My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1687: Mud girl

"Don't ask who I am, take them back, they are not what you can compete with."

With a handsome and cool back, he turned his head to the side, revealing half of his face, that Shenren's eyes seemed to penetrate his heart!

Frightened the green shirt girl back again and again.

"You are being funny, I tell you, there is no evildoer that our Kunlun Sword Party cannot afford!"

The girl in the green shirt said indignantly: "The ancestor of the holy king's "Evergreen True Man" is pulling the divine bow. No matter what kind of existence appears, he will be shot!"

"Oh? Is that the saint king who draws the bow?"

Su Jin remembered that he had just seen an unstoppable strong man who had already used his feet to open the divine bow. It must be these people from the Kunlun Sword Sect.

"Yes, it is Li Changqing of our Kunlun Sword Sect. Outsiders call him the "Evergreen True Man". Now he is the top existence in China, and there is no one more powerful than him." The girl in Qingshan raised her head higher, like this Can not help but also show the whole body vividly.

"So, you are going to die with him?"

Su Jin completely turned around and faced the girl in the green shirt.

"How do you say it? Where do you come from? The power of the Saint King is incomparable. The strength of the'Evergreen Saint King' is simply not what you can imagine."

The girl in the green shirt flushed and scolded.

Su Jingang wanted to respond, but his face became more and more gloomy. In that stone-colored Great Wall, millions of Dao Ancestral Realm phantoms were already scattered.

"Shut up!" Su Jin frightened the girl in the green shirt.

The problem now is very big. Su Jin has already guessed that the opponent is the strong ancestor of ‘Boundless Sword Mountain’, and now he has come to the inland China to kill himself. Moreover, the other party did not look like an ordinary ancestral realm.

The stone-colored Great Wall was not a manifestation of a vision at all, but a mighty power from the true heavenly treasure.

"You shout at me, you dare to shout at me."

As the big sister of other people, the girl in the green shirt is usually a domineering existence in the door. Now she is so angry at the door by an outsider. No matter where she is willing to bear it, she has a cold sword in her hand and said to others: "This guy Stop me from waiting to kill the enemy, and get rid of him first!"

"Senior Sister Nie, I'm afraid this is wrong?" Huang Xiaoming saw this is not the case. He felt that Su Jin stopped his group of people because it was for their good.

"Huang Xiaoming! If you don't dare, you can go back to the martial arts and put the cows. You are not suitable for fighting and killing!"

The girl in the green shirt raised one foot, and then dashed forward slightly. The cold jade sword in her hand drove out a burst of sword light. Around the sword body, there was a faint snake-shaped phantom entangled, which seemed quite powerful.

"Looking for death! You dare to block our way! Brothers, let's fight over!" The disciple of the Kunlun Sword Sect, I don't know who took the courage to speak like this, and it was also inspiring.

"Yes, I suspect that he is someone from another faction. He stopped me and waited for my way. The purpose was not to let me reach the top of Kunlun. I heard that there were people who were too imaginary before. They started the big formation and want to deal with the evildoer!" A disciple said anxiously.

Su Jin:...

Very speechless.

Are these people stupid?

Is the head full of water?

I kindly persuade them to become an obstacle that prevents them from killing the enemy? It is unreasonable.

"Fuck you off!"

Su Jin frowned and waved his sleeves fiercely. The strength of the Heaven-defying Saint Realm burst out instantly!

Suddenly, the void he was in seemed to be trembling. The monstrous aura set off a red wave out of thin air, directly flying dozens of Kunlun Sword Sect disciples.

"Huh?" A disciple was rushed so far to stabilize his figure.

"He, he is so strong! Gives me a very weak feeling!"

"What's the matter, there are still a lot of young strong people in China, but why have I never heard of this person?"

"A wave of our sleeves can shock dozens of us. In the world, it is estimated that only our Evergreen Saint King can do it?"

"Is he comparable to our Evergreen Saint King? How old is he!"

Suddenly, an unbelievable voice appeared everywhere, and it all felt like a dream. The girl in the green shirt was their Senior Sister Nie, and now after the embarrassment, she looked confused.


In the void, the Evergreen real person of the'Kunlun Sword Sect' had gathered arrows on the divine bow, and the arrow penetrated the void and shot it! This was the holy king's attack that he had stored for the longest time. Although he was confident in his heart, the origin of the opponent made him faintly uneasy.

Shushan area——


The ‘Dragon Head Secret Array’ built by the six peaks, after aiming at the stone-colored Great Wall at Longkou, began to diffuse an ancient breath all around! A series of dragon patterns and scars floated out, and the mysterious secret was abnormal. In the mouths of the six dragons, the light purple brilliance was condensing...

Su Jin was surprised.

A sense of the same origin appeared. The six dragon heads were mountain peaks made of ancient Chinese dragon corpses?

The root of the six lavender brilliance that hit the stone-colored Great Wall is Dragon Ball!

But it should not be the Dragon King Orb, but even if it is a Holy Dragon Orb, six driving together, the power of the ancient Chinese true dragon cannot be underestimated!

"what is that!"

A disciple of the Kunlun Sword Sect looked towards the rainforest in the extreme south of the region. I don’t know how far there is. However, a bright red armored beast came out from the ground. Its body was huge enough to stand under the stars. It was terrifying. Such!

"Shanjia Demon King?" Some people were confused in their heads, some of them couldn't turn around.

"I don't know how many years the king of pangolin has survived."

"My Huaxia still hides such a powerful spirit. Who can break through its natural armor comparable to the Saint King Soldier?"

"My brother is amazing, with so much help, no one can do it well, he will be killed by my Huaxia Zhuqiang!"

Among the Kunlun Sword Sect, some people also looked at Su Jin. They didn't know Su Shaoxiu's status, and felt that they should be able to help.

Su Jin took a deep breath, and a clear picture appeared in the "Mohe Town Prison Eye" between his eyebrows, and he said to himself: "There is a mud girl sitting on it—"

On the back of the king of pangolin, a little girl covered in mud, with a horned pigtail, was driving the king of pangolin under her seat and rushed to the nearest'stone-colored great wall'!

There are also all kinds of sects, they have exhausted all their strength, they know very clearly that this time the calamity in the domain is sad.

"I can't take care of myself alone." Su Jin lost consciousness in his eyes, unconsciously, gently raised his arms...

Make a fist fiercely!

Boom boom boom!

The sleeves were shattered, and on the bright red left arm, a lava-like shining scene appeared in the Zulong Heavenly Book!

"Ah! Red Stone Dragon!"

All the Kunlun disciples were directly attracted by Su Jin. After the Emperor Su was shining on the left arm of the Ancestral Dragon Book, he drove the red stone dragon and hovered above the sky!

The girl in the green shirt trembled fiercely, at this moment...Su Jin is really handsome!

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