My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1688: Wasteland China, only for one person


The layout of the Ancestral Realm World has become more successful. The magical arrow shot by the real Evergreen draws a bow, like a trace drawn by an airplane, dragging a long arrow mark~~~

"This, this is the ancestral realm!" Li Changqing watched as the divine arrow was in the void, shattered into light and dust, turned into a light spot of diffuse power, and eliminated everything.

Ancestral Realm, how could an ancestral realm powerhouse appear in the Chinese Great World...

Li Changqing couldn't figure it out, but he didn't have to think about it anymore, because after the Ancestral Realm Heaven and Earth were set up, a few ghosts of the Holy Ancestor of the "Infinite Sword Mountain" were culled.


Evergreen real person raised a mouthful of blood mist, with doubts and incomprehension in his eyes, and gradually his pupils began to spread, the ancestral realm...too strong! He can only do this. In his heart before he died, there was only one thought... China! I'm afraid it's over!

Six purple dragon ball brilliance, merged into one, linger into a purple dragon, roaring and passing phantom shadows, and finally hit the stone-colored Great Wall!

There is no spark!

All the monks in the Taixu Gate of the Shu Mountain were in an uproar!

"Ancient Battle Dragon Formation! With the essence of the six dragon balls, it's not as good as a fart. Mom's fart still makes a sound!" There was Taixumen elder standing on the top of the mountain, jumping with other elders.

"What's the situation? What's the origin of the other party——" There was another elder, dumbfounded, and never expected to cooperate with each other, but he still couldn't move the stone-colored Great Wall.

"It can only be sent to that king of pangolins. It is a demon king, who is good at drilling holes. I must be able to demolish that stone-colored Great Wall."

"Yes, our most powerful battle dragon formation can't do anything. We can only rely on it. If it still doesn't work, we can only continue to hide in silence. After all, the battle dragon formation can only be activated once in a thousand years."

"Hey! I have no one in China. I know that the holy realm can lead to the outside world, and the outside world has even the strongest of the emperor realm! If we have the strongest of the emperor realm, there will be bullied by such an ancestral realm!" Some elders were angry. Tao.

All the elders of the Taixu Gate looked at the great mountain armor in the distance. At this moment, the red scales were still pleated and glowing, and they suddenly began to rush towards the "Stone-colored Great Wall"!


The stone-colored Great Wall was actually shaken, but this was only a partial ‘shaking’. This ‘stone-colored Great Wall’ was built with mountains as pillars, and it was so strong that it could be called ‘terrible’.

The king of pangolin raised his sharp claws and slapped a few claws fiercely on the stone-colored Great Wall——

A few claw marks left!

"My God, it seems that a hole was really torn!" Taixumen elder exclaimed, the hope in his eyes grew stronger.

"But after tearing it apart, it immediately recovered! Besides, the ancestral realm powerhouse behind him cannot come out, and no one can do it well. Maybe this is just one of his ancestral soldiers." Another elder attacked.

There was already silence at the scene.

They were so proud of the tearing of the stone-colored Great Wall, completely forgetting that the other party hadn't appeared at all. If they did, the entire Huaxia would be out. It is estimated that they are not opponents and will be completely wiped out.

Right here, in the Great Wall of Stone Color, a stone arm protruded out from the ancestor realm, and directly explored the endless void, slamming the fist on the Shan Jia Jing Wang!

"Huh?" An unexpected voice appeared at the top of the Shise Great Wall.

In this blow, although the ancestral realm's strength was not fully utilized, it should be more than enough to kill a demon king, but now the mountain armor spirit king was only blown away, and then shook his head and stood up again...

"Boom..." On the back of the King of Pangolin, the mud girl made a strange noise, clawing and shouting at the distance of the stone-colored Great Wall.

"Clay doll?"

At the top of the Stone-colored Great Wall, she began to walk slowly down a graceful body, which seemed to be slow, but with the help of the ancestors' “Stone-colored Great Wall”, she was a thousand miles away, and finally in the eyes of all the monks in the field, she was Standing at the end of the Great Wall.

"I, Yu Xuan Ji, come to your wasteland China, only for one person~~" The grandfather Yu Xuan Ji, like the queen in ancient times, has a high attitude and despise the world.

Yu Xuanji glanced at the clay doll riding on the mountain armor king, not surprising in her eyes, this girl failed to become Shi Ying, but her body changed and she became a veritable clay girl. I don’t know the pangolin monster king who pierced the hole. How did you find it?

Su Jin was silent.

The immeasurable sword mountain came, and it turned out to be a female ancestor. Although it was beyond his expectation, it is not too surprising. There are already many female ancestors, and there are even female emperors born outside, so you can't underestimate it.

The mud boy babbled, he was so irritable, he even wanted to rush towards Yu Xuanji, but an invisible wall immediately blocked it and the Shanjia Jingwang, unable to enter any further.

"Come here by yourself, or I will find you myself." Daughter-in-law Yu Xuanji looked in the direction of the'Kunlun Sword Sect'.

Obviously talking to Su Jin!

After the voice passed, Su Jin frowned slightly. He knew that he had to have courage to take this step. After all, he couldn't escape under the hand of his grandfather anyway, and death might have happened in an instant.


Seeing that Su Jin did not move, Yu Xuanji raised her hand, and even directly grabbed the mud **** the back of the mountain armor spirit and grabbed her neck...

That mud girl is only two feet tall! No matter what kind of alien, but after all, it is a human form and can't even speak! I can only yell out--

This Yu Xuanji...what a poisonous heart!

A cold light flashed in Su Jin's eyes, and he jumped over without hesitation.

"Let it go." Su Jin dissipated the Ancestral Dragon stone body, put the'Juque Saint Soldier' ​​on his back, and said, staring at Yu Xuanji.


Why did Yu Xuanji obey others' orders, and then said: "It's you? One person destroyed the Boundless Sword Mountain that I and other ancestors worked so hard to build?"

"Why didn't other ancestral realms come?" Su Jin stared at Yu Xuanji and asked.

"To deal with you, why do you need a second ancestral realm? If it weren't for my Immeasurable Sword Mountain, the holy king would wither, otherwise... I wouldn't have to come by myself at all." Yu Xuanji looked down upon him, and looked down upon the emperor Su who was making waves outside the territory.

After all, it is only a holy realm, no matter how bad the sky is, it is still a holy realm! There is a huge gap with the ancestral realm!

"Next, what do you want to do to me? Play with me? Kill me?" Su Jin relaxed instead. At this time, he didn't take advantage. I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future.

Yu Xuanji is tall and tall, dressed boldly, and has unlimited style. Here, he is a heaven-defying Holy Realm, so he can go!

Are you afraid of wearing shoes barefoot?

"In order to apologize for my countless creatures in Boundless Sword Mountain, so you must die! But...but I want you to give me..."

Yu Xuanji squinted her eyes and slowly uttered two words: "Kneel down!"

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