My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1692: Beautiful accident

On the small face of Nie Qianfei's goose egg, the eyes, nose and facial features are evenly arranged.

There are two curved eyebrows dotted above the big piercing eyes, which immediately gives a deep impression.

"What secret can the Kunlun Sword Sect have."

Su Jin was really moved, but he could only say that.

Back then, "Emperor Huangquan" didn't move large areas of "outside the territories" here. There must be a purpose for him to do so.

On the contrary, it moved this vast piece of land here.

Moreover, Chinese culture is broad and profound. In ‘ancient times’ there were countless powerful men who had become famous. This Concubine Nie said in a very suspenseful tone. He did not underestimate Kunlun.

When Su Jin was rushing, he only saw the Holy King Lama in the "West Desert". That Holy King was an eminent monk. Su Shaoben thought that there was only one Holy King in the world.

Now, the real person Evergreen is in the realm of the Saint King, but he has just died in battle. This is one of the situations in which Young Master Su did not want to go.

"Of course there is, I will tell you when you go." Nie Qianfei smiled.

"It's not far." Su Jin pondered and asked.

"Not far, at our speed, it's only half a stick of incense. It's pretty fast!"

"Okay, I'll go for a while!" Su Jin nodded.


With the continuous exchanges, Nie Qianfei's adoring gaze spread, and she really did not expect that she had a conflict with Su Jin before, and he was willing to return to the sect with herself.

Banzhuxiang time passed-

Under the starry sky, a long stretch of Kunlun Mountains appeared. The highest peak was inserted directly into the cloud, with patches of white snow on it!

"Senior, I, I am only now in the mid-term." Nie Qianfei said embarrassedly: "Kunlun Mountain, except for a few elders, my cultivation is not bad. We Kunlun Mountain has several spiritual springs, which are more spiritual than There is much more in other places."

"Kunlun Sword Sect, how many people are there now?" Su Jin was a little curious. It is estimated that the incense of this sect has lasted for thousands of years.

"Including the elders, my parents... there are a total of 103 people." Nie Qianfei hurriedly said again: "My parents are strong in the holy realm, and so are the great elders. The Evergreen Saint King is my father's former The invited elder Ke Qing has just been killed by the grandfather."

"Yeah." Su Jin and a group of disciples of the Kunlun Sword Sect rushed to the depths of the Kunlun Mountains.

A faint of cold came in.

In the depths of the snow-capped mountains, there are many ancient stone buildings faintly located. The shapes of these buildings are very different from the outside. Moreover, Su Jin also saw several'medicine fields' opened on the left, some of which are cold-resistant ice purple. Herbs grow in it.

"But there is an expert coming?" A middle-aged man asked loudly in front of the cliff outside the stone building.

"Daddy! It was Big Brother Su who drove away the strong ancestral realm just now! The daughter invited him home!" Nie Qianfei said with a small face with excitement.

The middle-aged man was suddenly shocked, and hurriedly said: "Guest! Come in soon—"

Su Jin fell, looked at him and nodded. There was some regret in my heart, the other party was indeed at the holy realm cultivation base, in the region where the avenues are not complete and the spiritual energy is lacking, it is hard to cultivate to the holy realm cultivation base! This kind of genius, placed outside the territory, may have long been able to become the "Holy King" or even the "Holy Ancestor" realm.

"Excuse me," Su Jin said.

"It is an honor for our Kunlun to come to Kunlun for distinguished guests. Please..." The middle-aged man made an inviting gesture.

Concubine Nie Qian dispelled the other juniors and sisters, and walked towards the place where Dad invited Su Jin.

Inviting Su Jin to come is a great contribution to her. If she becomes the sect master in the future, this matter can also be used as a condition and put on the agenda. Because Dad said that as long as she became a semi-sage, she would be passed on as the master of her family.

In the'Kunlun Hall'.

The master'Nie Beishan' is asking a female disciple to brew a good pot of'Yunding Mountain Tea'. This tea tree grows on the edge of a spiritual spring in Kunlun Mountains. It can only pick hundreds of leaves every year, which is extremely precious. , Generally, only super distinguished guests can enjoy it.

"Since ancient times, the hero is a young man, and his nephew is only in his early twenties, he has been able to stand alone, and he has become the top monk in China!"

After Nie Beishan learned of Su Jin's years of cultivation, he was extremely emotional, but then he said: "But I heard that the extraterritorial world of China has a lot of powers far surpassing the holy king. There are no restrictions there, it is for cultivation. Holy Land."

"Yes, I just came back from outside the region soon." Su Jin said lightly.

This kind of thing is not a secret among the Chinese Saint Realm powerhouses, they just haven't obtained the formations they went to.

Hearing this, Nie Beishan was really shocked! Su Jin has actually been outside the territory!

"My nephew might have some adventure, and got the position of the formation to go to'outside the territory.' I also had a treasure map in Kunlun back then. Unfortunately, there was an accident and it was lost." Nie Beishan sighed.

Su Jin picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and continued to talk. However, he did not eagerly ask about the ‘Secret of Kunlun’.

Concubine Nie Qian who rushed to peeked inside the house.

At this moment, seeing Su Jin and her father’s enthusiasm, she did not choose to disturb. She had just flew the sword for a long time, and she was already sweating, so she should pack up two clothes and take a bath in the spring. Then tell Su Jin where the secret is.

Su Jin and Nie Beishan talked for less than ten minutes, and the other party probably introduced the historical situation of Kunlun Mountain, which had a glorious past, but his generation was almost dying.

After talking...

Because of the darkness, Nie Beishan took Su Jin to a building tens of meters away and arranged for him to live...

Su Jin stayed here.

Here in Kunlun Mountain, every night is bitterly cold. Su Jin is naturally not afraid of the cold, but before staying, the master Nie said to him that if you want to take a bath, you can wash it in the spiritual spring in the cave opposite. body.

Moreover, the Yunding Mountain tea he had just tasted was also growing next to the spiritual spring.

"Su Jin, the opportunity is not to be missed!" The Umbrella Spirit of the Dragon Umbrella was a little excited, and the voice appeared in his mind.

"What—" Su Jin asked.

"If I guessed correctly, it is not Yundingshan tea at all! It is the legendary tea tree of Enlightenment!" Xiao Umbrella said.


Su Jin's face was in ecstasy, no wonder he just felt the fragrance of the tea, and after drinking it into his abdomen, his whole body felt refreshed.

Enlightenment tea! Very likely to grow in Kunlun!

Su Jin didn't wait at all, and slid directly towards the big cave mansion opposite, and quickly walked in.

After entering a depth of 100 meters, Su Jin first saw that it was not a ‘tea tree’, but a big beauty, she was...

Su Jin's eyes almost stared out——

"Ah!" Nie Qianfei screamed.

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