My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1691: invite


Su Jin made a decisive move, he wanted to take advantage of the ancestor Yu Xuanji's sleep, cut off her body and head, completely cut off everything about her. Solve this threat!

next moment--

In Yu Xuanji's deep sleep, Su Jin's giant sage soldier slashed on her neck, and the unexpected situation appeared again!

He tried to cut once before, but after all, Yu Xuanji was still conscious. It was excusable that he could not cut her by himself, but this time he couldn't cut her skin, and Su Jin had already guessed a terrible fact in his heart.

The ancestral realm's physical body has long been able to achieve an indestructible situation. To kill this kind of ancestral realm strong, the physical body needs more powerful weapons to kill, and the other is to obliterate the opponent's true spirit in order to kill her.

"Haha~~~ They say that stinky men, stinky men, are really worse than my original ancestors. Just now I planted'desire' in my spirit sea, and I'm in harmony with me. You have got great benefits, now you turn around You want to kill me, right?" Yu Xuanji slowly opened her eyes.

Su Jin was secretly surprised.

His'kind of desire' towards Yu Xuanji was only at the stage of experimentation. After all, he hadn't done it to other people soon after he obtained the'Acacia Picture'. As for, what this woman is talking about now is the situation of her own spiritual increase?

Moreover, after Yu Xuanji opened her eyes, she seemed to be a different person. Her aura was noble, she completely seemed to be a captured and conquered little female cat, and her tone still smelled of resentment?

what happened!

Su Jin was at a loss now.

Now when Yu Xuanji wakes up, shouldn't it be a fatal blow to him directly? Why don't you mean to do it now?

"The most poisonous woman's heart is right. You didn't rely on the ancestral realm cultivation base before, you want to kill me soon!" Su Jin increased his vigilance and said coldly.

No matter what changes the "Hehuan Daohen" made to Xuanji Yu in the sea of ​​spirit, this woman couldn't believe it, and the other party obviously knew everything, and eventually I didn’t know if he could use the ancestral realm to cultivate the mark to force the Hehuan Dao mark Out.

Yu Xuanji was startled, she narrowed her her eyes beautifully, raised her hand gently, and pointed towards Su Jin—

Boom boom boom -

Different from Su Jin's own comprehension of the suppression of Dao Marks, Yu Xuanji's ancestral realm cultivation only took three points, and Su Tianzi was firmly trapped in place!

"Little man, I am very sad when you say that... Do you know what it means for a female cultivator to be in harmony with other male cultivators?"

Xuanji Yu slowly walked to Su Jin, and then said: "A female cultivator can only'join the Tao' with a man in her lifetime and sacrifice her spiritual power. If I still want to kill you, you think you are still Can you live?"

"Then what?" Su Jin looked at each other coldly.

Although the white and charming woman is in front of him, almost everything that should be seen can be seen, and the figure is tall and charming, but Su Jin does not believe that the other party has no purpose. Certainly, there are still things that I don't know.

"I changed my mind and let you live, that's all." Yu Xuanji turned around, revealing a piece of jade-white skin on her back, and said: "That mud girl...seems to be a legendary existence... I didn't expect you wasteland. Huaxia still has so many secrets."

Yu Xuanji raised her hand and waved lightly, a lot of lotus petals lit up on her eyebrows, and the stone-colored Great Wall began to shrink quickly under her feet, and the whole person followed the "Stone-colored Great Wall" for a thousand miles away, and her figure disappeared on it——

The misty voice, even though Yu Xuanji disappeared, the voice seemed to come from the front, "I give you a chance, and I also give myself a chance. When I see you again in the future, I hope you will not let me down."

Su Jin stood still, stunned for a while.

What kind of opportunity did he give her?

What opportunity can cause her to give up and kill herself?

Originally, this kind of hatred was unparalleled when the Boundless Sword Mountain Realm was destroyed, but at this time, Yu Xuanji... released the water?

Su Jin's eyes showed compelling gazes. Could it be that Yu Xuanji and herself ‘joined the path’ in the spirit sea and saw the opportunity of becoming an ‘Emperor’? Otherwise, without forgetting his feud, how could he let him go like this?

for sure!

It must be so!

Seeing that mature and charming figure, Su Jin disappeared into Huaxia in the region with the "Stone Color Great Wall" wrapped in it, so Shao Su fell into silence.

As for the Kunlun Sword Sect disciple, when he saw the disappearance of the "Stone Color Great Wall", cheers were heard immediately.

"What's the source of that young man just now, he can match the strength of the ancestral realm!" A Kunlun monk was surprised.

"Yeah, if it weren't for him, Kunlun would have all been wiped out by that grandfather."

"Evergreen real person was killed by that female ancestor, and we Kunlun lacked a peerless powerhouse."

As the disciple's words fell, there was a moment of silence on the scene. Evergreen mortal man drew the bow before, but was still effortlessly killed. The tyranny of the ancestral realm made people shudder. Fortunately, now the other party seems to have settled with Na Su Jin.

The grandfather has left.

"Senior Sister Nie, are we still chasing it?" Huang Xiaoming asked in a low voice in embarrassment.


Concubine Nie Qian gave him a white look, "I almost fought him just now, so why do I still have the face to see him."

"We don't know that he is so powerful--" Huang Xiaoming made a round, smiling face humanely.

"You are right, we don't know his details, or... shall we meet?"

Nie Qianfei narrowed her eyes into crescent moons, and then said: "It is best to invite this peerless and powerful person to Kunlun. It is definitely a great achievement. If he is invited to go by someone else--"

"Yeah, let's take a better attitude and ask him to go to Kunlun!" Huang Xiaoming said with a smile.


Concubine Nie Qian immediately raised the Cold Sword in her hand and stepped on her feet. The other disciples stepped on the Spirit Sword like her, turning into a rain of swords, and driving towards Su Jin's direction!

Su Jin left and thought about it, and finally he chose to blank out a piece of his brain, no longer care about this kind of thing, anyway, the threat has been removed, he just rushed home now!

Just as Su Jin began to skim the tea time in the east, Nie Qianfei and dozens of disciples had already rushed to stop him.

"Senior, our Kunlun sect was wrong... I offended Senior, please forgive me!" Nie Qianfei's face became hot, she didn't dare to look Su Jin's eyes directly, and lowered her posture.

"You go back." Su Jin didn't want to get involved with them at all.

"Senior's cultivation is highly respected by my Kunlun Sword Sect. I wonder if you have time now, can you come to Kunlun as a guest..."

"No time." Su Jin refused decisively.

"Don't seniors want to know the'Secrets of Kunlun'? Maybe, after seeing them, seniors have some insights, which are also very beneficial to their own cultivation." Nie Qianfei said.

The secret of Kunlun?

Su Jin began to look at Concubine Nie Qian seriously--

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