently opened a gap. When Xia Yunxi saw Young Master Su resting his head on his clothes, the deer started to bump into his heart. But then, she showed a lot of freedom!

Su Jin was holding a cigarette at the corner of his mouth, did not light it, and was living a dry addiction. He heard the sound of the door opening and made no other movements. Turning his head, he saw the old girl Yunxi standing outside the bathroom door getting up!

The eyes are full of shock--

Xia Yunxi changed into a thin and rainy red one-piece dress, feeling fresh with the feeling of an obedient lady. The skirt was up to 20 centimeters long, and the thin and beautiful snow-colored legs stretched out. She was still upright, with her hands behind her back...

In her hair, she wears a pair of fluffy cat ears.

"Does it look good?" Xia Yunxi walked to the open space in front of the bed and turned around slightly. She looked in the mirror in the bathroom. She even liked this kind of dress, but it was not easy to go out.

"Good-looking!" Su Jin uttered two words in secret horror. It feels that this girl is a bit better than the original body, and the development is better than normal women, far from the original skinny.

Old girl Yunxi got the most satisfactory answer!

"Of course it looks good, and I don't look at who it is." Xia Yunxi was deeply satisfied with his vanity, and then said: "It's settled, I will help you heal... Next time you have a chance, take me out to play. Although I don’t know how to heal you."

"Ahem -" Su Jin wanted to pretend to be more decent, coughing twice, and said: "You are promised, but your sister has caused me a lot of trouble these days. You are as beautiful as her. I am at ease myself."

"Guarantee not to cause trouble!" Xia Yunxi raised his hand and promised in a swearing gesture.

"that's OK."

Hearing Su Jin's promise, immediately, Xia Yunxi knelt on the bed and asked in a low voice, "What should I do to help you heal your injuries?"

How to do it--

Puff and puff, the beating of the two hearts seemed to be able to be heard clearly, Su Jin slightly squinted his eyes and responded: "Lie down..."

Xia Yunxi helped her cat ears on her black hair, turned over and lay down obediently. I really don't know what Brother Su is going to do. Can this heal his injuries?

She doubted.

But Su Jin wants her to do this, there must be a reason for him to do it, she is not easy to ask, and this is a secret, no one knows!

Are you very excited!

Anyway, Xia Yunxi was very nervous--

What followed was unexpected to Xia Yunxi. She watched eagerly, and Young Master Su naturally raised her hand...

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